Chemo Chicks - newbies to the group

pitt Member Posts: 387
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello Chemo Chicks. We've had more than a few folks indicate that they are starting / have just started chemo. I thought we could all update on this thread to give the new girls a chance to gain some insight on our past experiences. My recap: I am stage I IDC and am currently taking the Taxotere/Cytoxan cocktail every three weeks. Other than the bone aches from the Neulasta shot and some nausea, I am doing okay. VickiSam, how are you? Lola, we haven't heard from you in a while. Common ladies... Let us know how you are doing.


  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    This is also a great time to
    This is also a great time to let the newbies know about the wonderful people who provide hats and scarves free of charge to chemo patients.
  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    elm3544 said:

    This is also a great time to
    This is also a great time to let the newbies know about the wonderful people who provide hats and scarves free of charge to chemo patients.

    hi I just posted the france
    hi I just posted the france website (they are beautiful scarves) I have also received 2 hats from ...hats off to chemo..... thanks for helping us newbies out ..its a very scary time but with people like you our ordeal will be less mentally painful...hugs...Lisa
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    This site is a godsend! Nice to know I have somewhere I can go and talk with out worrying about upsetting others.

    Today in about an hour I go to see the oncologist to see what treatment plan we are going with. Thanks to all of you I have my questions prepared!

    Loving thoughts to all
  • LT
    LT Member Posts: 31

    This site is a godsend! Nice to know I have somewhere I can go and talk with out worrying about upsetting others.

    Today in about an hour I go to see the oncologist to see what treatment plan we are going with. Thanks to all of you I have my questions prepared!

    Loving thoughts to all

    didn't think I'd be here, but here I am!
    Mine was supposed to be "simple" DCIS - everything neat and clean and contained in the ducts. SURPRISE!
    Pathology report came back with an invasive component besides the ductwork, hormone receptors are negative and HER2 is positive with a 7.2. So I'll start next Monday (23rd) with my new flavor-of-the-month (actually 4 months) cocktail which will be followed by 7 months of the herceptin chaser. Anybody else doing carboplatin and taxotere?
    I looked up HER2 and it looks like I have a lot to be thankful for - the outlook for HER2 seemed pretty bleak until that miracle drug was developed! This is what I'm trying to remind myself of when I wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night.
    Sorry for the whining - after PET results and first chemo is over, I'll be better. I promise!
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    LT said:

    didn't think I'd be here, but here I am!
    Mine was supposed to be "simple" DCIS - everything neat and clean and contained in the ducts. SURPRISE!
    Pathology report came back with an invasive component besides the ductwork, hormone receptors are negative and HER2 is positive with a 7.2. So I'll start next Monday (23rd) with my new flavor-of-the-month (actually 4 months) cocktail which will be followed by 7 months of the herceptin chaser. Anybody else doing carboplatin and taxotere?
    I looked up HER2 and it looks like I have a lot to be thankful for - the outlook for HER2 seemed pretty bleak until that miracle drug was developed! This is what I'm trying to remind myself of when I wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night.
    Sorry for the whining - after PET results and first chemo is over, I'll be better. I promise!

    Don't you dare apologize.
    Don't you dare apologize. You be exactly who you need to be whenever you need to be. We are all in the same boat and we are here to support each judging allowed. I'm positive there are other women who are on your cocktail. They will jump in here in a little while and give you the Herceptin low down. In the meantime, hang in there. You are correct that these new treatments are amazing and we all have a lot to be thankful for... Hugs, Pitt
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    LT said:

    didn't think I'd be here, but here I am!
    Mine was supposed to be "simple" DCIS - everything neat and clean and contained in the ducts. SURPRISE!
    Pathology report came back with an invasive component besides the ductwork, hormone receptors are negative and HER2 is positive with a 7.2. So I'll start next Monday (23rd) with my new flavor-of-the-month (actually 4 months) cocktail which will be followed by 7 months of the herceptin chaser. Anybody else doing carboplatin and taxotere?
    I looked up HER2 and it looks like I have a lot to be thankful for - the outlook for HER2 seemed pretty bleak until that miracle drug was developed! This is what I'm trying to remind myself of when I wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night.
    Sorry for the whining - after PET results and first chemo is over, I'll be better. I promise!

    Nice to "meet" you....

    I just finished a year of Herceptin. Prior to that, I had A/C & Abraxabe. Also 28 rads.

