
shortscake Member Posts: 228
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just have a question about ports when you get it for chemo, do you all ways have it or do they take it back out. i know thats a dumb question but just have been one of many thats on my mind.


  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    They take it back out when you're all finished, usually under a local anesthetic and you drive yourself home! Good for you for thinking about AFTER chemo!
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Not a dumb question!
    Some have it in longer than others, but they do remove it!
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    i had mine for 2and 1/2 years then they took it out in dr. office. you will come to love t port hugs and good luck
  • B 1
    B 1 Member Posts: 19
    My mom's is infected.
    Most of comments about ports have all been positive on this site. I checked them out a while ago, but there can be complications. And if anyone will have them my mom will.

    Mom is 72 and has many battles since being diagnosed 09/03/09. She had the port put in two weeks today, first and only chemo on Friday (can not handle the side effects). We saw the surgeon last Wednesday for a follow-up and everything looked good then. By Saturday she was running a low grade fever. (She is in a rehab center, as she was living on her own 70+ miles away and I was not able to care for her and all the complications from the surgery -- Modified Radical Mastectomy). Took her to ER last night to have cultures, etc....done and they admitted her. The port will have to come out.

    But tell you what, she may be fragile, but sure is a tough old lady. Never said a word when they took the culture from the port last night.

    Linda - Norwalk, OH
    Live today because tomorrow is not promised.. 
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    Port or Not
    I had a port placed in January of this year. I'm so thankful that I did this, because it really did make having chemo easier. I had eight chemo treatments over a four month period and then I started a trial study where I have an infusion of Zometa once a month. All of this has been done through the port and I didn't have to have any IV's, which was probably one of my big fears, because I have such weird veins. Now that I'm finished with the six month part of the Zometa study, I'm having the port taken out. I think you'll be very happy with a port, and no it isn't permanent. Connie
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    contrail said:

    Port or Not
    I had a port placed in January of this year. I'm so thankful that I did this, because it really did make having chemo easier. I had eight chemo treatments over a four month period and then I started a trial study where I have an infusion of Zometa once a month. All of this has been done through the port and I didn't have to have any IV's, which was probably one of my big fears, because I have such weird veins. Now that I'm finished with the six month part of the Zometa study, I'm having the port taken out. I think you'll be very happy with a port, and no it isn't permanent. Connie

    I love my port
    I have veins that collapse and all the bloodwork was impossible. The port is amazing for me. Some discomfort the first few days. But by day 5 I almost forgot I had it. It has worked well for chemo. I had a five day hospital stay also. What a blessing to have the IV in the port. If they had been using my veins in hand or arm, they would have been replacing constantly and I would never have been as comfortable as I was. They can't always draw blood from my port. But the bloodwork has been more manageable lately.

  • brenda247
    brenda247 Member Posts: 124
    it depends
    it all depends on how long you want it. it can stay as my dr. told me up to 5 years but believe me mine will never stay that long. just ask your dr because it would depend on how long your treatments are.. best of luck to you!!

  • elizarose
    elizarose Member Posts: 124
    brenda247 said:

    it depends
    it all depends on how long you want it. it can stay as my dr. told me up to 5 years but believe me mine will never stay that long. just ask your dr because it would depend on how long your treatments are.. best of luck to you!!


    I had chemo first and then
    I had chemo first and then surgery so when they did my mastectomy I had them remove my port. If you keep it in after treatment you have to have it flushed once a month (I think) and I didn't want to deal with that. Plus mine worked well for giving chemo but for some reason it quit working as far as them being able to draw blood.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    You don't always have a
    You don't always have a port. I only had 4 chemo treatments and have good veins, so I didn't have a port at all. I didn't have any problems, first stick and they were in my veins. This was the case for blood draws and the chemo infusion.
  • jolenew
    jolenew Member Posts: 38
    Ports are a blessing
    I still have my port even though I am done with my treatments. I am Stage 4 and my dr wants to leave it in. But it sure has saved my veins. One man I know from my drs office has not had treatment in over a year and still has his.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    The doctor told me I had
    The doctor told me I had good veins so I didn't need a port. I had a total of 8 chemo treatments. 4 before surgery so they could use both arms.