Coloplast Virtue Male Sling
coloplast virtue male slingcgerhardt said:Coloplast Virtue Male Sling
I am 15 months post RP and incontinence and ED has been with me from the beginning with very little improvement. I have done post RP thearpy...kegals and rectal stimulator therapy with no significant improvement. Dry at night and usually when sitting in office chair. If walking or out and about very little to no control. I control during the day (office worker) with Cunningham Clamp and a pad. This is uncomfortable if doing any real activity but works. Nights I use depends just for safety with only a few drops. But, have to get up and go every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Just had the battery of tests Monday FUDS/cystoscopy etc. at U of Michigan. Dr. now recommends either AMS InVance Male Sling or Coloplast Virtue Male Sling She has done +70 InVance and only about 6 Virtue since it is relatively new. Says some have had pain (scrotum nerve) sensitivity from InVance and less chance of this with Virtue.
I am most likely headed for surgery in January and based on here recommendations so am doing all the research I can on alternatives and to see what others have experienced. Any comments would be helpful.
Hi Lion1
Just to let you know that I have had the same experiences as "big bad john" who commented on 5 types of pain after his sling surgery. I am into my 9th week post surgery and the pain and discomfort continue. Unlike john, I have been on pain medication since my operation, as I found the pain especially in the first 4 weeks,unbearable. I was originally supposed to be back at work after 8 weeks, but have not been able to due to the pain that continue, though somewhat reduced since week5, Good luck in your search. Joe0 -
coloplast virtue male slingbigxbadxjohn said:Pain from Coloplast Male sling implants
Hello tpelle,
Thanks for responding. I have actually tried to "tone down" the descriptions of my suffering and displeasure with the Coloplast male sling for the sake of believability. It has made my life a living hell. I am beginning to learn about others that are experiencing similar undesirable side-effects, post surgery, from this sling, such as continuous pain and from one respondent, numbness in the groin area.
I suspect that I will become Coloplast's unwilling the Guinna pig regarding having as much of the Colpolast sling mesh surgically "dug" out of my body as possible in an attempt to end my suffering.
I would sincerely appreciate hearing from other Copoplast Virtue male sling recipients that are experiencing undesirable or intolerable post surgery complications from the Coloplast Virtue sling. My email address is:
Hi John,
Am sorry to hear of your pain, but must tell you that your description of it matches mine perfectly. I am part of the North American study that is testing the new 4 pronged sling. I was told by my Doctor that I am the only one among the 15 patients he has operated on that is experiencing pain and is in need of medication to treat it. I needed to be in the hospital for 2 days post surgery. When I was released I went home with a prescription for Dilaudid (narcotic). Because my pain continued in spite of it, and in fact got worse after the 1st week when everyone's was getting better, I had to change my medication. Since week 2 I have been on Supeudol (narcotic), Codeine and Naprosyn (anti-inflammatory). And yet my high level of pain continued for 4 weeks, at which time a psychiatrist friend of mine informed me that a low dose (25mg) of a tricyclic anti-depressant is sometimes used to treat pain i.e. Tofranil. I immediately asked my Doctor for a prescription and low and behold, the intense pain was reduced and I was able to get a better night's sleep. I am presently into week 9 of recovery and still in enough pain to keep me from work. Taking baths has been helpful. Still cannot bend too easily, or walk too fast, and sex is still out of the question. I am hoping that the pain will continue to diminish allowing me to get back into the activities I once enjoyed. Good luck with your management. Joe0 -
For BBJohn and joe-57joe-57 said:coloplast virtue male sling
Hi John,
Am sorry to hear of your pain, but must tell you that your description of it matches mine perfectly. I am part of the North American study that is testing the new 4 pronged sling. I was told by my Doctor that I am the only one among the 15 patients he has operated on that is experiencing pain and is in need of medication to treat it. I needed to be in the hospital for 2 days post surgery. When I was released I went home with a prescription for Dilaudid (narcotic). Because my pain continued in spite of it, and in fact got worse after the 1st week when everyone's was getting better, I had to change my medication. Since week 2 I have been on Supeudol (narcotic), Codeine and Naprosyn (anti-inflammatory). And yet my high level of pain continued for 4 weeks, at which time a psychiatrist friend of mine informed me that a low dose (25mg) of a tricyclic anti-depressant is sometimes used to treat pain i.e. Tofranil. I immediately asked my Doctor for a prescription and low and behold, the intense pain was reduced and I was able to get a better night's sleep. I am presently into week 9 of recovery and still in enough pain to keep me from work. Taking baths has been helpful. Still cannot bend too easily, or walk too fast, and sex is still out of the question. I am hoping that the pain will continue to diminish allowing me to get back into the activities I once enjoyed. Good luck with your management. Joe
