Declining Eyesight

natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Yes eyes get worse with age, but it seems my eyesight is much worse since I started chemo. My eyes are dry and crusty and I think I need a stronger pair of glasses. Has anyone else experienced this?


  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Yes, I have
    I only wear over the counter reading glasses, but have noticed I need to move up. I'm also thinking I should go for an eye test because my regular sight seems to be a bit blurry. I'm actually not sure if it's from chemo or just aging as my eyesight has been declining quite a bit in the past few years. I'm 48.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Marlene_K said:

    Yes, I have
    I only wear over the counter reading glasses, but have noticed I need to move up. I'm also thinking I should go for an eye test because my regular sight seems to be a bit blurry. I'm actually not sure if it's from chemo or just aging as my eyesight has been declining quite a bit in the past few years. I'm 48.

    Ladies not to scare anyone .. but my eye sight is declining
    due to my chemo treatments .. My onc and staff confirm this yesterday, as I have mentioned eye slight decline for 6 weeks. Like Marlene I am in my early 40's and use the cheaters .. I am now using a stronger over the counter cheaters. What I have noticed, is early morning eye sight blurring ... and tearing. Go figure ... Another bump in the road.

  • Goldenguru
    Goldenguru Member Posts: 23
    VickiSam said:

    Ladies not to scare anyone .. but my eye sight is declining
    due to my chemo treatments .. My onc and staff confirm this yesterday, as I have mentioned eye slight decline for 6 weeks. Like Marlene I am in my early 40's and use the cheaters .. I am now using a stronger over the counter cheaters. What I have noticed, is early morning eye sight blurring ... and tearing. Go figure ... Another bump in the road.


    I am having similar issues
    I am having similar issues with my eyes. They tear alot during the day - they are very sensitive to sunlight. I also have crusty 'stuff' in the morning when I wake up. First thing I do is lay a nice hot wet wash cloth on them. Let your onc know - mine said if they get bad enough, he can order eye drops to keep them moist. Good luck.
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    Me too
    My eyes burn constantly, I already wear trifocals and am having issues with blurring; have to squint to see. "Gentle tears" seem to help. But I have been wondering if I need stronger glasses. Seems I should wait since I am at the beginning of this process.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    eye sight
    Hi,my eye sight is really a lot worse since chemo.I had to get stronger reading glasses.Its kinda scary how fast my eyes got so bad.I used to be able to see the menue on the tv guide,now i can not see it.It looks like a blur.I hope it comes back but I don,t know.Good luck.(Pat).
  • KeriLee
    KeriLee Member Posts: 25
    poor eyesight
    I'm so glad to know I'm not alone, I thought I was crazy, not only did I need a stronger rx I also went up greatly on the cheaters. My hubby teases me because I can't read anything without getting my cheaters and if they're not available somebody has to read stuff to me. It sucks and doesn't appear to get better with time.
    Hugs to all
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Bad Eyes
    I have had a cataract for years. I am virtually blind in my right eye and have counted on the left one all my life. About 2 years ago my eye doctor told me it would take years for this cataract to be bad enough to remove. Then the cancer and the escallation. I did not have dry eye, or morning crustiness, my eyesight just started blurring. He has changed the lens 3 times in the past 2 years and was going to do it again when I said enough. The last changed lens was in May and its getting expensive. I am scheduled for cataract surgery next Wednesday. They know me on a first name basis in pre-op!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I did, too....
    But, after chemo was finished, I regained most of it....the rest, well, I am using dollar-a-pair reading glasses for a few years...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    KathiM said:

    I did, too....
    But, after chemo was finished, I regained most of it....the rest, well, I am using dollar-a-pair reading glasses for a few years...

    Hugs, Kathi

    Sorry Girls for butting in but.......
    I had failing vision while doing chemo (folfox) but then after it was over my vision cleared back up to where the 1.50 diopters from walmart were good enough for me....

    I also know that the Avastin is used in eyesight restoration to starve clots of their blood supply and rid the eye of high blood pressures which cause vision failures. My mother is taking shots of Avastin in her eyes to see if it will aid in the slowdown of degeneration of eyesight. 3 injections are all they will do, if it doesn't work then they quit with it...
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Buzzard said:

    Sorry Girls for butting in but.......
    I had failing vision while doing chemo (folfox) but then after it was over my vision cleared back up to where the 1.50 diopters from walmart were good enough for me....

    I also know that the Avastin is used in eyesight restoration to starve clots of their blood supply and rid the eye of high blood pressures which cause vision failures. My mother is taking shots of Avastin in her eyes to see if it will aid in the slowdown of degeneration of eyesight. 3 injections are all they will do, if it doesn't work then they quit with it...

    Thanks for bringing this up. I had weak reading glasses before chemo but didn't use them much, Now I have to wear 150s every time I read or am on the computer. Super sensitive to sunlight and give me headaches a lot.
    I finished chemo 18 months ago, I'm 48 and it's getting no better.
    Hugs jxxxxxxxx
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Thanks for bringing this up. I had weak reading glasses before chemo but didn't use them much, Now I have to wear 150s every time I read or am on the computer. Super sensitive to sunlight and give me headaches a lot.
    I finished chemo 18 months ago, I'm 48 and it's getting no better.
    Hugs jxxxxxxxx

    Good to know that I'm not
    Good to know that I'm not going down hill all together. I knew my sight got worse with this chemo.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Kat11 said:

    Good to know that I'm not
    Good to know that I'm not going down hill all together. I knew my sight got worse with this chemo.

    I have realized that I need glasses after I finished Chemo. I did not use them before. Oh well is there anything else we do not know so far
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    Declining Eyesight
    After I completed my chemo, A/C followed by Taxol, my eyes became very teary and I had to get stronger lenses. The teariness got to the point that my opthalmologist sent me to a specialist. I wound up having to have stints put in my tearducts so they wouldn't close up totally. The Taxol created scar tissue in them. Since I had the surgery and have had the stints removed the tearing has decreased alot, but it's still there. Hopefully, with time it will get better. It's definitely something that no one talked about. I've never had watery eyes before, and this is enough to drive me crazy. I'm sure people wonder what my problem is. I have to carry kleenex with me practically all the time and I'm always dabbing at my eyes. Just another wonderful side effect. Connie
  • Reikigemgirl
    Reikigemgirl Member Posts: 278
    I have this problem too....
    can't see the numbers on the t.v. guide anymore and have tearing also.

    Love and light,
  • BunnyJane
    BunnyJane Member Posts: 213

    I have this problem too....
    can't see the numbers on the t.v. guide anymore and have tearing also.

    Love and light,

    I noticed this problem too
    My vision was very blurred during chemo and I was afraid to drive, esp. on sunny days. I finished chemo. 7 weeks ago and I think that I've seen some improvement in both near and far vision. Be patient-- things will get better!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Kat11 said:

    Good to know that I'm not
    Good to know that I'm not going down hill all together. I knew my sight got worse with this chemo.

    one more
    Nobody never mentioned this side effect. I have noticed too. After I finished my Chemo I had Chalazion which was very resistant to the treatments for 6 months and was surgically removed. My vision keep declining and unfortunately does not getting back to pre-Chemo condition.
    So one more of the side effects oncologist did not tell you.
  • love9kidz
    love9kidz Member Posts: 23
    eye sight
    I too have noticed a change in my vision since starting chemo. I also have tearing and sometimes my eyes do not want to open quickly. They are not stuck and there is no mucus they just will not pop open right away like they used to. It is time for my yearly eye exam but I think I should wait until after treatments.
