Cancer Funk

elizarose Member Posts: 124
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
We all agree that all parts of this cancer journey are difficult; so what are some things you do or have done to get past the really bad times. I think I sit around too much waiting for me to miraculously feel better. Or maybe I should just allow myself to feel bad and chill...I don't know!?


  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    I come here
    When I am restless or need any help that I don't get from my immediate surroundings I come here. This site allows me to see and feel beyond my own funk or fears. I am continually reminded that I am not alone on this journey. I am blessed by the glimpses of how honest everyone is and how quickly help arrives with answers. So if I am praying for answers and I come here...they are usually within the boards somewhere. I think you are trying to figure out if you are thinking too much or if your funk is from not doing something different. The answers I usually find would are entitled to be in a funk. This is no fun. Sometimes sitting and thinking is needed. You can get through this and everyone is here for you. My prayers will be that the funk lifts quickly. Remeber also that you need to keep your doctors involved in how you are feeling. This is an emotional journey as well as physical and there may be help from them as well.

  • Kim59
    Kim59 Member Posts: 43
    Just found this site this
    Just found this site this week. I know these boards are going to help me. Just starting my journey. I am still in the stage of, you've got to be kidding, I have cancer! I am going to try and stay busy and not let cancer control how I feel or who I am. Hope it works!!
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    When I feel the funk I put
    When I feel the funk I put Red Alert game in the computer and kill all the bad guys, I pertend they are cancer cells and i just have a good time. Childish I know, but heck I have cancer and and I am allowed to be childish. Plus it really helps when I feel the need to throw a tantrum.

    p.s. In case you did not know they call me tj tantrum around here :)
  • elizarose
    elizarose Member Posts: 124
    tjhay said:

    When I feel the funk I put
    When I feel the funk I put Red Alert game in the computer and kill all the bad guys, I pertend they are cancer cells and i just have a good time. Childish I know, but heck I have cancer and and I am allowed to be childish. Plus it really helps when I feel the need to throw a tantrum.

    p.s. In case you did not know they call me tj tantrum around here :)

    I like that idea!!

    I like that idea!!
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    I try to get on this site
    I try to get on this site daily, though sometimes I'm too busy. I've been stronger than those around me, I think. I don't fear death, I geuss thats why. I have to wait for the next petscan to see whats going on, but so far, I think things are going pretty good. Not really worried and not dwelling on what ifs. People have been kinder to me at work. The hardest part to me is people looking at my wig, at least I think they are, makes me feel self conscious. The hairless thing is the hardest on me. Physically, I start feeling normal again about the 8th day after chemo.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    When I feel bad I either
    When I feel bad I either watch a funny movie or put on a CD that reminds me of fun times or keep busy doing something. If you are busy you don't think about feeling bad.
  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
    Marcia527 said:

    When I feel bad I either
    When I feel bad I either watch a funny movie or put on a CD that reminds me of fun times or keep busy doing something. If you are busy you don't think about feeling bad.

    I often read the Bible when
    I often read the Bible when Im down.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Sometimes the cancer funk is
    Sometimes the cancer funk is just that...a cancer funk and we need to wear the crown of Queen of the Pity Party! If, however, the funk seems to be slipping into not ever wanting to do anything at all for days on end, and could be bona fide depression ( albeit "situational depression") hie thee to a Dr! I think you mentioned you are in counseling and that is wonderful!I don't recall if you are on meds or not~ many of us do take meds to take the edge off of the place cancer has taken us to.

    In the meanwhile, there are other things you can do to help alleviate "funk". Things I am sure you know of! The big thing to do is raise your endorphin levels, and the best way to accomplish that is through exercise. No, not world class, Olympic status exercise, but getting outside and walking! If you have a friend to go with you, all the better, but a dog is good or by yourself. It is a multiple-fold blessing. One~ it literally gets us out of our hibernate-zone, Two~20 minutes of sunshine induced Vitamin D is vital to help keep those bones of your strong and calcium filled, Three~ the walking produces endorphins which are scientifically known to reduce stress, anxiety and mild depression, Four~ it gives you time to deeply inhale and exhale out of doors and clear our hearts, minds, and lungs of the negative thoughts which can pervade our very fibre.