Your postings are greatly appreciated. I'm sorry that you have to report such unbearable and overwhelming pain following the Virtue Sling. I had hopes that it could be a choice solution for those of us with continuing incontinence. Other than the totally unacceptable pain, did you experience any improvement in your incontinence? tpelle0 -
coloplast virtue male slingtpelle said:For BBJohn and joe-57
Your postings are greatly appreciated. I'm sorry that you have to report such unbearable and overwhelming pain following the Virtue Sling. I had hopes that it could be a choice solution for those of us with continuing incontinence. Other than the totally unacceptable pain, did you experience any improvement in your incontinence? tpelle
Hi Tpelle,
Unlike BBJohn's condition mine did in fact improve. Prior to surgery I had been living with my incontinence problem for 5 years following the RP surgery in 2004. In the last year of my incontinence I was using between 1 and 2 pads per day. Nights were dry as were sit downs, but the problem was exasperated during activities like tennis, gardening etc.. The other situation I had to be very careful about revolved around drinking wine or beer. This would go through me whether I was standing or sitting. In any case, since my sling operation Sept. 11, 2009, I no longer need to use any pads. Of course, this is good but I did not count on the extreme pain. I'd also like to add that of the 15 patients my Doctor in Montreal, Canada operated on, I am the only one who is in this position. Before anyone makes a decision about which type of operation is best for them, they need the numbers on success rates, failures, definitions of each of these terms etc. My case is interesting from this definitional point of view, in that, on the one hand, it can count as a success in terms of the incontinence but a failure from the viewpoint of the pain. I say failure because if this pain were to persist fro another 2 or 3 months, I would be forced to make the decision to have the sling removed. For 9 weeks I have been improving, but my life is really on hold. I'm existing, but I cannot really call it living in the fullest sense. Hope these comments help. Joe0 -
Coloplast Virtue male sling paindleffert said:Virtue Male Sling by Coloplast
I have been doing some research on the new Virtue Male Sling and am finding very little. I did have 2 consults with urologists. One is now using the procedure and recommending it over the AdVance Male Sling, the other has never heard of the Virtue. Obviously the second one is no longer a 'contender'.
I'm trying to decide which procedure I want. I am a condidate for either. On the one hand, the AdVance is a proven benefit. On the other, the urologist is recommending the Virtue because the 'mesh' is larger than the AdVance and is more stable because it has 4 points of connection instead of 2 in the AdVance. The downside, however, is that he has done only 3 or 4 Virtue procedures and that makes me a bit nervous. Also the Virtue is brand new and I cannot find many results. I did read some negative above, but that is all so far. Apparently the Virtue has been in use for some time in Europe.
Any comments or suggestions out there?
I received the following email from a sling suffer from Montreal today. I continue to wonder how many others are suffering in silence with this potentially tortuous device?
Hi John,
Though it was regrettable to read of your suffering after your operation, it was also a relief to learn that I was not the only one who was experiencing such pain. I have posted a few messages on the CSN discussion board. At this time I'd like to know if you have any thoughts on whether neural imaging would be helpful in detecting the cause of our pain. Some people swear by it, whereas my Dr. says it won't show anything. This pushes me to go private at a cost of around $500 for the test at a private clinic. I'm coming from Montreal Canada. Looking forward to hear from you. Joe
I would appreciate hearing from others that are experiencing prolonged pain or other complications from this device. My email is: bigxbadxjohn2@yahoo.com0 -
Problems with Coloplast Virtue male sling / FDA Reportbigxbadxjohn said:Coloplast Virtue male sling pain
I received the following email from a sling suffer from Montreal today. I continue to wonder how many others are suffering in silence with this potentially tortuous device?
Hi John,
Though it was regrettable to read of your suffering after your operation, it was also a relief to learn that I was not the only one who was experiencing such pain. I have posted a few messages on the CSN discussion board. At this time I'd like to know if you have any thoughts on whether neural imaging would be helpful in detecting the cause of our pain. Some people swear by it, whereas my Dr. says it won't show anything. This pushes me to go private at a cost of around $500 for the test at a private clinic. I'm coming from Montreal Canada. Looking forward to hear from you. Joe
I would appreciate hearing from others that are experiencing prolonged pain or other complications from this device. My email is:
You may cut and paste the following Government website to learn about Coloplast Virtue male sling incident reports to the FDA.
