Concerned-been waiting 3 months to begin rads!

alessia Member Posts: 40
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was diagnosed with breast cancer March 2009. In July, had quadrectomy to
remove the tumor and lymph nodes checked. Result: T1A NO MO.
Also had PET, thank God all ok.
I'm taking Femara but still waiting to be called in for the rads.
I'm concerned. Oncologist says my case is not urgent therefore
the delay won't change things much.
Please let me know if you've also waited a few months to begin rads
and that it's ok.
Thank you, Alessia


  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Not 3 months yet
    But I just met with my medical oncologist for the first time yesterday, almost 1 month after my surgery (OK, 29 days). She just gave me the referral to the radiation oncologist so I'm waiting to hear when my appointment will be, but it will likely be at least a week or two out. By the time they set it up and actually start treatments, it may well be 3 months for me as well. They are also ordering the Oncotype DX for me, I know I'll at least need to wait for the results from that to start anything since they want to do chemo first if chemo ends up being indicated.

    When I first got my diagnosis on September 2nd, I thought I would be able to get all of my treatments done by the end of the year, but as we all learn going through this, it's not that simple.

    From what you said, I would guess that the doctors feel your cancer was slow growing and the additional waiting will not affect your outcome, but

    Waiting Sucks!!!!!!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    I can not understand the unusal delay? They do want you to heal after surgery (which is normally a 4-6 week waiting period) but I was told by my Rads Onc that there is a window in which they need to begin, which is within 3 months after surgery. I would possibly consider a new Rads Onc if they are putting you on the back burner. Are they that busy that they can not fit you in? Why exactly are they delaying? This makes no sense unless you had complications from the surgery. Hope you are able to resolve this issue. Keep us posted! Pammy
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    My wait was not this long.
    My wait was not this long. I had a lumpectomy and then started chemo within 5 weeks. I finished chemo on 10/15 and started radiation on 11/5. Your circumstances may be different but it sounds like it's taking way too long to me, too.
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    i've waited too

    I had my first meeting with a radiation onocologist on Monday and that whole scenario is a discussion for another thread ... but what I learned is that because I had DCIS ... and it wasn't aggressive, that it is OK to wait up to six months for radiation. It all depends on the type of cancer and how aggressive it is. Radiation works best for aggressive cancers.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Well that sucks that you
    Well that sucks that you have been waiting so long! It probably doesn't make a longterm difference, but it can't be a great thing emotionally when you want to get it over and done with. I am praying that you can go soon.
  • alessia
    alessia Member Posts: 40

    Well that sucks that you
    Well that sucks that you have been waiting so long! It probably doesn't make a longterm difference, but it can't be a great thing emotionally when you want to get it over and done with. I am praying that you can go soon.

    Concerned Rads Delay
    TRULY SUCKS! As we all know, waiting is just damn awful. Waiting for pathology, waiting for the oncologist, waiting for the phone calls (horror), waiting for results, etc, etc, etc, - damn lousy.
    Anyway, I emailed the ACI and thought you'd all be interested in reading their reply.
    Thanks for all your support. Hugs, Alessia

    Thank you for contacting the American Cancer Society. I am Earnestine, an oncology nurse and I will assist you.

    Learning that you have cancer is hard; waiting to start treatment is just as hard, if not harder. This is especially true as we have been conditioned to think that the sooner treatment is started, the better the chance for a positive outcome.

    However, as doctors and scientists have learned more about cancer, how it grows and develops, we have come to learn that the delay in waiting for treatment is often not dangerous.

    This is especially true in your situation as you have already started taking Femara. Although Femara is not likely to cure breast cancer, it can slow or stop its growth. This will give you additional time as you wait to begin your treatment.

    I am happy to discuss your situation with you. However, keep in mind that I can only offer general information. Your doctor, on the other hand, is familiar with your entire situation, this makes him or her your best resource for information that is specific to your individual situation. Please discuss what a delay in your radiation treatment might mean in your case.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    Earnestine, RN, OCN
    Online Cancer Nurse Information Specialist