Getting mammogram and sonogram in a few minutes -- scared



  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Calleen said:

    told ya so....LOL.. I'm so happy for you!! PARTY ON!!!

    Happy for you! ☻
    I am so happy for you Mimi! That is the best news! I wish I could get that good news...

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Jeanne D said:

    Happy for you! ☻
    I am so happy for you Mimi! That is the best news! I wish I could get that good news...

    Love, Jeanne ♥

    Jeanne, your time is coming.
    Jeanne, your time is coming. I can feel it, you just have to wait a little longer!!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    mimivac said:

    All clear!
    Well here I am celebrating at the same nice seafood place I went to after my bone scan. Mammogram was just fine. The person doing the sonogram said that they rate how cystic breasts are on a scale from 1 to 4 - mine are a 4. BUT the lumps in my breasts are tissue and not even cysts! So so relieved! Now I am celebrating with shrimp cocktail and oysters. Thank you for all the support - couldn't have done it without you all.


    See! I knew you could do it
    See! I knew you could do it and be ok! Doing the happy dance! Worry is a waste. Sorry I got here late. But in time to see Mimi dancing with NED!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I was hoping you were simply
    I was hoping you were simply off living life! As you always tell me, everything will be FINE! Of course you are not alone at your appointment; and you have every good positive thought/wish all of us can muster. ( which sre tons!)

  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    chenheart said:

    I was hoping you were simply
    I was hoping you were simply off living life! As you always tell me, everything will be FINE! Of course you are not alone at your appointment; and you have every good positive thought/wish all of us can muster. ( which sre tons!)


    YEAH!!!!! That was
    YEAH!!!!! That was easy....and didn't hurt a bit (I bet). Anyway, glad to hear the all clear sign, and proud you got through this one. All of those thoughts coming your way helped.


  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Marcia527 said:

    See! I knew you could do it
    See! I knew you could do it and be ok! Doing the happy dance! Worry is a waste. Sorry I got here late. But in time to see Mimi dancing with NED!

    MIMI...So Happy 4 u
    What great news, Raising a glass or 2 to you as we speak! I am so relieved, sorry we have been on here at different times lately and not able to catch up........

    Huge Hugs Hun...........Well Done! (Prawn Cocktail..........Yummmmmm, I think I'll cook Paiella for supper.)

  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    YEAH!!!!! That was
    YEAH!!!!! That was easy....and didn't hurt a bit (I bet). Anyway, glad to hear the all clear sign, and proud you got through this one. All of those thoughts coming your way helped.



    Wonderful news.
    Yes celebrate--you deserve it.

  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    MyTurnNow said:

    Jeanne, your time is coming.
    Jeanne, your time is coming. I can feel it, you just have to wait a little longer!!

    Thanks My Turn Now ☺
    Truly, thank you. I guess I am just feeling so anxious now and still so scared. I just wish that I could get a break here and not have all of these tests and all of these scares that I still have cancer in me. You are so kind.

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    mimivac said:

    All clear!
    Well here I am celebrating at the same nice seafood place I went to after my bone scan. Mammogram was just fine. The person doing the sonogram said that they rate how cystic breasts are on a scale from 1 to 4 - mine are a 4. BUT the lumps in my breasts are tissue and not even cysts! So so relieved! Now I am celebrating with shrimp cocktail and oysters. Thank you for all the support - couldn't have done it without you all.


    So glad for you
    I am so glad that you are in the clear! Now march right out and enjoy your holidays!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    Wonderful news.
    Yes celebrate--you deserve it.


    Glad for you, Mimi!
    Relieved, too.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    mimivac said:

    All clear!
    Well here I am celebrating at the same nice seafood place I went to after my bone scan. Mammogram was just fine. The person doing the sonogram said that they rate how cystic breasts are on a scale from 1 to 4 - mine are a 4. BUT the lumps in my breasts are tissue and not even cysts! So so relieved! Now I am celebrating with shrimp cocktail and oysters. Thank you for all the support - couldn't have done it without you all.


    Thanks for updating us so quickly!

    Enjoy all of that lovely seafood (as I sit here and eat candy at my desk) and wallow in wellness!!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Glad for you, Mimi!
    Relieved, too.

    Kind regards, Susan


  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    carkris said:



    Mimi just saw your post--so
    Mimi just saw your post--so happy you got the all clear. You are such a wonderful support to these discussion boards. Thank you for all your insight. Great, you are celebrating and we are celebrating with you.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi Mimi
    I Pray you get the best of best news.Your such a wonderful person and have helped so many of us on these boards.We are here when you feel like letting us know how it went.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    ppurdin said:

    Hi Mimi
    I Pray you get the best of best news.Your such a wonderful person and have helped so many of us on these boards.We are here when you feel like letting us know how it went.Love and Prayers.(Pat).

    So glad you received good news, Mimi! :) Congratulations!!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188

    So glad you received good news, Mimi! :) Congratulations!!

    That is awesome, Mimi!!
    I'll bet with news like that, you are still out celebrating! So glad to hear it! Congrats for the bravery of making it through and Dancing with NED! Pammy
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    So glad for you
    Mimi, so happy it went well! I am again coming in after all is said and done, and am so glad for good news! Enjoy your dinner!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Thank you ALL
    I don't know how I would have gotten through it without all of you holding my hand. And Jeanne, I know we will be celebrating with you really soon, too. I just know it.

    So, after my little seafood lunch (including, of course, a mojito -- yes just one), I thought I would take myself to the movies since Simon is out of town and I have the day off. BUT as I was standing at the bus stop, I saw a shop with a neon sign flashing "SALON, NAILS, WAXING." If you know me at all, you know where I spent the rest of the afternoon. I got my legs waxed, a pedicure, and a manicure. I spent so much time there that the nail technician ended up giving me a ride home. LOL. So, now I am back home and have just ordered sushi and Tom yum soup. I guess I will get back to the healthy eating tomorrow.

    A wonderful night to you all, and LOVE to all.

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    mimivac said:

    Thank you ALL
    I don't know how I would have gotten through it without all of you holding my hand. And Jeanne, I know we will be celebrating with you really soon, too. I just know it.

    So, after my little seafood lunch (including, of course, a mojito -- yes just one), I thought I would take myself to the movies since Simon is out of town and I have the day off. BUT as I was standing at the bus stop, I saw a shop with a neon sign flashing "SALON, NAILS, WAXING." If you know me at all, you know where I spent the rest of the afternoon. I got my legs waxed, a pedicure, and a manicure. I spent so much time there that the nail technician ended up giving me a ride home. LOL. So, now I am back home and have just ordered sushi and Tom yum soup. I guess I will get back to the healthy eating tomorrow.

    A wonderful night to you all, and LOVE to all.


    We do know you a bit, Mimi,
    We do know you a bit, Mimi, so an afternoon at the salon is just what we would have chosen for you. Too risky to send you to a movie: you might have begun assessing it as a film maker rather than surrendering to pure escapist pleasure.

    Some of us would probably recommend ice cream to top off the evening. And all of us wish you sweet dreams tonight.
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    So glad!
    Mimi, this is the first time I'm seeing this post because I work. I usually try to come here first thing in the morning and sometimes before I go to bed. I was glad that I didn't have to deal with any of the anticipation, however, am sorry that I couldn't send you my best at the time you needed it the most. On a selfish note, at least I didn't have to bear the anticipation that everyone else did waiting to find out the results. And at least I can go to bed knowing you got a great report... as I'm sure you will too! Geesh, I guess the anxiety just never stops! Nightie Night, Mimi. Pleasant dreams!

    Hugs ~ Mar