    You have mentioned being a Christian woman...your walk can also make you aware of the change of seasons and weather patterns, the holiday decorations, children, dogs, the smell of fi replaces wafting through the neighborhoods, waving at people you see; a whole host of thing you can find some pleasure in.

    I regularly help feed the homeless; it humbles and enriches me at the same time, if that makes sense. Perhaps there is something like that available to you.

    And, I have recommended this 3 minute video ( now on YouTube) for YEARS~ if you have not received the empowerment from this movie I highly recommend it. Go to YouTube, and then look for Cancer Crusade, and then click on The Survivor Movie. You will not regret watching it, I promise you.

    We really care about all of our sisters here on the boards~ keep us in the loop!

  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Deb1969 said:

    I often read the Bible when
    I often read the Bible when Im down.

    I go out to play
    With my daft pet dog, she can make me laugh anytime....I read Tom Sharpe books also, listen to Heart and AcDc. sometimes aerosmith.........ohhhhhhhhh lovely..........
    Smoke a spliff, have a cinamon whiskey.
    Look out of the window at the wonder of nature or a fabulous sunset........Life is good............I go stand in the back garden and hold my arms out...let the million bats fly around me.
    They get so close, never touch, what a wonderful feeling

    I smell the trees and newly mown grass... is their more to life than this?

    I hope NOT
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    I go out to play
    With my daft pet dog, she can make me laugh anytime....I read Tom Sharpe books also, listen to Heart and AcDc. sometimes aerosmith.........ohhhhhhhhh lovely..........
    Smoke a spliff, have a cinamon whiskey.
    Look out of the window at the wonder of nature or a fabulous sunset........Life is good............I go stand in the back garden and hold my arms out...let the million bats fly around me.
    They get so close, never touch, what a wonderful feeling

    I smell the trees and newly mown grass... is their more to life than this?

    I hope NOT

    What a wonderful way

    What a wonderful way to remove a funk and to just enjoy life. Good for you. And I love the dog. Of course, as slow as my computer updates pictures it could be a guppy now.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    fauxma said:

    What a wonderful way

    What a wonderful way to remove a funk and to just enjoy life. Good for you. And I love the dog. Of course, as slow as my computer updates pictures it could be a guppy now.

    Welcome Kim, You have found
    Welcome Kim, You have found the right place to be. Understand the your kidding " I Have Cancer " thing. It will set in soon though. As far a the cancer funk answer I come right here.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    My best lift.....
    I give myself permission to eat ice-cream straight from the container (with the big spoon!) and ignore how many servings are actually in a container! Pammy
  • elizarose
    elizarose Member Posts: 124
    Akiss4me said:

    My best lift.....
    I give myself permission to eat ice-cream straight from the container (with the big spoon!) and ignore how many servings are actually in a container! Pammy

    Pammy, you are so funny and
    Pammy, you are so funny and full of optimism!
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    How about a Xanex? LOL
    How about a Xanex? LOL Kidding... I got introduced to these things when I got my DX. They do help me sleep and they sometimes get me through procedures as I never feathered very well with anything medical. I'm similar to Laurissa I suppose, in that I don't 'fear' death. I truly believe that we all have a stamp and when our time is up, it's up. Can't say I don't have off days, as I definitely do. As most have said, on those days and during the worst times, I try to jump on here and there are usually quite a few posts that help me gather my thoughts and get back on track. And generally, I tell myself that tomorrow is a new day and it always is better!
  • patti anne
    patti anne Member Posts: 101
    When reading your question, the first thing that popped in my head kids. I have 5, ranging in age from 21 to 12. They are funny! When we are all together (three are in college) we laugh and laugh. Laughter truly is the best medicine. I don't know how I would have gotten through all this so far without them. Oh, and my husband too, but he isn't as funny. haha He's my rock!

    I have had those days where I just get in the funk and I think that's ok too. I don't allow myself too many in a row though. It would be too hard to get out of.

    I was at the gym earlier this week and just started crying on the treadmill. I had to leave. It was just so strange...just one of those days, I guess. It happens and I've had to learn to be ok with that, but not to dwell on it.
  • elizarose
    elizarose Member Posts: 124
    Marlene_K said:

    How about a Xanex? LOL
    How about a Xanex? LOL Kidding... I got introduced to these things when I got my DX. They do help me sleep and they sometimes get me through procedures as I never feathered very well with anything medical. I'm similar to Laurissa I suppose, in that I don't 'fear' death. I truly believe that we all have a stamp and when our time is up, it's up. Can't say I don't have off days, as I definitely do. As most have said, on those days and during the worst times, I try to jump on here and there are usually quite a few posts that help me gather my thoughts and get back on track. And generally, I tell myself that tomorrow is a new day and it always is better!

