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edited March 2014 in In Loving Memory #1
For anyone wishing to post something in loving memory of someone they've lost to cancer, this board is for you.

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  • MichelleP
    MichelleP Member Posts: 254
    My husband Don
    In Loving Memory of my dear husband Don who went to be with Jesus on 10-13-09. I love and miss you with all my heart! Always and forever my love.
  • Lois_daughter
    Lois_daughter Member Posts: 9
    My mom Lois
    In loving memory of my mom Lois, who lost her battle in March and is now with GOD. She was my best friend and a remarkable person. I will miss her sense of humor, her intelligence, and her compassion for every person and every animal she met. I so wish we had more time together. Forever in my heart. Love - kelly..
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member

    My mom Lois
    In loving memory of my mom Lois, who lost her battle in March and is now with GOD. She was my best friend and a remarkable person. I will miss her sense of humor, her intelligence, and her compassion for every person and every animal she met. I so wish we had more time together. Forever in my heart. Love - kelly..

    My mother
    In loving memory of my mother, Alveda. She passed away in June 09, from endiometrial cancer. Her death has left a huge, gaping hole in our hearts.
    I cannot imagine time healing this wound. She was a brave little soldier fighting a battle which ultimately she could not win. My aunt said it best, 'If she's not in heaven, nobody is."
  • ManyWheat
    ManyWheat Member Posts: 6
    I love you Mom
    I lost my Mom today to ovarian hasnt even been a year since her diagnosis. I love her and miss her so much. I have no idea what to do. I'm 25 and have already lost my father too. I love my Mom so much, she was an amazing mother and exceptional nurse. I am happy that she is no longer in pain though. I hope she knows what she means to me and that she will be missed greatly....but NEVER forgotten.

    Hugs to you Mom.
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    ManyWheat said:

    I love you Mom
    I lost my Mom today to ovarian hasnt even been a year since her diagnosis. I love her and miss her so much. I have no idea what to do. I'm 25 and have already lost my father too. I love my Mom so much, she was an amazing mother and exceptional nurse. I am happy that she is no longer in pain though. I hope she knows what she means to me and that she will be missed greatly....but NEVER forgotten.

    Hugs to you Mom.

    My Love
    May you rest in peace Jan 10 1956 -- april 16 2009. Died from colon cancer. I miss you so much and love you with all my heart, Til we meet again

  • membermeg
    membermeg Member Posts: 25
    membering mom who kicked breast cancers butt for 20 years
    My mom went to be with Jesus July 26. 2009. She was my best friend, my rock, my spiritual advisor, my man rater, my laughter during a long day at work. She dried my tears after a bad breakup, she rubbed by back when I was sick, I miss her smile, her STRONG faith in GOD, the love between my father and her, even after 30 years, I miss her eyes light up when her "honeybuns" aka my dad was calling her, I miss going to goodwill going on "treasure hunts", feeding the birds, talking about absolutely nothing 10 times a day. She was my sun during a rainy emotional day, She got me out of a deep depression after a horrible break up, she helped me find my husband. I miss her silly little sayings, I miss singing together "She don't know she's beautiful" at the top of our lungs to one another. I miss telling her how beautiful she was even though chemo took her hair. Chemo takes a lot out of a person, but my mothers spirit and fight was a constant for 20 years. She fought for 20 years and never once threw in the town. She fought down to the last second and only when my dad, my 2 brothers and myself told her it was ok to go meet her God did she take her last breath. I love you mom, and I cannot wait to see you when I go meet our God. God bless you all.
  • aandj
    aandj Member Posts: 33
    To my Angela
    Words can’t describe the feelings of loss I have for my Angela even after the nine months we have been apart. I have been fortunate to have spent 7 wonderful years with her. It has been an honor to have been by her side through her 15 month struggle and saddened that I could not have done more. In the words of one of her favorite lyrics; come what may she will always be in my heart, be at peace my Angel, be at peace. I will miss you always my love.

    I will try to remember this every day....

    When I come to the end of the road
    And the sun has set for me
    I want no rites in a gloom-filled room
    Why cry for a soul set free

    Miss me a little, but not too long
    And not with your head bowed low
    Remember the love we once shared
    Miss me - but let me go

    For this is a journey we must take
    And each must go alone
    It's a step in the Master's plan
    A step on the road home

    When you are lonely and sick of heart
    Go to the friends we know
    And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds
    Miss me - but let me go...
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Honoring My Sister
    December the 15th will be the 2nd year since my sister Susan passed away of cancer. Susan was my big sister, the oldest child of five. She was the life of any gathering, the hostess with the mostess and had a heart of gold. She also had a great faith and assured us in her last days and hours that she knew exactly where it was she was going, Heaven. In honor of my big sister and in honor of others who left us in years past here is a poem I know she would have loved.


