Didn't get drain out

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well, I saw surgeon earlier but he didn't take the last drain out. Still draining too much for him to be happy about taking it out now so it'll be in til sometime next week. He is going to take it out next Thurs even if still draining a lot as it'll be 4 weeks post. No signs of infection just that it was a large area involved. Oh well - that's life!



  • sherria49
    sherria49 Member Posts: 126
    I completely...........
    understand how you feel. I was expecting my last drain to come out on Tuesday. Didn't happen. Wants to wait til my drainage is under 30, it was 40 today. Soo.....maybe just a few more days.

    Good luck next Thursday! I will be thinking about you!

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I know you are disappointed,
    I know you are disappointed, but it is much better that the drain stays in right now. If not, you will get a very uncomfortable huge lump that will have to be manually drained with a needle and syringe. Happened to me. However, the good news is that the needle did not hurt. Apparently, there is little feeling when you have a lot of edema. I am praying that it quits draining and you get the dang thing out next time.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    It's still draining between
    It's still draining between 60 and 75 so that's a bit. IF it gets down to 30 or below by the first part of next week I'm to call him and it'll be out quickly, if not it will come out on Thurs. That will be 4 weeks, 1 day post and he does not want it in any longer than that. Yeah - it's a 'pain' to have it but I'd much rather have to deal with it than having to have an area drained.

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Rague said:

    It's still draining between
    It's still draining between 60 and 75 so that's a bit. IF it gets down to 30 or below by the first part of next week I'm to call him and it'll be out quickly, if not it will come out on Thurs. That will be 4 weeks, 1 day post and he does not want it in any longer than that. Yeah - it's a 'pain' to have it but I'd much rather have to deal with it than having to have an area drained.


    Sorry Susan :(

    Sorry Susan :(