    Everyone is terrified and confused, right from the beginning of this cancer journey. But you are correct about Herceptin being something to be thankful for.
    Chemo is not easy under the best of circumstances, but you will get through and come out the other side, a stronger person.
    The Herceptin is easy and I personally didn't experience any side effects from it. My hair grew back while on it and I felt fine.

    Big hugs for you...

  • Whoknowz
    Whoknowz Member Posts: 82
    Pitt, you are amazing
    With everything you have going on, you take time to round up all the chemo chicks, making us all at home. I'm stage 2 IDC, hormone pos, HER neg. My nodes were negative but there was a micrometastasis in the sentinel node. (That sounds contradictory to me that it was negative but had cancer, but that's what the docs say.)

    My cocktail is also taxotere/cytoxan every 3 weeks with the followup neulasta shot. I had my first round last Monday. Side effects have been very manageable -- nausea but the meds took care of it, sore throat, runny nose, bone pain, wiped out feeling, and blood pressure dropped drastically days 4 and 5. It's been much easier than I expected.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Whoknowz said:

    Pitt, you are amazing
    With everything you have going on, you take time to round up all the chemo chicks, making us all at home. I'm stage 2 IDC, hormone pos, HER neg. My nodes were negative but there was a micrometastasis in the sentinel node. (That sounds contradictory to me that it was negative but had cancer, but that's what the docs say.)

    My cocktail is also taxotere/cytoxan every 3 weeks with the followup neulasta shot. I had my first round last Monday. Side effects have been very manageable -- nausea but the meds took care of it, sore throat, runny nose, bone pain, wiped out feeling, and blood pressure dropped drastically days 4 and 5. It's been much easier than I expected.

    Chemo Chicks .. I am not doing very well .. Round 4 last
    Tuesday, 11/10 - TCH ... or shall I say week #10 of 18 .. It's getting more difficult to recoup from my TCH treatments .. Herceptin scheduled for tomorrow, 11/17 & 11/24 - then I will be finished with chemo cycle #4. I've been in bed for about 5 days, no lie. Tired and sick, no energy. I did take the neulasta shot last Wednesday, but with me being so tired, I feel that my wbc counts should be low, tomorrow.

    6 chemo cycles total, don't know what I can do to get to the finish line.

    Thanks Chemo Chicks for checking up on me, I am just besides myself with pain and no energy.

  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    Going into round two
    VickiSam so sorry things have been rough. Remember you are getting close to the end.

    Pitt I agee with Whoknowz you are amazing. In the face of everything you are still checkin on all of us. Thanks!!

    I had blood work, onc appt and surgery followup today. Its a go for round 2 on Wednesday. Hopefully I will not have a such a drop in wbc that I end up in hospital again for 4 days. This time around Neulasta shots. Taxotere and Cytoxan 4 rounds every three weeks.

  • mizcaldwell
    mizcaldwell Member Posts: 143
    LT said:

    didn't think I'd be here, but here I am!
    Mine was supposed to be "simple" DCIS - everything neat and clean and contained in the ducts. SURPRISE!
    Pathology report came back with an invasive component besides the ductwork, hormone receptors are negative and HER2 is positive with a 7.2. So I'll start next Monday (23rd) with my new flavor-of-the-month (actually 4 months) cocktail which will be followed by 7 months of the herceptin chaser. Anybody else doing carboplatin and taxotere?
    I looked up HER2 and it looks like I have a lot to be thankful for - the outlook for HER2 seemed pretty bleak until that miracle drug was developed! This is what I'm trying to remind myself of when I wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night.
    Sorry for the whining - after PET results and first chemo is over, I'll be better. I promise!

    Same Drugs of Choice
    It looks like we are on the same regimen - taxotere, carboplatin and herceptin. I had invasive ductile carcinoma - mucinous form (1% of breast cancer). It was supposed to be clean, clear margins, no lymph node involvement - but my HERS2 is positive almost as high as it goes - and my Oncotype score was 74 - so that's what landed me in chemo land! I have had one infusion. I had the body aches, nausea (no vomiting - thank goodness!). I have also developed a sinus infection. I had some migraine symptoms (flashing lights, head ache) and worst of all alternating diarrhea then constipation! It has been interesting figuring out what my system can handle. I'm starting to get some mouth sores - but not too bad yet - and my taste buds are whacked. I had my infusion on a Friday - and my worst day was the following Wednesday - but things have been getting better. They are having me go in once a week for herceptin for this first cycle - then starting the day after Thanksgiving (at 7:00 a.m.!!!) - I'll get the next round of the three drugs, and do that for the following four treatments. I am also having a port placed on 11/23.

    Good luck with your treatments! We'll have to compare notes!


