
bdenny Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I joined this site to help my mother fight her current battle...Her breast cancer was in remission about 10years, and this summer they find some spots on her back. They treated that with radiation/chemo..this was in about June....and last week she went for a routine bone scan and they found another spot that is close to her spine so of course they want to treat with radiation.....Her experience with radi has not been the greatest...she has the worst burns that doctors swear they have never seen.,....the burns from the radi have caused her the worst pain.....she has had to have a skin graft because of them. A nurse comes to the house to change her bandages, and even the nurse cries.....So of course having this experience with Radi...she is terrified to have to go through it a 3rd time....has anyone else had such a terrible experience with radiation?????


  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    sorry to hear this about
    sorry to hear this about your mom, I am new to all this I have not done radiation yet but you will likely find someone on here who has..... many nice woman on her (and men too) best of luck to your mom....(hugs) xxxxoo Lisa
  • bdenny
    bdenny Member Posts: 3

    sorry to hear this about
    sorry to hear this about your mom, I am new to all this I have not done radiation yet but you will likely find someone on here who has..... many nice woman on her (and men too) best of luck to your mom....(hugs) xxxxoo Lisa

    Thank you!
    I am so glad I came across this site and discussion board...its wierd but I feel better all ready.....it is so different talking with those that truly understand what you are going through
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    I'm so sorry about your
    I'm so sorry about your mom's burns. I'm in rads now and have one blistered burn
    but I'm just treating it with a perscription cream and it really doesn't hurt unless I forget and scratch it. I can't imagine what she went through with skin grafts. I'll be praying that it goes easier on her this time.
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Radiation burns
    Sorry to hear about the problems your mom had with radiation.

    I recently finished radiation and although my burns weren't so bad that I had to have skin grafts, I was in quite a bit of pain for a while. In my personal situation constant moisture on the skin under my arm caused a lot of blister problems. The radiation technicians, nurses and doctors should monitor your mom very closely to make sure her skin doesn't get burned too much. The doctors postponed my treatments twice so my skin could heal for a few days and that seemed to help. Make sure she applies the cream or lotion they give her at least a few times each day and have her start using it before she starts getting radiation. Keep the skin clean and dry and apply the lotion often. I'm sure the fact that the area is on her back doesn't help as the skin probably gets rubbed quite a bit from sitting or lying down. Having her sleep on her side or having pillows that prop her up without touching the radiation site may help.

    I hope this helps a little.
  • bdenny
    bdenny Member Posts: 3
    Wolfi said:

    Radiation burns
    Sorry to hear about the problems your mom had with radiation.

    I recently finished radiation and although my burns weren't so bad that I had to have skin grafts, I was in quite a bit of pain for a while. In my personal situation constant moisture on the skin under my arm caused a lot of blister problems. The radiation technicians, nurses and doctors should monitor your mom very closely to make sure her skin doesn't get burned too much. The doctors postponed my treatments twice so my skin could heal for a few days and that seemed to help. Make sure she applies the cream or lotion they give her at least a few times each day and have her start using it before she starts getting radiation. Keep the skin clean and dry and apply the lotion often. I'm sure the fact that the area is on her back doesn't help as the skin probably gets rubbed quite a bit from sitting or lying down. Having her sleep on her side or having pillows that prop her up without touching the radiation site may help.

    I hope this helps a little.

    Thanks for all the
    Thanks for all the advice....it is def. frustrating that the doctor's let it get this bad...I am in the process of setting her up with a 2nd opinion at a Burn clinic. Yes b/c the burns had gotten so bad, she was unable to continue with the chemotherapy, and they have since found another spot....
    I would not wish these monster called cancer on my worst enemy