Cancer Funk



  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    I'm new.
    I have recently been diagnosed with liver mets, after five years of no worries! I am a mess half the time and lethargic all of the time. I loved all of your comments . . . I hope to get a lot of inspiration from all of you. I hope you don't mind!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    LC815 said:

    I'm new.
    I have recently been diagnosed with liver mets, after five years of no worries! I am a mess half the time and lethargic all of the time. I loved all of your comments . . . I hope to get a lot of inspiration from all of you. I hope you don't mind!

    Welcome, LC815. Of course
    Welcome, LC815. Of course we don't mind. You'll get a lot of support from all the women and men, too on this site. As you can also see, you'll get plenty of laughs. If you have questions, just ask away and someone will be along to answer. Good luck to you.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Great answers, all!
    Eliza, I hope you are feeling better. I also let myself feel the funk and the frustration. There's nothing wrong with it and trying to run from normal feelings will only intensify them. But then I try to engage myself in some activity so that I become completely immersed and feel a kind of flow. Sometimes I go to a movie, or out to eat, etc. What I love is planning -- planning vacations, nights out, my future, whatever -- it always makes me feel more optimistic. Also, I shop on ebay. LOL. I have also cried on a threadmill! During treatment I would sometimes get so scared and down that I would become paralyzed on the couch. My husband would drag me up and on my elliptical machine and I would exercise with tears running down my face. But it actually felt good!

  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    mimivac said:

    Great answers, all!
    Eliza, I hope you are feeling better. I also let myself feel the funk and the frustration. There's nothing wrong with it and trying to run from normal feelings will only intensify them. But then I try to engage myself in some activity so that I become completely immersed and feel a kind of flow. Sometimes I go to a movie, or out to eat, etc. What I love is planning -- planning vacations, nights out, my future, whatever -- it always makes me feel more optimistic. Also, I shop on ebay. LOL. I have also cried on a threadmill! During treatment I would sometimes get so scared and down that I would become paralyzed on the couch. My husband would drag me up and on my elliptical machine and I would exercise with tears running down my face. But it actually felt good!


    I just had the "paralysis"
    I just had the "paralysis" walking down the hall at my school. I'm a teacher and my students help me a lot . . . they're so high maintenance that they make me forget myself for awhile. My own kids, however, sometimes induce the sadness -- not on purpose, of course! I'm just so upset that I'm not going to be there for a lot of their lives. I've got three girls 17, 16 and 13. I do get happy, though, when I walk by our neighborhood playground and see all of the moms, dads and little ones and remember that I didn't miss out on that stage.

    *Sigh* I'm feeling funky right now. Must shake it off by next period when the kids come to class.
  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    Kim59 said:

    Just found this site this
    Just found this site this week. I know these boards are going to help me. Just starting my journey. I am still in the stage of, you've got to be kidding, I have cancer! I am going to try and stay busy and not let cancer control how I feel or who I am. Hope it works!!

    Hi Kim
    I am new to this site as well and have also just started my surgery is scheduled for Dec 5 - I will have a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction... maybe we can go on this journey together...

  • brenda247
    brenda247 Member Posts: 124
    yes it is!!
    It is a jouney and something we have to deal with in our own sorta way. Is a hard road to go through but with the love and care here gets me through it cause I know Im not alone.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    LC815 said:

    I just had the "paralysis"
    I just had the "paralysis" walking down the hall at my school. I'm a teacher and my students help me a lot . . . they're so high maintenance that they make me forget myself for awhile. My own kids, however, sometimes induce the sadness -- not on purpose, of course! I'm just so upset that I'm not going to be there for a lot of their lives. I've got three girls 17, 16 and 13. I do get happy, though, when I walk by our neighborhood playground and see all of the moms, dads and little ones and remember that I didn't miss out on that stage.

    *Sigh* I'm feeling funky right now. Must shake it off by next period when the kids come to class.

    I'm sorry
    LC, your situation is tough and I'm sorry. I'm not trying to sugarcoat what you are going through, but please don't count yourself out yet. It is not a given that you will miss your kids' milestones. Are you on hormonals? They can be such powerful tools to fight this beast and keep it at bay for many years. I have read of women who have been around 15-30 after a stage IV diagnosis, and not just bone, but liver, too. My best to you and I hope you're feeling better.

  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    mimivac said:

    I'm sorry
    LC, your situation is tough and I'm sorry. I'm not trying to sugarcoat what you are going through, but please don't count yourself out yet. It is not a given that you will miss your kids' milestones. Are you on hormonals? They can be such powerful tools to fight this beast and keep it at bay for many years. I have read of women who have been around 15-30 after a stage IV diagnosis, and not just bone, but liver, too. My best to you and I hope you're feeling better.


    Thanks, Mimi.
    I missed your

    Thanks, Mimi.
    I missed your comment on Friday, but I revisited this discussion today. I'm glad I did! I am on hormonals and had my ovaries out two and a half weeks ago. Hmmm, you think that immediate menopause could have something to do with my funk?

    I'd LOVE to get thirty more birthdays!!

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Hi Eliza
    it doesn't always work out that way,but I try to take things one day at a time. Often times for me if I look too far ahead at something hard/scary or both,I am overwhelmed and very timid.
    I like watching comedies or Disney movies when I need a boost-I saw Ratatouille at a theatre when I first starting finding out about my possible(that turned out to be) bc dx.It really helped to take my mind off things for a little while at least!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    LC815 said:

    Thanks, Mimi.
    I missed your

    Thanks, Mimi.
    I missed your comment on Friday, but I revisited this discussion today. I'm glad I did! I am on hormonals and had my ovaries out two and a half weeks ago. Hmmm, you think that immediate menopause could have something to do with my funk?

    I'd LOVE to get thirty more birthdays!!


    Immediate menopause
    Oh yes, sudden menopause could have a lot to do with it. A lot. I think my hormones are just starting to kick back in after 10 months of chemically-induced menopause. I feel like a veil has been lifted -- my mood just got miraculously better, instantly. Those hormones are so powerful. I wouldn't think it was a bad thing to look into anti-depressants either. I needed them during treatment and sometimes still think I could benefit. I've heard that Effexor is good for both depression, anxiety, and hot flashes if you're having them. Hope you are feeling better, Linda.

  • LC815
    LC815 Member Posts: 155
    mimivac said:

    Immediate menopause
    Oh yes, sudden menopause could have a lot to do with it. A lot. I think my hormones are just starting to kick back in after 10 months of chemically-induced menopause. I feel like a veil has been lifted -- my mood just got miraculously better, instantly. Those hormones are so powerful. I wouldn't think it was a bad thing to look into anti-depressants either. I needed them during treatment and sometimes still think I could benefit. I've heard that Effexor is good for both depression, anxiety, and hot flashes if you're having them. Hope you are feeling better, Linda.


    My GP bumped up my anti-depressant dosage. I feel better when I take my Ativan (anti-anxiety), but doc doesn't want me to "abuse" them so she gave me twenty for the month. Really -- I take a half at a time, and usually no more than one whole pill a day. The label says "1 every 8 hours." I think I'll ask my onc for the prescription, as he knows the REAL cost/benefit. I'll do a little research on Effexor . . . thanks for the tip.

    I am doing a little better this morning. I'm having my planning period right now, and instead of sitting in my classroom with no kids, I'm going to take a walk.

    I'm glad YOU are feeling better!