    I see the countless Christmas Trees
    around the world below,
    with tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
    reflecting on the snow.
    The sight is so spectacular, please
    wipe away the tear,
    for I am spending Christmas with
    Jesus Christ this year.

    I hear the many Christmas songs that
    people hold so dear,
    but the sound of music can't compare
    with the Christmas choir here.
    I have no words to tell you of the joy
    their voices bring,
    for its beyond description, to hear the
    angels sing.

    I know how much you miss me: I see
    the pain inside your heart.
    But I am not so far away: we really
    aren't apart.
    So be happy for me, dear ones, you
    know I hold you dear,
    And be glad I'm spending Christmas
    with Jesus Christ this year.

    I sent you each a special gift from my
    heavenly home above,
    I sent you each you each a memory of my
    undying love.
    You know love is a gift more precious
    than pure gold;
    it was always most important in the
    stories Jesus told.

    Please love and keep each other, as
    my Father said to do.
    For I can't count the blessings, of the
    love he has for you.
    so have a Merry Christmas and wipe
    away that tear.
    Remember, I am spending Christmas
    with Jesus Christ this year.

    My mother's birthday was Christmas day and she left this world in August of 2000, so each year on Christmas day at the dinner table I say grace and wish her and Jesus a Happy Birthday. Personally I would much rather have them both here with me, but since that is not reality I choose to believe as they did and draw comfort from the knowledge they are here just not in the physical sense.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Honoring My Mom
    I posted this in August in the expressions gallery and have decided to post it her since this board is specifically for this purpose.

    I am honoring my MOM.

    My mom was a great lady in many ways, she was always a survivor. At the age of 8 she lost both of her parents and was somewhat raised by her older sister along with many other siblings. She endured this less than happy existence to the age of 12 when she decided it was time to make her own future and she left. She married at 15 had 3 children and left an abusive relationship with her kids in tow, during my mom’s time women just didn’t do that but she did. She worked hard to support her children and did not date for years because men were not to be trusted, then she met my dad the Navy Seal. She married him and became a Navy wife which is in its self quite a challenge. She would tend to us while my dad was at sea and even though I am sure she was lonely she never let on, we never knew. My mom was a rock, an amazing woman who even with all the challenges in her life always came to the aide of others. I can recall times when she would take less fortunate folks to meetings to ensure they got the military vet benefits they deserved and others who she fought to see that they received SSI in their final days, this is a woman who only went to the third grade, she was truly remarkable.

    Cancer arrived when she was 40 and she had the radical double mastectomy which in her time was horrendous nothing like it is now. When I was 19 I would take her to her chemo treatment at the military hospital nearly 2 hours from home. I remember the fun we had on the way to her treatments, we would joke and chat and just enjoy being together, then she would have her treatments (folks 33 years ago chemo was much crueler than it is today) she would be down immediately and would remain that way for the better part of ten days. We did this 8 times and then she got a reprieve during which time she lived her life to the fullest, it was not perfect by any means but it was meaningful and she was an inspiration to many. My mom cared for my children and my sister’s children while we worked, she was so fabulous at it they loved her like she was their mom which gave us a great sense of comfort knowing how well our children were cared for and loved while we were working. Recently my daughter had her third child a little girl she named her AvaLyn in honor of my mom Evelyn; she did not want to use the exact name I am thrilled she would honor my mom in such a way.

    When I think of my mom I think of her incredibly soft skin (which I did not inherit :-]), her wonderful sense of humor, and her ability to stand toe to toe with anyone and hold her ground, her lovingness, kindness and inner beauty. She was stunning both inside and out. My mom was my best friend, I called her everyday several times a day, we even called each other at night to say goodnight. I miss her a great deal and draw comfort from the knowledge that on the day I leave this world she will be there to welcome me into the next. I love you mom and always will!

    Forever you loving daughter Rena (your bull in the china closet)
  • hansie
    hansie Member Posts: 37
    RE said:

    Honoring My Sister
    December the 15th will be the 2nd year since my sister Susan passed away of cancer. Susan was my big sister, the oldest child of five. She was the life of any gathering, the hostess with the mostess and had a heart of gold. She also had a great faith and assured us in her last days and hours that she knew exactly where it was she was going, Heaven. In honor of my big sister and in honor of others who left us in years past here is a poem I know she would have loved.


    I see the countless Christmas Trees
    around the world below,
    with tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
    reflecting on the snow.
    The sight is so spectacular, please
    wipe away the tear,
    for I am spending Christmas with
    Jesus Christ this year.