    PS - Thanks for the "freebie" ideas ladies - it does help out!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    VickiSam said:

    Chemo Chicks .. I am not doing very well .. Round 4 last
    Tuesday, 11/10 - TCH ... or shall I say week #10 of 18 .. It's getting more difficult to recoup from my TCH treatments .. Herceptin scheduled for tomorrow, 11/17 & 11/24 - then I will be finished with chemo cycle #4. I've been in bed for about 5 days, no lie. Tired and sick, no energy. I did take the neulasta shot last Wednesday, but with me being so tired, I feel that my wbc counts should be low, tomorrow.

    6 chemo cycles total, don't know what I can do to get to the finish line.

    Thanks Chemo Chicks for checking up on me, I am just besides myself with pain and no energy.


    You Can Do It
    You can do this. I was blowing through my chemo treatments with minimal side effects but when I hit my 4th round, all hell broke loose. I had skin infections, mouth infections, body aches, cytoxan headaches, nausea, diarrhea, you name it, I had it. I did not think I was going to survive the 5th and 6th round. But I made it. Somehow, I survived the side effects of the 6th round and influenza and the stomach flu. You can make it. I am finished with my Cytoxan/Taxotere cocktail and I am taking Avastin for an entire year as maintenance. I start RADS in a couple of weeks. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. And if you feel the light getting further away from you, get on this website. There are many to guide you back to it.

  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    I'm here
    Got through the first week after chemo fairly well. I too am on the same cocktail as Pitt - Taxotere/Cytoxan. I'm in for a total of 4 treatments. As of today, day 9 after my first treatment - I still have hair (with no signs of losing yet-my daughter keeps saying "maybe you won't! Yeh right!). I've had limited nausea, some bone pain and fatigue from the Neulasta shot this past week. Actually took the Monday after chemo Fri off but went back to work on Tues., had Wed off for Vet's day, worked Thurs and part of Fri at which time I realized I'd pushed it some when I went home and slept for 6 hours in the middle of the day.
    Still have taste, did have the constipation bad that first week.
    Worst I have right now are very sore lips, feeling like they are burned. I keep Burt's Bees lip balm on them at all times.
    This week I'm working a slower schedule. I'm only going to be at school from 8:00 - 2:00 and then do paperwork at home.
    I started chemo on the same day as Lori and Donna (I think) but will get off that schedule as my clinic isn't open the day after Thanksgiving. I'll go in the following week on 12/3. This should be interesting as I move into my new apt on 12/1. Welcome to anyone just joining the chemo chicks! Lola
  • LT
    LT Member Posts: 31

    I'm here
    Got through the first week after chemo fairly well. I too am on the same cocktail as Pitt - Taxotere/Cytoxan. I'm in for a total of 4 treatments. As of today, day 9 after my first treatment - I still have hair (with no signs of losing yet-my daughter keeps saying "maybe you won't! Yeh right!). I've had limited nausea, some bone pain and fatigue from the Neulasta shot this past week. Actually took the Monday after chemo Fri off but went back to work on Tues., had Wed off for Vet's day, worked Thurs and part of Fri at which time I realized I'd pushed it some when I went home and slept for 6 hours in the middle of the day.
    Still have taste, did have the constipation bad that first week.
    Worst I have right now are very sore lips, feeling like they are burned. I keep Burt's Bees lip balm on them at all times.
    This week I'm working a slower schedule. I'm only going to be at school from 8:00 - 2:00 and then do paperwork at home.
    I started chemo on the same day as Lori and Donna (I think) but will get off that schedule as my clinic isn't open the day after Thanksgiving. I'll go in the following week on 12/3. This should be interesting as I move into my new apt on 12/1. Welcome to anyone just joining the chemo chicks! Lola

    so sorry
    about you feeling like sh*t, VickieSam. My onc said the side effects are cumulative so I can only imagine how you're feeling. She told me week 6 would be real rough, but week10?? - you're one tough lady! You'll do it though - all the way through, I know you will beat this monster. I read a sentence in one of those light, silly romance books - you know, the ones with no plot really, just easy reading. (I used to shun those, but now I'm grateful for them because they're the only ones my fuzzy brain can keep up with!)
    "The only way out of this is to go through it."
    That simple sentence has become one that has gotten me through several bad times so far with more to come I'm sure. I don't know if that helps you or not, so I'm sending an extra big dose of soft hugs, prayers of comfort, healing rest and love your way. Watch out - here it comes!
  • TxLady
    TxLady Member Posts: 37
    Thankfully, I am almost
    Thankfully, I am almost through with all my chemo treatments. I am stage IIa IDC, ER/PR positive, HER-2 negative.