I would appreciate hearing from others that are experiencing prolonged pain or other complications from this device. My email: bigxbadxjohn2@yahoo.com0 -
ut medical group
Hi Tpelle.
This is just to let you and every other viewer know that the new sling you are referring to at this website is the Virtue male sling... the very one that has caused a living hell for both bbjohn and myself. As far as I can discern, it is still in trials. Can't seem to find much data around outcome. Be prudent and learn to ask the right questions.0 -
Prognosis - After Virtue Painjoe-57 said:ut medical group
Hi Tpelle.
This is just to let you and every other viewer know that the new sling you are referring to at this website is the Virtue male sling... the very one that has caused a living hell for both bbjohn and myself. As far as I can discern, it is still in trials. Can't seem to find much data around outcome. Be prudent and learn to ask the right questions.
joe-57: Have you experienced any improvement in the pain level in the last week or so? Are you of the opinion that the pain level will subside eventually to a satisfactory level without pain medication and without any salvage procedures? Other than pain relief medications does Coloplast or your surgeon have a back-up plan to correct the situation? Or are you expected to just live with the pain? Has he given you a prognosis as to if and when the pain will subside?
Has your surgeon or Coloplast recognized the after-Virtue pain issue and modified the procedure on future installations?
Your being the only one of his several Virtue recepient who has experienced the pain nightmare doesn't make the pain any less of a problem for you. My surgeon told me last week that his record of incontinence following open prostatectomy is 1-2 percent. And, he has not performed any sling surgeries on his post-prostatectomy patients. Unfortunately, I was part of that inglorious 1-2 percent statistic. I'm still hoping for a solution to my 1 - 2 pad per day problem. tpelle0 -
Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male slingtpelle said:Prognosis - After Virtue Pain
joe-57: Have you experienced any improvement in the pain level in the last week or so? Are you of the opinion that the pain level will subside eventually to a satisfactory level without pain medication and without any salvage procedures? Other than pain relief medications does Coloplast or your surgeon have a back-up plan to correct the situation? Or are you expected to just live with the pain? Has he given you a prognosis as to if and when the pain will subside?
Has your surgeon or Coloplast recognized the after-Virtue pain issue and modified the procedure on future installations?
Your being the only one of his several Virtue recepient who has experienced the pain nightmare doesn't make the pain any less of a problem for you. My surgeon told me last week that his record of incontinence following open prostatectomy is 1-2 percent. And, he has not performed any sling surgeries on his post-prostatectomy patients. Unfortunately, I was part of that inglorious 1-2 percent statistic. I'm still hoping for a solution to my 1 - 2 pad per day problem. tpelle
Hello tpelle,
This is a huge and a life changing decision. It is extremely important to research as much as possible and ask questions to protect yourself. When you do decide, make certain your "informed consent" form, that you sign, is very explicit regarding what you have agreed to.
My doctor described an AdVance type sling (and procedure) to me in great detail and then implanted the Coloplast Virtue sling without my knowledge or consent. This device has been tortuous 24/7 for over four months now. It will be surgically removed at The Cleveland Clinic as quickly as I can be scheduled for surgery. I will be the happiest person on Earth to get this contraption out of my body. Perhaps a Christmas present to myself.
I highly recommend that you talk with or schedule an appointment with one of the top experts regarding male sling procedures. A couple of examples are Dr. Kenneth Angermeier, The Cleveland Clinic and/or Dr. Kurt McCammom, Sentara Hospital, Norfolk, Va. You can also watch a very informative video by Dr. McCammom at Sentara Hospital's website.
The most important thing to remember, you are making a life changing decision. Your quality of life will be much improved of much worse, mostly contingent on your research, willingness to travel, and your final decisions.
I cannot overstress the importance of "getting it right" the first time around. Second and third surgeries to fix bungled initial procedures are most unfortunate and expensive.
I wish you the best possible outcome.
my email: bigxbadxjohn2@yahoo.com0 -
big bad johnbigxbadxjohn said:Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male sling
Hello tpelle,
This is a huge and a life changing decision. It is extremely important to research as much as possible and ask questions to protect yourself. When you do decide, make certain your "informed consent" form, that you sign, is very explicit regarding what you have agreed to.
