PET Scan Results In!

pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
We all know how scary and anxiety-ridden scans and tests are..

My first PET scan since DX 3/2009 shows NO new cancer anywhere and no new growth in liver mets. The liver mets shrunk to about 1/2 there size in the summer,- not much shrinkage after that, but NO growth.

My WB Cells have been low the past 2-3 weeks so I have not received my 5FU coctail, only Erbatux. This is the first time in 12 cycles that I have had low WBC.

Next step is for Loyola Cancer Team to look at my case and present next steps/options. I will send Scans to Northwestern/Dr. Benson for 2nd Opinion.

How the heck do I make a decision on treatments? Which are the standard or most effective?
Will be facing new anxiety and decitions and scary next steps


  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Simply keep us posted ...
    whenever you find out where you are at and where you are going and someone in here will have been through that and know what results were. No anxiety no being scared, just bring it in here and someone will have answers for you or options.......Hang in there {{{hugs}}} , Buzzard
  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    Sounds like
    You have made great progress. No new growth is amazing and those tumors could be dead. I would def. seek out a second opinion. Sounds to me like you are a great candidate for liver resection. Praying NED for you soon. Marie
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I am happy for you!
    I am happy for you & your PET results. I think it is great that you went 12 cycles with only one dealy, too. Best of luck with your next steps; I hope you will keep us posted.
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    Good News Peggy!
    Thanks for the update. Of the various options, I hope they will be looking at the liver resection option. How many liver mets are visible? I had 3 or 4 in the right lobe. They all came out in "one fell swoop"!

    Good luck with Loyola.

    Rob; in Vancouver
  • ittapp
    ittapp Member Posts: 383 Member
    Hi, I am stage IV and had it
    Hi, I am stage IV and had it in my omentum and LN's, it is also widespread in my liver. I went and had two other opinions one with a GI Onc. at Emory and another Interventional Radiologist. Since I have had most of whats in the stomach melt away and some shrinkage/dieing of tumors in the liver on Folfox they want me to continue on with this line of treatment. I talked to IR about SIR spheres and that is an option if the first line of treatment isn't working any longer. They all said they wanted to get as much mileage out of this one as possible. Liver resections is not an option for me as I have at least 7-8 tumors spread out in the liver, two larger one's around 6-7 cm. and small ones scattered. If they did a resect or RFA they couldn't get enough margin around them to do it without taking too much of the liver. I pray that I will continue to get shrinkage so that I am a candidate soon!! I have to say that I don't love my Dr's and am looking to get even another opinion. Look up Sir spheres, chemoembolisation and RFA. GOd Bless, Patti