    Um...I have the Xanex!! (I
    Um...I have the Xanex!! (I could open my own pharmacy with all the meds I have.) I only take it when I have to and sometimes at night to help me fall asleep. I also have Ambien but don't like to take it too often. And of course my ever faithful Prozac! I think I am doing better, I see my therapist today and that should help. Right now I am just so tired and the last two days I have woken with a headache, ugh!!!
  • elizarose
    elizarose Member Posts: 124

    When reading your question, the first thing that popped in my head kids. I have 5, ranging in age from 21 to 12. They are funny! When we are all together (three are in college) we laugh and laugh. Laughter truly is the best medicine. I don't know how I would have gotten through all this so far without them. Oh, and my husband too, but he isn't as funny. haha He's my rock!

    I have had those days where I just get in the funk and I think that's ok too. I don't allow myself too many in a row though. It would be too hard to get out of.

    I was at the gym earlier this week and just started crying on the treadmill. I had to leave. It was just so strange...just one of those days, I guess. It happens and I've had to learn to be ok with that, but not to dwell on it.

    I'm sorry about your crying
    I'm sorry about your crying on the treadmill, but I'm glad you shared it. That sounds EXACTLY like me and now I don't feel alone with my crying spells.
    Last week I was having a bad day, couldn't quit crying and I called my daughter and asked if I could come and see her and my 2 year old granddaughter. Nothing better than that to make me feel better. I love my kids and grandkids!
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    elizarose said:

    I'm sorry about your crying
    I'm sorry about your crying on the treadmill, but I'm glad you shared it. That sounds EXACTLY like me and now I don't feel alone with my crying spells.
    Last week I was having a bad day, couldn't quit crying and I called my daughter and asked if I could come and see her and my 2 year old granddaughter. Nothing better than that to make me feel better. I love my kids and grandkids!

    What I do
    Is come here and vent!! you guys always make me feel better.. I listen alot to KLOVE. it's always has encouraging songs and stories. I call my BFF and we talk about it, and I day dream alot about my future.... and like like Pammy I too am addicted to ice cream.. but it's one particual flavor and I always have at least 4 pints in my fridge.. Chocolate helps any mood!!!

  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Calleen said:

    What I do
    Is come here and vent!! you guys always make me feel better.. I listen alot to KLOVE. it's always has encouraging songs and stories. I call my BFF and we talk about it, and I day dream alot about my future.... and like like Pammy I too am addicted to ice cream.. but it's one particual flavor and I always have at least 4 pints in my fridge.. Chocolate helps any mood!!!


    I go to the mall. I know
    I go to the mall. I know this may sound shallow, but I get all dressed up, (usually my daughter comes with me) and go try on clothes, put makeup and expensive perfume on, have a nice lunch, Just walking around the mall makes me feel better, i don't even have to buy anything. I went on Saturday, and it was all decorated for christmas, Yankee candle shop smelled so good and they were playing Christmas music. I bought my nurses and chemo friends Christmas scented candles, I had a ball smelling them and picking one out for each person. I have treatment the week before Christmas so i will give them out then. Plus, my car smelled like Christmas and my office smells so good, in fact, i take them out and smell them and it brings back so many memories.
    On a different note, i also find cooking theraputic, (don't know if you feel like eating). I look up a recipe on google, buy the ingredients, and make a nice dinner. My husband has made every Friday nite, Pizza night. (i'm a cheap date). hope these ideas friend goes in the closet and yells at the top of her lungs, "Cancer Go Away"..that helps her.
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Feel bad
    I allow myself to feel bad when I become sad or frustrated with everything. I think sometimes that crying helps release some of the stress over all the things I'm dealing with and I feel better afterwards. I log onto this forum and I always find something (a funny story or a good joke) that makes me feel better. Often the act of typing out my feelings here helps put things in perspective (and the responses make me feel like I'm not alone.)