My doctor described an AdVance type sling (and procedure) to me in great detail and then implanted the Coloplast Virtue sling without my knowledge or consent. This device has been tortuous 24/7 for over four months now. It will be surgically removed at The Cleveland Clinic as quickly as I can be scheduled for surgery. I will be the happiest person on Earth to get this contraption out of my body. Perhaps a Christmas present to myself.
I highly recommend that you talk with or schedule an appointment with one of the top experts regarding male sling procedures. A couple of examples are Dr. Kenneth Angermeier, The Cleveland Clinic and/or Dr. Kurt McCammom, Sentara Hospital, Norfolk, Va. You can also watch a very informative video by Dr. McCammom at Sentara Hospital's website.
The most important thing to remember, you are making a life changing decision. Your quality of life will be much improved of much worse, mostly contingent on your research, willingness to travel, and your final decisions.
I cannot overstress the importance of "getting it right" the first time around. Second and third surgeries to fix bungled initial procedures are most unfortunate and expensive.
I wish you the best possible outcome.
my email:
I agree with the research and more importantly having a doctor you feel you can trust. It is unfortunate as Tpelle explained that a Doctor may tell you that 99% of his patients required no aftercare/ procedures for incontinence, but when you're that 1% it doesn't mean squat.
But, the reality is one could only tolerate the incontinence for so long before it drives you to a decision. In my case 3 1/2 years later, my new doctor is taking me down a road that could very well lead up to a Sling. With that said, next for me is Botox treatments probably in Jan 10, but there is a risk. 1 out of 20 people have to be catherized, for as long as two weeks. For some it could cause worse problems. I hope I am not that 1 in 20. Hell, I was the 1% already who was left incontinent. Maybe the pendulum will swing my way this time.
With all that being said, you don't have to regret your decision. You did what you had to do. It is not easy making these decisions, we all just want to get well, and we are putting a tremendous amount of trust in our Doctors.
I pray that we all in the near future are talking about our successes and not remaining in the 1% group.
Lion10 -
big bad johnbigxbadxjohn said:Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male sling
Hello tpelle,
This is a huge and a life changing decision. It is extremely important to research as much as possible and ask questions to protect yourself. When you do decide, make certain your "informed consent" form, that you sign, is very explicit regarding what you have agreed to.
My doctor described an AdVance type sling (and procedure) to me in great detail and then implanted the Coloplast Virtue sling without my knowledge or consent. This device has been tortuous 24/7 for over four months now. It will be surgically removed at The Cleveland Clinic as quickly as I can be scheduled for surgery. I will be the happiest person on Earth to get this contraption out of my body. Perhaps a Christmas present to myself.
I highly recommend that you talk with or schedule an appointment with one of the top experts regarding male sling procedures. A couple of examples are Dr. Kenneth Angermeier, The Cleveland Clinic and/or Dr. Kurt McCammom, Sentara Hospital, Norfolk, Va. You can also watch a very informative video by Dr. McCammom at Sentara Hospital's website.
The most important thing to remember, you are making a life changing decision. Your quality of life will be much improved of much worse, mostly contingent on your research, willingness to travel, and your final decisions.
I cannot overstress the importance of "getting it right" the first time around. Second and third surgeries to fix bungled initial procedures are most unfortunate and expensive.
I wish you the best possible outcome.
my email:
I agree with the research and more importantly having a doctor you feel you can trust. It is unfortunate as Tpelle explained that a Doctor may tell you that 99% of his patients required no aftercare/ procedures for incontinence, but when you're that 1% it doesn't mean squat.
But, the reality is one could only tolerate the incontinence for so long before it drives you to a decision. In my case 3 1/2 years later, my new doctor is taking me down a road that could very well lead up to a Sling. With that said, next for me is Botox treatments probably in Jan 10, but there is a risk. 1 out of 20 people have to be catherized, for as long as two weeks. For some it could cause worse problems. I hope I am not that 1 in 20. Hell, I was the 1% already who was left incontinent. Maybe the pendulum will swing my way this time.
With all that being said, you don't have to regret your decision. You did what you had to do. It is not easy making these decisions, we all just want to get well, and we are putting a tremendous amount of trust in our Doctors.
I pray that we all in the near future are talking about our successes and not remaining in the 1% group.
Lion10 -
big bad johnbigxbadxjohn said:Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male sling
Hello tpelle,
This is a huge and a life changing decision. It is extremely important to research as much as possible and ask questions to protect yourself. When you do decide, make certain your "informed consent" form, that you sign, is very explicit regarding what you have agreed to.