    I hear the many Christmas songs that
    people hold so dear,
    but the sound of music can't compare
    with the Christmas choir here.
    I have no words to tell you of the joy
    their voices bring,
    for its beyond description, to hear the
    angels sing.

    I know how much you miss me: I see
    the pain inside your heart.
    But I am not so far away: we really
    aren't apart.
    So be happy for me, dear ones, you
    know I hold you dear,
    And be glad I'm spending Christmas
    with Jesus Christ this year.

    I sent you each a special gift from my
    heavenly home above,
    I sent you each you each a memory of my
    undying love.
    You know love is a gift more precious
    than pure gold;
    it was always most important in the
    stories Jesus told.

    Please love and keep each other, as
    my Father said to do.
    For I can't count the blessings, of the
    love he has for you.
    so have a Merry Christmas and wipe
    away that tear.
    Remember, I am spending Christmas
    with Jesus Christ this year.

    My mother's birthday was Christmas day and she left this world in August of 2000, so each year on Christmas day at the dinner table I say grace and wish her and Jesus a Happy Birthday. Personally I would much rather have them both here with me, but since that is not reality I choose to believe as they did and draw comfort from the knowledge they are here just not in the physical sense.

    in loving memory of Barbara Lynn
    my wife barbara was dx sclc in nov of 07.she fought so bravely,allwas having a good attitude,a smile and words of encouragement for our boys,who were 11 and 12 at the onset.She allways held her head high,and allways thought of her boys before herself. Ultimately the cancer had its way with her,and eaven as she lay dying she was a insparation of strenght and courage.She left us to go to heaven on 10/14/09,where i know she is finaly at ease,but oh how we all miss her.Our lives will never be the same without you love...
  • jonahsmom
    jonahsmom Member Posts: 2
    My Beautiful Jonah
    Today, like every day, I am missing my son Jonah. Jonah was just seven when he went to Heaven. I wake up and he's my first thought. I go to sleep and he is my last thought. I dream about him. I can still smell him. He is the greatest man I've ever known and I am honored to be his mother. I love you Jonah!
  • Greg48
    Greg48 Member Posts: 6
    My wife Jeanette
    In loving memory of my wife Jeanette 12/01/2009 . I have been so lost
    without you , I miss you and love you with all of my Heart.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    In loving memory of my brother in-law who lost his battle to throat cancer ten years ago. Ron cared so deeply for my sister and was as wonderful husband to her. He was loved by many as was evident at his farewell service. He was a veteran of Vietnam who was proud of his time served. He loved white water rafting, fishing, and duck hunting. Ron also owned a bar with my sister and was successful because he was so genuine. We miss him and continue to love him.

  • AngelicBlue
    AngelicBlue Member Posts: 6
    RE said:

    In loving memory of my brother in-law who lost his battle to throat cancer ten years ago. Ron cared so deeply for my sister and was as wonderful husband to her. He was loved by many as was evident at his farewell service. He was a veteran of Vietnam who was proud of his time served. He loved white water rafting, fishing, and duck hunting. Ron also owned a bar with my sister and was successful because he was so genuine. We miss him and continue to love him.


    For my grandparents - Dirk and AnnaBeth Kievit
    In loving memory for Dirk Kievit, passed away February 21, 2005 after a long battle with lung cancer, he was 87. My opa gave up from the beginning because radiation didn't help and his cancer was too aggressive. He hung on for a year and a half before the cancer took him. He was a good man, and loved his family very much. He was all about family, and kept us all together.

    In loving memory for AnnaBeth Kievit, passed away December 31, 2008 after a 8 year battle with Stomach Cancer. She was one of the strongest people I knew and I will miss her dearly. For awhile there, we were each others comfort zone, because we understood what the other was going through. We grew closer in the fact we both battled cancer. It upsets me that I beat mine while she lost, but she lived a good life. My oma was 76 when she passed away, and there will be many glorious memories of her that will always be in my heart.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    In Remembrance
    In remembrance of Al and Carol (my brother and sister in-laws). For over 30 years my husbands family would gather at their home in the California desert for Thanksgiving. We would all hang out there for 3 to 5 days just enjoying everyone's company and catching up. They had horses, pigs, dogs galore, peacocks, goats and even a donkey. My kids got to ride the horses, play with the dogs and run amuck, what joy! We have since lost them both to cancer, we miss them greatly.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    RE said:

    In Remembrance
    In remembrance of Al and Carol (my brother and sister in-laws). For over 30 years my husbands family would gather at their home in the California desert for Thanksgiving. We would all hang out there for 3 to 5 days just enjoying everyone's company and catching up. They had horses, pigs, dogs galore, peacocks, goats and even a donkey. My kids got to ride the horses, play with the dogs and run amuck, what joy! We have since lost them both to cancer, we miss them greatly.


