MIMI!!! Feeding the Homeless!! Whoooo hoooooo!!!

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just had to share this with you! I went to a Veteran's Day dinner at the Tribal Hall last night (Reggie was honoring the veteran's by singing with his native singing group after dinner)

Anyway, we went home about 8PM; we only live about 1/8 of a mile from the Reservation and the Tribal Hall, and we had been home for about 45 minutes when I got a phone call. One of the women helping in the kitchen was lamenting about SO MUCH LEFTOVER FOOD! They were so unhappy that it was all going to be thrown away when one of the women said..."OMG~ Claudia will take this food and take it to homeless people!" Thus, the phone call! I need not tell you that I raced back to the Tribal Hall and I know, without a doubt, I brought home 30(!!) grilled half chickens, 15 lbs of sliced steak, 35 ears of roasted corn, plus carrot cake and garlic bread! I cut up the half chickens, divided up the steak, husked the corn and halved them, and wrapped all of it in cling wrap~ tomorrow morning I am heading to the city parks! I would have done it today, but I had the dog trainer coming, and a thousand other things to do! But it is all wrapped and refrigerated and ready to make lots of homeless people happy and full!

Two good things happened~ 1) Someone knew and remembered that Claudia feeds the homeless! And 2) while I was picking up the food I met a caterer who asked for my name and phone number as she is at events all the time and never knows what to do with the left-over food!!!

Smiling, smiling, smiling.....



  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    That is so wonderful. That
    That is so wonderful. That you were remembered and called is great. All that food that will be enjoyed by so many. And a caterer that has your number as well. You are such a true kind heart.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    fauxma said:

    That is so wonderful. That
    That is so wonderful. That you were remembered and called is great. All that food that will be enjoyed by so many. And a caterer that has your number as well. You are such a true kind heart.

    :) It is nothing but making
    :) It is nothing but making oneself available.....
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Great example

    If we all followed your example I think we could eliminate anyone being hungry AND perfectly good food going into the landfills.

    You are an inspiration! I am still very tired from radiation so my contribution was to donate money to the local food pantry for their annual Thanksgiving Day meals program. They package meals for people who wouldn't have anything.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Yes, you will bring a lot of
    Yes, you will bring a lot of smiles to faces!! That is really a wonderful thing to do and now seems to also be halping out others that felt bad just throwing away perfectly good food. We have plenty of homeless people here due to the warm weather. Perhaps I'll think about following in your footsteps once I've completed my treatments and am back to full steam. Many years ago when I worked downtown I always came across the same homeless man every morning. I started making an extra lunch when I made mine and gave it to him each morning. He was always very thankful. I remember how good it felt!!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    MyTurnNow said:

    Yes, you will bring a lot of
    Yes, you will bring a lot of smiles to faces!! That is really a wonderful thing to do and now seems to also be halping out others that felt bad just throwing away perfectly good food. We have plenty of homeless people here due to the warm weather. Perhaps I'll think about following in your footsteps once I've completed my treatments and am back to full steam. Many years ago when I worked downtown I always came across the same homeless man every morning. I started making an extra lunch when I made mine and gave it to him each morning. He was always very thankful. I remember how good it felt!!

    Special ladies
    You ladies are in a special "class" of ladies. Your thoughts and hearts are pure and generous. I never cease to be amazed by all of you BC warriors.
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    natly15 said:

    Special ladies
    You ladies are in a special "class" of ladies. Your thoughts and hearts are pure and generous. I never cease to be amazed by all of you BC warriors.

    No words
    No words only tears. What great blessings you all are!

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    That's so cool!
    Claudia, I can't believe all that good food was going to go to waste! I'm so glad they called you. It's like we have all this food that goes to waste and all these hungrey people, and we can't quite seem to match them up. But you did! Think how many people you've inspired to do the same -- including me!

  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    mimivac said:

    That's so cool!
    Claudia, I can't believe all that good food was going to go to waste! I'm so glad they called you. It's like we have all this food that goes to waste and all these hungrey people, and we can't quite seem to match them up. But you did! Think how many people you've inspired to do the same -- including me!


    How lucky...
    YOU ARE AMAZING! What a wonferful thing to do! Your seemingly endless energy is truely astonishing! How lucky all those people you care so much about will have a wonderful meal! You do inspire me! You're an angel here on earth for sure!
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    you amaze me each and every time you post. I shouldn't be surprised again. Where can we go to apply for sainthood for you? I love you and your wonderful soul!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    cats_toy said:

    you amaze me each and every time you post. I shouldn't be surprised again. Where can we go to apply for sainthood for you? I love you and your wonderful soul!

    "Saint Chen"~ though I will
    "Saint Chen"~ though I will reluctantly admit it has a a literary sound which I do like~ there are at the very least 2 criterion I do NOT meet. I am neither Catholic, nor Dead! So, I will simply remain the anonymous food donor! Reggie good-naturedly laughs at how I am always on the lookout for hungry/needy folks. I had half a sandwich and coffee from Starbucks in the car, and while we were stopped at a corner waiting to make the turn, I saw an old man in a wheelchair with the "need help" sign. I reached the food out the passenger side window and got a big thank you and a grin! It doesn't take anything remotely saint-like to do that...just an awareness.

  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    chenheart said:

    "Saint Chen"~ though I will
    "Saint Chen"~ though I will reluctantly admit it has a a literary sound which I do like~ there are at the very least 2 criterion I do NOT meet. I am neither Catholic, nor Dead! So, I will simply remain the anonymous food donor! Reggie good-naturedly laughs at how I am always on the lookout for hungry/needy folks. I had half a sandwich and coffee from Starbucks in the car, and while we were stopped at a corner waiting to make the turn, I saw an old man in a wheelchair with the "need help" sign. I reached the food out the passenger side window and got a big thank you and a grin! It doesn't take anything remotely saint-like to do that...just an awareness.


    It takes
    a certain kind of calling.. This is what you have in your heart to do.. you have a servants heart and you will no doubt be rewadred greatly by God for your servitude to his people!!!!! I am certain that when that man in the wheelchair gave you that grin that was all you needed!!! It has got to feel good!!!You are truly a Gift to all of us!! It's more than you being aware of needs it's just who you are!! a blessing!!!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    This is a very nice and
    This is a very nice and caring thing you do. You should smile. It isn't something everyone could do. Glad you are getting sources to help even more!