My doctor described an AdVance type sling (and procedure) to me in great detail and then implanted the Coloplast Virtue sling without my knowledge or consent. This device has been tortuous 24/7 for over four months now. It will be surgically removed at The Cleveland Clinic as quickly as I can be scheduled for surgery. I will be the happiest person on Earth to get this contraption out of my body. Perhaps a Christmas present to myself.
I highly recommend that you talk with or schedule an appointment with one of the top experts regarding male sling procedures. A couple of examples are Dr. Kenneth Angermeier, The Cleveland Clinic and/or Dr. Kurt McCammom, Sentara Hospital, Norfolk, Va. You can also watch a very informative video by Dr. McCammom at Sentara Hospital's website.
The most important thing to remember, you are making a life changing decision. Your quality of life will be much improved of much worse, mostly contingent on your research, willingness to travel, and your final decisions.
I cannot overstress the importance of "getting it right" the first time around. Second and third surgeries to fix bungled initial procedures are most unfortunate and expensive.
I wish you the best possible outcome.
my email:
I agree with the research and more importantly having a doctor you feel you can trust. It is unfortunate as Tpelle explained that a Doctor may tell you that 99% of his patients required no aftercare/ procedures for incontinence, but when you're that 1% it doesn't mean squat.
But, the reality is one could only tolerate the incontinence for so long before it drives you to a decision. In my case 3 1/2 years later, my new doctor is taking me down a road that could very well lead up to a Sling. With that said, next for me is Botox treatments probably in Jan 10, but there is a risk. 1 out of 20 people have to be catherized, for as long as two weeks. For some it could cause worse problems. I hope I am not that 1 in 20. Hell, I was the 1% already who was left incontinent. Maybe the pendulum will swing my way this time.
With all that being said, you don't have to regret your decision. You did what you had to do. It is not easy making these decisions, we all just want to get well, and we are putting a tremendous amount of trust in our Doctors.
I pray that we all in the near future are talking about our successes and not remaining in the 1% group.
Lion10 -
big bad johnbigxbadxjohn said:Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male sling
Hello tpelle,
This is a huge and a life changing decision. It is extremely important to research as much as possible and ask questions to protect yourself. When you do decide, make certain your "informed consent" form, that you sign, is very explicit regarding what you have agreed to.
My doctor described an AdVance type sling (and procedure) to me in great detail and then implanted the Coloplast Virtue sling without my knowledge or consent. This device has been tortuous 24/7 for over four months now. It will be surgically removed at The Cleveland Clinic as quickly as I can be scheduled for surgery. I will be the happiest person on Earth to get this contraption out of my body. Perhaps a Christmas present to myself.
I highly recommend that you talk with or schedule an appointment with one of the top experts regarding male sling procedures. A couple of examples are Dr. Kenneth Angermeier, The Cleveland Clinic and/or Dr. Kurt McCammom, Sentara Hospital, Norfolk, Va. You can also watch a very informative video by Dr. McCammom at Sentara Hospital's website.
The most important thing to remember, you are making a life changing decision. Your quality of life will be much improved of much worse, mostly contingent on your research, willingness to travel, and your final decisions.
I cannot overstress the importance of "getting it right" the first time around. Second and third surgeries to fix bungled initial procedures are most unfortunate and expensive.
I wish you the best possible outcome.
my email:
I agree with the research and more importantly having a doctor you feel you can trust. It is unfortunate as Tpelle explained that a Doctor may tell you that 99% of his patients required no aftercare/ procedures for incontinence, but when you're that 1% it doesn't mean squat.
But, the reality is one could only tolerate the incontinence for so long before it drives you to a decision. In my case 3 1/2 years later, my new doctor is taking me down a road that could very well lead up to a Sling. With that said, next for me is Botox treatments probably in Jan 10, but there is a risk. 1 out of 20 people have to be catherized, for as long as two weeks. For some it could cause worse problems. I hope I am not that 1 in 20. Hell, I was the 1% already who was left incontinent. Maybe the pendulum will swing my way this time.
With all that being said, you don't have to regret your decision. You did what you had to do. It is not easy making these decisions, we all just want to get well, and we are putting a tremendous amount of trust in our Doctors.
I pray that we all in the near future are talking about our successes and not remaining in the 1% group.