    In Loving Memory
    of my dearest friend Tom (Peaches) who passed away 12/5/09 from Pancreatic Cancer. We were always there for each other when life's challenges got the best of us and shared a special bond. His wife, who was one of my very best friends for such a brief time, also passed 5 years ago. I will feel such a void in my life without him as I have without her. They were both one of a kind. I promised my friend I would look after him when she was gone & hope that I honored my promise to her expectations. I find comfort in knowing that he is at peace & without pain and is back into the arms of his love. He will be missed and thought of with the fondest of memories.
    Cat (aka Polly)
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    My Mother & Brother
    I lost my Mother to Colin Cancer and my brother to Lymphoma but through it all my Lord, my Savior and my Friend Jesus has been there for me. Even now that I go through NPC I am not alone for he is there to comfort me in my travel through this life. I look forward to that day when Jesus come back for his people who have put there trust in Him.
  • llong
    llong Member Posts: 4
    Hondo said:

    My Mother & Brother
    I lost my Mother to Colin Cancer and my brother to Lymphoma but through it all my Lord, my Savior and my Friend Jesus has been there for me. Even now that I go through NPC I am not alone for he is there to comfort me in my travel through this life. I look forward to that day when Jesus come back for his people who have put there trust in Him.

    My Husband, My Best Friend, My Soul Mate
    On June 9th I lost my husband, Bud, to esophageal cancer that had spread to many lymph nodes and ultimately, his liver. He was diagnosed in Sept. 07 & fought long and hard. He lived 8 mo. longer than predicted. He was involved in a 1 yr. clinical trial; when that stopped working, he did "reg" chemo; when that stopped working, they added radiation; when it spread to the liver and was growing fast, he went to Chicago for 3 separate rounds of photodynamic therapy. He was on his way to start another round of radiaion when he collapsed and died. He faught to the finish. He's been gone for 6 mo. now and his absence has left a bottomless hole in my life and in my heart. I pray for peace, warm memories, and healing to take the place of the pain and anger I feel. Bud was the best husband, friend, confidante, cheerleader, and soul mate I could have ever dreamed of and wished for. I miss him terribly.
  • doug2112
    doug2112 Member Posts: 10

    My mom Lois
    In loving memory of my mom Lois, who lost her battle in March and is now with GOD. She was my best friend and a remarkable person. I will miss her sense of humor, her intelligence, and her compassion for every person and every animal she met. I so wish we had more time together. Forever in my heart. Love - kelly..

    Lost My Mom Today
    In loving memory of my mom Judy. Lost her today Jan 1 2010 .

    Remember me when flowers bloom
    Early in the spring
    Remember me on sunny days
    In the fun that summer brings

    Remember me in the fall
    As you walk through the leaves of gold
    And in the wintertime - remember me
    In the stories that are told

    But most of all remember
    Each day - right from the start
    I will be forever near
    For I live within your heart

    Don't worry mom I will take good care of the animals ... Your Son Doug.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    llong said:

    My Husband, My Best Friend, My Soul Mate
    On June 9th I lost my husband, Bud, to esophageal cancer that had spread to many lymph nodes and ultimately, his liver. He was diagnosed in Sept. 07 & fought long and hard. He lived 8 mo. longer than predicted. He was involved in a 1 yr. clinical trial; when that stopped working, he did "reg" chemo; when that stopped working, they added radiation; when it spread to the liver and was growing fast, he went to Chicago for 3 separate rounds of photodynamic therapy. He was on his way to start another round of radiaion when he collapsed and died. He faught to the finish. He's been gone for 6 mo. now and his absence has left a bottomless hole in my life and in my heart. I pray for peace, warm memories, and healing to take the place of the pain and anger I feel. Bud was the best husband, friend, confidante, cheerleader, and soul mate I could have ever dreamed of and wished for. I miss him terribly.

    That is a beautiful post about your husband; I have been married for 35 years now and often I would think about what will happen to my wife. She too is a very strong woman and I was so lucky that God lead her into my life. She is so much more then a friend, she is the one I can share all my problems with and I know that they are safe there with her.

    We talked about what would happen if I should pass away before she did, and I told her she should never give up or stop living just because I am no longer in the picture, she is to go one living. Our three children all live in the same area where we do and the grand children are starting to come out of the woodwork now. We are both Christian and both believe that our Lord Jesus will come back for us someday, that is a day we look for where we will never again be apart.

    I think your husband would feel the same way about you; he would want you to keep living, keep going on with out him. I know it is hard everyday waking up and not seeing him there, but he is always there in your memories.

    God bless and keep you in his tender care