Supportive things people have done/let's post



  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Nice things.......
    My Mom who was turning 87 last year came to me to celebrate her birthday at the end of September. When I was diagnosed, she wound up staying until the 4th of July this year. My best friend in NY who is also a survivor, sent me a pretty pink and white afghan she made to wear during the long cold winter months during chemo, and sent me cards every couple of weeks in between calls and emails. I got a bouquet of fall flowers from my office and a separate one from one of my co-workers after my surgery. One of my brothers made a surprise trip down from the city, and brought me the gift of music (an external hard drive full of over 20,000 songs on it). My boss told me also to take the time I needed and not to worry. People, friends, family - everyone was just so wonderful. Now that it's over (the treatments I mean) and I've returned to the new normal, I would like to thank everyone, but with such a small home and no parking its impossible to have them all over for a party, so I bake and leave little food packages for everyone when I see them. They're loving it at work - LOL.
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    supportive things
    My friends created a "dinner train" and arranged for meals (complete with side dishes) to be delivered to my house M-W-F for the next 3 1/2 months while I'm on chemo and radiation.

    My friends have run errands to help me with my little girls.

    My friends have given me "care packages" to take to chemo (magazines, puzzles, snacks, etc.) and sat with me during treatments.

    My friends drive me to my appointments.

    My husband fixes my coffee in the morning to help me wake up before the kids needs me.

    My friends walked the 3-Day in my honor and carried a picture of me as "Flat Liz" (takeoff from the Flat Stanley books to kids)!

    My kids wear scarves as a show of support and create beautiful cards to inspire me to feel better.

    I couldn't get through any of this without my friends and family.
  • jennN
    jennN Member Posts: 40
    pitt said:

    supportive things
    My friends created a "dinner train" and arranged for meals (complete with side dishes) to be delivered to my house M-W-F for the next 3 1/2 months while I'm on chemo and radiation.

    My friends have run errands to help me with my little girls.

    My friends have given me "care packages" to take to chemo (magazines, puzzles, snacks, etc.) and sat with me during treatments.

    My friends drive me to my appointments.

    My husband fixes my coffee in the morning to help me wake up before the kids needs me.

    My friends walked the 3-Day in my honor and carried a picture of me as "Flat Liz" (takeoff from the Flat Stanley books to kids)!

    My kids wear scarves as a show of support and create beautiful cards to inspire me to feel better.

    I couldn't get through any of this without my friends and family.

    supportive things
    Wow, I've just finished reading all of the posts and am teary eyed. How wonderful that we have such a support network. It's amazing how generous people can be. I want to be sure I remember how much I've appreciated everything so I can pass it on to others.

  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    supportive things
    my friend from Arizona sewed and mailed me a patterned pink pillowcase, one of the designs being the pink breast cancer ribbon, so that I could take my own pillow with me to chemo. It is very special to me and I use it all the time now.
    My boss told me to take all the time off work that I needed.
    My husband was there with me every step of the way.
    My mom sent a prayer request to everyone she knew, who forwarded and forwarded. Then she sent me every reply she got from everyone.
    My sales rep shaved his head when I shaved mine.
    I got out of jury duty....

    Nice post Jen

  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    My workplace gave me a card
    My workplace gave me a card with $660 of donations from all the employees last week. They do this for everyone going through hard times, sick or financial. Also, they let me off when I need to be. And my sister and niece always surprising me with gifts and food!
  • Whoknowz
    Whoknowz Member Posts: 82
    People are amazing
    I have been stunned at the outpouring of support and help I've had. As somebody else mentioned the prayer lists expanded around the world.

    My sons have been wonderful. They're both adults but not usually the nurturers.

    Friends have driven me and gone with me to appointments to make notes so I could just listen. They've brought food and offered help in so many ways.

    My boss told me also to take the time I need, that getting me well is the priority. My coworkers send emails and call so I stay in touch.

    One of the most touching aspects is some people who I thought of as acquaintances have reached out in amazing ways offering to do my laundry, clean my house, shop etc. Friends, neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances have all blurred into one great group.
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    jennN said:

    supportive things
    Wow, I've just finished reading all of the posts and am teary eyed. How wonderful that we have such a support network. It's amazing how generous people can be. I want to be sure I remember how much I've appreciated everything so I can pass it on to others.