Lion10 -
big bad johnbigxbadxjohn said:Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male sling
Hello tpelle,
This is a huge and a life changing decision. It is extremely important to research as much as possible and ask questions to protect yourself. When you do decide, make certain your "informed consent" form, that you sign, is very explicit regarding what you have agreed to.
My doctor described an AdVance type sling (and procedure) to me in great detail and then implanted the Coloplast Virtue sling without my knowledge or consent. This device has been tortuous 24/7 for over four months now. It will be surgically removed at The Cleveland Clinic as quickly as I can be scheduled for surgery. I will be the happiest person on Earth to get this contraption out of my body. Perhaps a Christmas present to myself.
I highly recommend that you talk with or schedule an appointment with one of the top experts regarding male sling procedures. A couple of examples are Dr. Kenneth Angermeier, The Cleveland Clinic and/or Dr. Kurt McCammom, Sentara Hospital, Norfolk, Va. You can also watch a very informative video by Dr. McCammom at Sentara Hospital's website.
The most important thing to remember, you are making a life changing decision. Your quality of life will be much improved of much worse, mostly contingent on your research, willingness to travel, and your final decisions.
I cannot overstress the importance of "getting it right" the first time around. Second and third surgeries to fix bungled initial procedures are most unfortunate and expensive.
I wish you the best possible outcome.
my email:
I agree with the research and more importantly having a doctor you feel you can trust. It is unfortunate as Tpelle explained that a Doctor may tell you that 99% of his patients required no aftercare/ procedures for incontinence, but when you're that 1% it doesn't mean squat.
But, the reality is one could only tolerate the incontinence for so long before it drives you to a decision. In my case 3 1/2 years later, my new doctor is taking me down a road that could very well lead up to a Sling. With that said, next for me is Botox treatments probably in Jan 10, but there is a risk. 1 out of 20 people have to be catherized, for as long as two weeks. For some it could cause worse problems. I hope I am not that 1 in 20. Hell, I was the 1% already who was left incontinent. Maybe the pendulum will swing my way this time.
With all that being said, you don't have to regret your decision. You did what you had to do. It is not easy making these decisions, we all just want to get well, and we are putting a tremendous amount of trust in our Doctors.
I pray that we all in the near future are talking about our successes and not remaining in the 1% group.
Lion10 -
big bad johnbigxbadxjohn said:Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male sling
Hello tpelle,
This is a huge and a life changing decision. It is extremely important to research as much as possible and ask questions to protect yourself. When you do decide, make certain your "informed consent" form, that you sign, is very explicit regarding what you have agreed to.
My doctor described an AdVance type sling (and procedure) to me in great detail and then implanted the Coloplast Virtue sling without my knowledge or consent. This device has been tortuous 24/7 for over four months now. It will be surgically removed at The Cleveland Clinic as quickly as I can be scheduled for surgery. I will be the happiest person on Earth to get this contraption out of my body. Perhaps a Christmas present to myself.
I highly recommend that you talk with or schedule an appointment with one of the top experts regarding male sling procedures. A couple of examples are Dr. Kenneth Angermeier, The Cleveland Clinic and/or Dr. Kurt McCammom, Sentara Hospital, Norfolk, Va. You can also watch a very informative video by Dr. McCammom at Sentara Hospital's website.
The most important thing to remember, you are making a life changing decision. Your quality of life will be much improved of much worse, mostly contingent on your research, willingness to travel, and your final decisions.
I cannot overstress the importance of "getting it right" the first time around. Second and third surgeries to fix bungled initial procedures are most unfortunate and expensive.
I wish you the best possible outcome.
my email:
I agree with the research and more importantly having a doctor you feel you can trust. It is unfortunate as Tpelle explained that a Doctor may tell you that 99% of his patients required no aftercare/ procedures for incontinence, but when you're that 1% it doesn't mean squat.
But, the reality is one could only tolerate the incontinence for so long before it drives you to a decision. In my case 3 1/2 years later, my new doctor is taking me down a road that could very well lead up to a Sling. With that said, next for me is Botox treatments probably in Jan 10, but there is a risk. 1 out of 20 people have to be catherized, for as long as two weeks. For some it could cause worse problems. I hope I am not that 1 in 20. Hell, I was the 1% already who was left incontinent. Maybe the pendulum will swing my way this time.
With all that being said, you don't have to regret your decision. You did what you had to do. It is not easy making these decisions, we all just want to get well, and we are putting a tremendous amount of trust in our Doctors.
