Getting mammogram and sonogram in a few minutes -- scared



  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Wonderful news

    Congratulations on getting such wonderful news! What a relief! Am glad you went to celebrate at a fine seafood restaurant. Bon Appetite!


  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hey Mimi: Sorry I didn't
    Hey Mimi: Sorry I didn't post earlier what I wanted to say to you all day but I do hope that you felt our presence as you were waiting there in that skimpy hospital gown. I'm so happy everything continues to be NED. Wishing you and all the sisters in pink the best. Hugs, Lili
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Hey Mimi: Sorry I didn't
    Hey Mimi: Sorry I didn't post earlier what I wanted to say to you all day but I do hope that you felt our presence as you were waiting there in that skimpy hospital gown. I'm so happy everything continues to be NED. Wishing you and all the sisters in pink the best. Hugs, Lili

    I also missed the

    I also missed the waiting for the mammo. Don't you wait those stupid gowns. I would rather just go in, whip off my top and bra and go for it.
    I am so happy that all was good. Big sign of relief. Topping it off with a nice lunch and a trip to the salon and then a nice dinner was just perfect and very you. I agree that you deserve to end the day with ice cream. Tomorrow you can go back to the healthy you. Oops, I just realized it is almost 2 am in your neck of the woods so you are probably in dream land.
    Again so happy it was all good.
    And Jeanne, I just know that we will be hearing that you are good to go also.
    My prayers are that we end 2009 with good news all around. That is my Christmas wish.
    Love to all,
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    fauxma said:

    I also missed the

    I also missed the waiting for the mammo. Don't you wait those stupid gowns. I would rather just go in, whip off my top and bra and go for it.
    I am so happy that all was good. Big sign of relief. Topping it off with a nice lunch and a trip to the salon and then a nice dinner was just perfect and very you. I agree that you deserve to end the day with ice cream. Tomorrow you can go back to the healthy you. Oops, I just realized it is almost 2 am in your neck of the woods so you are probably in dream land.
    Again so happy it was all good.
    And Jeanne, I just know that we will be hearing that you are good to go also.
    My prayers are that we end 2009 with good news all around. That is my Christmas wish.
    Love to all,

    Question? are you gals also
    Question? are you gals also getting breast MRI's my friends are starting to say that along with mammo they get an MRI my friend who is 18 years out gets mammo then 6 months later an MRI. My other friend with a famiy history gets one every other year. i wonder what your docs are saying? Not that i like sugesting another anxiety produceing test, in fact I feel bad about it, but I didnt know my cancer was not usually picked up on mammo and I would have insisted on one. I felt like an idiot for not being more on top of it, and mad at my docs. They all said its not standard but I wonder if it should be.
    Mimi so glad for your news, My daughter is DC and when you talk about the area i think of her too.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    carkris said:

    Question? are you gals also
    Question? are you gals also getting breast MRI's my friends are starting to say that along with mammo they get an MRI my friend who is 18 years out gets mammo then 6 months later an MRI. My other friend with a famiy history gets one every other year. i wonder what your docs are saying? Not that i like sugesting another anxiety produceing test, in fact I feel bad about it, but I didnt know my cancer was not usually picked up on mammo and I would have insisted on one. I felt like an idiot for not being more on top of it, and mad at my docs. They all said its not standard but I wonder if it should be.
    Mimi so glad for your news, My daughter is DC and when you talk about the area i think of her too.

    MimiVac .. Good News ...
    I am so very happy for you!!! I wish I seen this post yesterday, but as scheduled I was at my 5 1/2 TCH treatment.

    Your posts give me strength and encouragement.

    Waiting to see what you have lined up this week-end!

    Keep us posted.

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    carkris said:

    Question? are you gals also
    Question? are you gals also getting breast MRI's my friends are starting to say that along with mammo they get an MRI my friend who is 18 years out gets mammo then 6 months later an MRI. My other friend with a famiy history gets one every other year. i wonder what your docs are saying? Not that i like sugesting another anxiety produceing test, in fact I feel bad about it, but I didnt know my cancer was not usually picked up on mammo and I would have insisted on one. I felt like an idiot for not being more on top of it, and mad at my docs. They all said its not standard but I wonder if it should be.
    Mimi so glad for your news, My daughter is DC and when you talk about the area i think of her too.

    Yes, I get MRIs, too. I have my yearly one coming up in May 2010. People with very dense breasts and those that are on the younger side should get follow-up MRIs because, as you say, a lump can be missed on the mammogram. They are being extra careful with me, for which I am grateful.

  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    mimivac said:

    Yes, I get MRIs, too. I have my yearly one coming up in May 2010. People with very dense breasts and those that are on the younger side should get follow-up MRIs because, as you say, a lump can be missed on the mammogram. They are being extra careful with me, for which I am grateful.


    Yay it's over!
    I too get anxious before my scans~it seems to be the nature of the beast. Next time I will celebrate with a Mojito~like you do~cuz I love em' too!! (mojito's not scans, tho both can be classified as necessary) :)
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    carkris said:

    Question? are you gals also
    Question? are you gals also getting breast MRI's my friends are starting to say that along with mammo they get an MRI my friend who is 18 years out gets mammo then 6 months later an MRI. My other friend with a famiy history gets one every other year. i wonder what your docs are saying? Not that i like sugesting another anxiety produceing test, in fact I feel bad about it, but I didnt know my cancer was not usually picked up on mammo and I would have insisted on one. I felt like an idiot for not being more on top of it, and mad at my docs. They all said its not standard but I wonder if it should be.
    Mimi so glad for your news, My daughter is DC and when you talk about the area i think of her too.

    The center that did my initial mammogram and biopsy talked to me about this also. Since my breast tissue is dense, they recommended alternating MRI's with mammograms every 6 months so that I would have each every year.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    mimivac said:

    Thank you ALL
    I don't know how I would have gotten through it without all of you holding my hand. And Jeanne, I know we will be celebrating with you really soon, too. I just know it.

    So, after my little seafood lunch (including, of course, a mojito -- yes just one), I thought I would take myself to the movies since Simon is out of town and I have the day off. BUT as I was standing at the bus stop, I saw a shop with a neon sign flashing "SALON, NAILS, WAXING." If you know me at all, you know where I spent the rest of the afternoon. I got my legs waxed, a pedicure, and a manicure. I spent so much time there that the nail technician ended up giving me a ride home. LOL. So, now I am back home and have just ordered sushi and Tom yum soup. I guess I will get back to the healthy eating tomorrow.

    A wonderful night to you all, and LOVE to all.


    Oh, dear Mimi, I missed your
    Oh, dear Mimi, I missed your year check-up! I've been very busy at work and I try to be disciplined and not come here during work hours (I was there 'til midnight last night!). But it is so good to hear about your happy news and salon day! And after tomorrow, it's the WEEKEND.

    We have snow here and ALL anyone in my family can think about is skiing. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    MIMI you are in my thoughts and prayers, sending my cyber love and hugs to you! Cancer is a beast we cannot allow to have more then it is medical allowed to have, in other words it should not be allowed to have our happiness and joy. We are here for you when you need us!