    I started weekly treatments of Taxol on July 1 and completed the weekly treatments the last week of September. Since October, I am on the chemo cocktail of FAC (fluorouracil/Adriamycin/Cytoxan) spaced 3 weeks apart. I have my 3rd cocktail this Friday and my final (YAHOOOOOOO!) on December 11. I will start 6 weeks of radiation on Jan 4, 2010.

    Life during Taxol was not too difficult. The biggest issue was fatigue, which I think was caused more by the weekly travel schedule than the chemo. I am also still dealing with neuropathy in my feet.

    The FAC cocktail has been more challenging. The first week after FAC chemo, I am basically on antinausea medication, cannot work and confined to bed. To be honest, drinking water that week makes me want to puke. But I keep forcing myself to drink as much water as possible to help flush out the chemo. However, once I'm past the first week, I feel pretty normal the next two weeks. Mentally, I try to get through the first week by telling myself to just get through today....tomorrow will be better.
  • jean m b
    jean m b Member Posts: 6

    I'm here
    Got through the first week after chemo fairly well. I too am on the same cocktail as Pitt - Taxotere/Cytoxan. I'm in for a total of 4 treatments. As of today, day 9 after my first treatment - I still have hair (with no signs of losing yet-my daughter keeps saying "maybe you won't! Yeh right!). I've had limited nausea, some bone pain and fatigue from the Neulasta shot this past week. Actually took the Monday after chemo Fri off but went back to work on Tues., had Wed off for Vet's day, worked Thurs and part of Fri at which time I realized I'd pushed it some when I went home and slept for 6 hours in the middle of the day.
    Still have taste, did have the constipation bad that first week.
    Worst I have right now are very sore lips, feeling like they are burned. I keep Burt's Bees lip balm on them at all times.
    This week I'm working a slower schedule. I'm only going to be at school from 8:00 - 2:00 and then do paperwork at home.
    I started chemo on the same day as Lori and Donna (I think) but will get off that schedule as my clinic isn't open the day after Thanksgiving. I'll go in the following week on 12/3. This should be interesting as I move into my new apt on 12/1. Welcome to anyone just joining the chemo chicks! Lola

    first chemo and school
    Hi - I had my first chemo on 11/6 - is that the same as you? You mentioned school - are you a teacher? I teach second grade and stayed out on my chemo day and went back to work Monday but Friday a student came in who had had the nasal (live) swine flu vaccine so I was sent home since we are not suppose to be around anyone who had that for 7 days. I ended up finally getting my swine flu shot so after this week, noworries about that anymore! So I'm home this week and bored!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    LT said:

    didn't think I'd be here, but here I am!
    Mine was supposed to be "simple" DCIS - everything neat and clean and contained in the ducts. SURPRISE!
    Pathology report came back with an invasive component besides the ductwork, hormone receptors are negative and HER2 is positive with a 7.2. So I'll start next Monday (23rd) with my new flavor-of-the-month (actually 4 months) cocktail which will be followed by 7 months of the herceptin chaser. Anybody else doing carboplatin and taxotere?
    I looked up HER2 and it looks like I have a lot to be thankful for - the outlook for HER2 seemed pretty bleak until that miracle drug was developed! This is what I'm trying to remind myself of when I wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night.
    Sorry for the whining - after PET results and first chemo is over, I'll be better. I promise!

    Hi & Welcome, although sorry you have to be here! I love the quote from your novel!
    I am on the same cocktail as you.(Taxo&Carbo)Or should say was...I only had two rounds and for whatever reason,(I think insurance)they won't give me the Herceptin until after surgery. In my experience, round 1 wasn't too bad. I had the Neulasta shot the next day and that gave me alot of achiness. But,it kept my counts up so there was a positive side. The second, different story. This one was alot harder on me. I developed blisters on my fingers & feet,(VitE cream works wonders!)was ALOT more tired, no energy, still had mouth sores-only on the outside of my mouth, NO taste buds, and developed weakness in my legs. Those two drugs are pretty potent from my understanding, but they did shrink my tumor and that was the goal. Just remember, everyone reacts differently so hopefully you will have minimal side effects. I prepared myself with Immodium,Senokot,baking soda,Biotene,water, & alot of soft foods!
    Let us know how your first one goes.
    P.S. Whining IS allowed here!
    Prayers & Hugs
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    bumping this up for newbies
    This one has some good info