4 down, 2 to go

Sam726 Member Posts: 233
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey everyone..had #4 today. Everything still going well. Blood work was great again! I am finding that treatment is making me more tired each time..think my body is saying "no no, not again!!" lol....oh well, I can do it. My friend Stacy went with me today and we had a lot of fun..we laughed so much, especially at the guy that was getting chemo in same room. He had his big beer guy showing, shirt unbuttoned, and he was passed out snoring like a beast!! Too hilarious...


  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    Glad to see you
    I have been thinking about you alot. Haven't seen you on the boards. I am glad you had fun at your session. I am sorry you are gettting more tired. But you are three quarters of the way through chemo...75%. It is the downhill slope. Hang in there. My prayers and thoughts will remain.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Hi, Sam. You're coming down
    Hi, Sam. You're coming down the home stretch now. I noticed that I started getting a little more fatigued with my 4th treatment. That was my last treatment though. I know you'll get through the last two. Are you then on to rads? I've taken 6 treatments so far and so far, so good. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you. Take care.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Sam
    Glad you're doing good. #3 for me on Monday. My legs have been feeling more like rubber when I walk, like I been doing alot of knee bends. Did yours?
  • brenda247
    brenda247 Member Posts: 124
    thats great!! *4
    just wanted to say glad all is going good for you and I just got done with chemo and bc myself. I has her2 positive and stage 2 invasive and aggressive and my counts were messed up about the whole time.. so stay positive and take care!!

    prayers & hugs to you!!!!!!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    More than half way!!!!
    I'm dancing for you....and laughter ALWAYS scares the beast away!!!!!

    (Blush) I would have been one of those passed out in the chair....the anti-nausea drugs put me to sleep....

    One time, while asleep, I dreamed I had wet myself...it was so real, that I woke up. In much confusion, I struggled to get out of the lounger I was in, managing to get so tangled that I landed on my face, on the floor. The horrified chemo nurse kept trying to help, but I was muttering to myself and struggling. FINALLY got up and into the bathroom, where I found that I had NOT had an accident...so, I tried to figure out how I would face these people again (my treatment was in a communal room, with 8-10 people being infused). I walked out, bowed to everyone, and said "I'm here every third week, one show a day. Please return to see me next time!". Everyone laughed, and I sat back down...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Glad you're getting through this with a sense of humor, and that's great news that you only have 2 to go!!

    Kathi - great story! I hope I have the presence of mind to do something funny like that the next time I look goofy (and there WILL be a next time)!