I pray that we all in the near future are talking about our successes and not remaining in the 1% group.
Lion10 -
big bad johnbigxbadxjohn said:Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male sling
Hello tpelle,
This is a huge and a life changing decision. It is extremely important to research as much as possible and ask questions to protect yourself. When you do decide, make certain your "informed consent" form, that you sign, is very explicit regarding what you have agreed to.
My doctor described an AdVance type sling (and procedure) to me in great detail and then implanted the Coloplast Virtue sling without my knowledge or consent. This device has been tortuous 24/7 for over four months now. It will be surgically removed at The Cleveland Clinic as quickly as I can be scheduled for surgery. I will be the happiest person on Earth to get this contraption out of my body. Perhaps a Christmas present to myself.
I highly recommend that you talk with or schedule an appointment with one of the top experts regarding male sling procedures. A couple of examples are Dr. Kenneth Angermeier, The Cleveland Clinic and/or Dr. Kurt McCammom, Sentara Hospital, Norfolk, Va. You can also watch a very informative video by Dr. McCammom at Sentara Hospital's website.
The most important thing to remember, you are making a life changing decision. Your quality of life will be much improved of much worse, mostly contingent on your research, willingness to travel, and your final decisions.
I cannot overstress the importance of "getting it right" the first time around. Second and third surgeries to fix bungled initial procedures are most unfortunate and expensive.
I wish you the best possible outcome.
my email:
I agree with the research and more importantly having a doctor you feel you can trust. It is unfortunate as Tpelle explained that a Doctor may tell you that 99% of his patients required no aftercare/ procedures for incontinence, but when you're that 1% it doesn't mean squat.
But, the reality is one could only tolerate the incontinence for so long before it drives you to a decision. In my case 3 1/2 years later, my new doctor is taking me down a road that could very well lead up to a Sling. With that said, next for me is Botox treatments probably in Jan 10, but there is a risk. 1 out of 20 people have to be catherized, for as long as two weeks. For some it could cause worse problems. I hope I am not that 1 in 20. Hell, I was the 1% already who was left incontinent. Maybe the pendulum will swing my way this time.
With all that being said, you don't have to regret your decision. You did what you had to do. It is not easy making these decisions, we all just want to get well, and we are putting a tremendous amount of trust in our Doctors.
I pray that we all in the near future are talking about our successes and not remaining in the 1% group.
Lion10 -
Coloplast Virtue Slingtpelle said:Coloplast Surgeons
cgerhardt: Sorry you continue to experience the two primary side effects of prostate surgery. You have been quite aggressive in trying to solve the problems prior to resorting to further surgery. My incontinence level is similar to yours -- no improvement since shortly after open surgery seven years ago. Dry at night and mostly while sitting, but leakage whenever standing -- total about 12 heavy duty Depands Guards for Men per week. Program Manager at Coloplast wrote me that since Virtue is newly introduced in the U.S. "we are still compiling the data from our clinical study and at this time I do not have any firm numbers to provide to you other than it is performing at least the same as the advance." I have not yet received the names of physicians in my area or in South Florida who are performing the Virtue surgery, but she is working on it. I've also asked her if Drs. Webster and McCammons (the AdVance proponents) or anyone at Walter Reed are doing the Virtue.
I'm wondering why your doctor is recommending the AMS InVance as it seems that the later AMS Advance is often now preferred -- it doesn't use screws and reduces the after pain. A local surgeon told me that he dropped the InVance in favor of the AdVance. Did your doctor have anything negative to say about the AMS AdVance? And, has she tried the AdVance? Since there are so few postings regarding surgical solutions to incontinence, I certainly appreciate your post and hope that you will tell us of your research findings and eventually your decision.
Pardon my late response. I have not been back to this forum since I made the first post back in October. My Doctor is Dr. Latini at U of Mich. She specializes in fixing incontinence. She has done about 70 of the AMS slings both Advance and InVance. Not sure of the mix between the two. She has also done 6 Coloplast Virtue. She recommends either InVance or Virtue for me since she describes my condition after reviewing all the test as "moderate". She recommends Advance for "mild to moderate" and does not feel it will offer enough result based on her experience. She said the only downside to InVance was that some patients had some discomfort/irritation in the scrotum following surgery.I called six of her patients (list she gave me) all with either Advance or InVance and all were quite satisfied and two were thrilled with the results.
The literature she gave me from AMS shows Advance for "mild" and InVance for "mild to moderate" and AMS 800 (pump) for "moderate to severe" incontinence.
