I know what Ki-67 is

sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ki-67 is a test that shows them how active the cancer cells are on reproducing. If you have one hundred cells and 5 of them are reproducing your score is 5%. My two tumors are at 92% and 87%.


  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    Oh, Vicki--I've never heard of that test before. I cannot begin to imagine how frightening that news is for you. My heart goes out to you.

    What treatment is being proposed? I read that the Kl-67 test can help doctors determine adjuvant therapy needs, and it sounds like they will propose chemotherapy at least, but as I don't know anything else about your cancer, I'm only guessing.

    I hope that you will not let the results of the Kl-67 test control you--remember that treatments are getting better and better, and your survival is not dictated by that test. I will add you to my prayers, and I hope that as you learn more, you will find strength in what can be done to get rid of the tumors and increase your chances of a cancer-free future.

  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Ok...I am not the one
    Ok...I am not the one freaking out. I have had a couple of freak out moments but overall I have been almost serene about this. We have caught it early and I agree with my Dr. death is not in the picture. This is very curable. It is an aggressive cancer and we will treat it aggressivly.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Ok...I am not the one
    Ok...I am not the one freaking out. I have had a couple of freak out moments but overall I have been almost serene about this. We have caught it early and I agree with my Dr. death is not in the picture. This is very curable. It is an aggressive cancer and we will treat it aggressivly.

    Sending prayers to you
    Sending prayers to you Vicki! You can beat this! We will all help you to slay the beast!

    Sue :)
  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155

    Ok...I am not the one
    Ok...I am not the one freaking out. I have had a couple of freak out moments but overall I have been almost serene about this. We have caught it early and I agree with my Dr. death is not in the picture. This is very curable. It is an aggressive cancer and we will treat it aggressivly.

    Get 'em girl!
    I'm glad your doctor is reassuring! By the way you write it seems like you have a great "team" relationship with him/her. That's great.

    I'm reminded of an old high school cheer the cheerleaders used to yell at games:
    "Be aggressive! Be, be aggressive! B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E!"
    (Oh, my. I can't believe I just typed that.)