    What a great idea - thanks for reminding me of all the support
    I too, had alot of love and support from family, coworkers, friends - just reading all these posts makes me so very thankful for all we each have - makes me realize how many wonderful, caring people there are! Life is good - I'm surrounded by love!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Whoknowz said:

    People are amazing
    I have been stunned at the outpouring of support and help I've had. As somebody else mentioned the prayer lists expanded around the world.

    My sons have been wonderful. They're both adults but not usually the nurturers.

    Friends have driven me and gone with me to appointments to make notes so I could just listen. They've brought food and offered help in so many ways.

    My boss told me also to take the time I need, that getting me well is the priority. My coworkers send emails and call so I stay in touch.

    One of the most touching aspects is some people who I thought of as acquaintances have reached out in amazing ways offering to do my laundry, clean my house, shop etc. Friends, neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances have all blurred into one great group.

    Kindess of strangers ...
    I have a wonderful husband, family and friends .. However, most surprising gift came via a stranger at Nordstrom.

    While shopping at Nordstroms before my hair feel out .. I notice a Dooney and Bourke purse for sale .. marked down to $320.00 .. Pink of all colors .. I picked up the purse and admired it .. a women next to me - very well dressed stated I love the style but not the color .. to which I replied .. Oh, I agreed .. however, Pink is now my signature color - as I am fighting breast cancer. This women asked me, well do you like this purse .. I said yes .. If I buy if for you, will you use it .. I laughed and said no need ..that I would be coming back to Nordstroms within the next 2 week .. if the purse was still there in the store, then it was meant to be mine.

    Next I went over to Mac comestics and purchased products. Waltzed over to the hat section at Nordstroms and purchased several hats (me and my hats). This same women found me in the hat section, and handed me a bag which contained the Pink Dooney & Bourke purse .. gift receipt and all. I told this women that I could not accept such a generous gift, and that I could purchase this bag for myself. I was slightly embarrassed. After several minutes or declining this wonderful gift, a younger woman joined us .. she said that I should accept her mother's gift .. that this is something her mother does, and no need to argue. I asked if I could have an address to send a thank you card, and both mother and daughter said no .. Just play it forward.

    I hugged this women, and said thank you .. Funny thing is that by the end of this scene there were several other people standing around us crying -. Each and everyone watching us knew someone very close to them who had fought cancer of 1 form or another. ..We all shared stories of loved one that had fought - lost the battle or survivor cancer of some type. It was such a very special moment in my life, I will never ever forget this act of kindness or how this 1 gesture brought 6 strangers together all in the name of cancer.

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Love this post!
    Here are a few supportive things friends and family have done for me. Note they are not in any specific order, just in the order they came to my mind! :-)

    *Mom and Dad would always bring me a chocolate shake from my favorite drive-in (before I was lactose intolerant) the day of chemo.

    *My church family signed up to bring dinners complete with desert for the first three days after each chemo session.

    *Several good friends would come sit with me even though I would fall asleep during most of our visit.

    *Husband would always bring me bouquets of flowers home to cheer me up.

    *Oldest sister (now gone due to nasty cancer) would always send me encouraging letters with little surprises inside.

    *Brother would call to see how I was doing (this was hard for him he is a retired Marine and a retired Swat cop so showing emotions is tough for him).

    *Each year we always have gone to a super bowl party at a friends of my cancer years I was not well enough to go so.....they took a group photo holding a sign that said "GET WELL RENA WE LOVE YOU!" and they all signed a giant card with words of encouragement.

    *My neighbor who owned a Mexican Cafe made coupons on her computer that were good for 4 complete meals, drinks and deserts included. She gave us 30 of them and explained to her staff that we were to be given anything at no costs when we presented the coupons.

    I have found there are many caring people who are willing to help in times of need.

    Hugs to all,


    Okay thats enough for now, I could go on and on many people have been very kind.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Things people done for me.
    I have a best friend that either calls or emails me every day.She comes to see me if I feel like it.She has baked several things and brought to me.My daughter checks on me every day.She went to every Chemo treatment and I start radiation this week.I have enough friends and family for a different one each day of the week to take me.My daughter helps me clean sometimes.My husband did all the yard work this year.I always did it all.And I think my favorite is Thanksgiving and christmas my daughter and daughter-law are doing the dinner,So I won,t have to worry with it while going through my treatments.I am very blessed and Thankful and I know in my heart that if they ever needed me i would be their for them two.Love and Prayers.(Pat)