I really appreciate the information about Virtue and now makes me much more cautious. I have little or no control during the day and get by with a Cunningham clamp. Nights or when sitting at home are dry.....and this is getting old after 17 months post RP. Scheduled for surgery to do the sling last week of January so must make an informed decision as to which one to go for.0 -
contracting bladderlion1 said:cgerhardt and tpelle
Your situations are so close to mine, so we feel and understand each others pain.
First a few comments: I believe there might be a Coloplast Surgeon in Winter Park Florida--just North of Orlando.
Cgerhardt, my personal opinion is to stay away from the Invance Sling. I have just heard about to many after-effects in my readings. The Advance sounds encouraging and the Coloplast sounds even better.Did your urodynamics reveal if you had a contracting bladder??
Tpelle--I talked to my Doctor yesterday at Walter Reed--he going to schedule Botox injections for me. Here's the reason, if you remember in my previous post, he claims that a main driver in my incontinence is a contracting bladder, limiting capacity, the pills I have been on did not help. The Botox is the nex step. He did say that with my condition, that a Sling would help, but may not do the entire job. I like this Doc and his step by step approach is one I am willing to follow. So once I get the Botox, I'll let you know what happens. I also know if it works to some degree, it's only temporary. Remember, I had a collagen injection last year by another Doctor, it did nothing because it had no effect on my bladder because it was just suppose to thicken the bladder neck.
Lion 1
No, I do not have a contracting bladder.0 -
No response? Should I just do AUS Pump insteadcgerhardt said:Coloplast Virtue Sling
Pardon my late response. I have not been back to this forum since I made the first post back in October. My Doctor is Dr. Latini at U of Mich. She specializes in fixing incontinence. She has done about 70 of the AMS slings both Advance and InVance. Not sure of the mix between the two. She has also done 6 Coloplast Virtue. She recommends either InVance or Virtue for me since she describes my condition after reviewing all the test as "moderate". She recommends Advance for "mild to moderate" and does not feel it will offer enough result based on her experience. She said the only downside to InVance was that some patients had some discomfort/irritation in the scrotum following surgery.I called six of her patients (list she gave me) all with either Advance or InVance and all were quite satisfied and two were thrilled with the results.
The literature she gave me from AMS shows Advance for "mild" and InVance for "mild to moderate" and AMS 800 (pump) for "moderate to severe" incontinence.
I really appreciate the information about Virtue and now makes me much more cautious. I have little or no control during the day and get by with a Cunningham clamp. Nights or when sitting at home are dry.....and this is getting old after 17 months post RP. Scheduled for surgery to do the sling last week of January so must make an informed decision as to which one to go for.
I have not seen a post since I did mine on 12/14/09. After reading the information here and also posts on I am wondering if I should forget doing a sling and go for the AMS 800 pump instead of taking the risk with any of the slings.....expecially the Virtue since it seems to be a bit unproven.
Did any of you watching this forum consider the AMS 800 pump. If so what do you consider the pros and cons. The thread I read on Healing well seemed to say that pump users seem almost completely satisfied with the results.
Has anyone heard from bbjohn? We tried tried to talk by phone but did not make contact before he went in for his surgery to have Virtue removed.0 -
coloplast male sling vs AdVance slinglion1 said:big bad john
I agree with the research and more importantly having a doctor you feel you can trust. It is unfortunate as Tpelle explained that a Doctor may tell you that 99% of his patients required no aftercare/ procedures for incontinence, but when you're that 1% it doesn't mean squat.
But, the reality is one could only tolerate the incontinence for so long before it drives you to a decision. In my case 3 1/2 years later, my new doctor is taking me down a road that could very well lead up to a Sling. With that said, next for me is Botox treatments probably in Jan 10, but there is a risk. 1 out of 20 people have to be catherized, for as long as two weeks. For some it could cause worse problems. I hope I am not that 1 in 20. Hell, I was the 1% already who was left incontinent. Maybe the pendulum will swing my way this time.
With all that being said, you don't have to regret your decision. You did what you had to do. It is not easy making these decisions, we all just want to get well, and we are putting a tremendous amount of trust in our Doctors.
I pray that we all in the near future are talking about our successes and not remaining in the 1% group.
I have not seen a post on this site since before Christmas. I would really like to get an update. I go in for sling surgery on February 3rd. At this point I am planning to do the AdVance sling but would like to hear if anyone has heard any more about Virtue.
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