Day After Chemo #1 - How Y'all Doing?

mizcaldwell Member Posts: 143
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey All You First Timers -

How did your first Chemo go? Mine went surprisingly well. . .at least so far! I started to have a slight reaction to the Taxotere right at the end - so they slowed it down and diluted it with saline and it went ok. It took about 6 1/2 hours to do the whole thing. No nausea to speak of. . .a little trembly today (don't know what that's all about). I am concerned because my onc's office called to say they made a mistake with my scheduling. . . don't know what that is all about.

My hopes and prayers are that Lola and LilaJane are doing well, too - and any of the rest of you that just went through a treatment are fairing well, also! And WhoKnows - if you are reading this - keep the faith that yours will go as smoothly on Monday!



  • terpsi
    terpsi Member Posts: 33
    first time chemo
    Hi Lori and everyone else going through your first time of chemo :)

    Just sending my good wishes to you for a smooth afterglow of chemo. Remember, it's not unusual at all (in fact, with me it's always the case, and others will probably agree) to feel side effects two to three days afterward. The first time went through chemo (2004), I got chemo on Thursday; on Sunday I would feel it. That would be my worst day but would get better afterward. This time (I've been on chemo weekly since April) I get chemo on Friday and start feeling it Monday, sometimes Sunday evening. Chemo effects are cumulative, too. The longer you're on it, the more you'll feel. So, depending on how long your regimen is, you may feel it more as you go through it.

    The most common side effect is the nausea. Be sure not to avoid taking your meds for that; nausea meds are like pain meds: if you don't take them before the symptoms get severe, it's harder to control the outcome. So, after your chemo, if your hemonc or chemo nurse tells you to take your nausea meds for two days following, do it. Post chemo nausea can be obnoxious, but the meds really help. I have learned (the hard way) to listen to that advice.

    As always, drink lots of fluids to flush the stuff out of your body. And, avoid thinking too much about the side effects. We're all different and we don't all share the same side effects.

    One thing, if you don't know this yet, when you're on chemo, you will often become (probably not after your first treatment) neutropenic: your white blood cell count (there are three measures they look at to determine this). When we become neutropenis, we are in danger of any infection becoming serious enough to have dire effects. So, if you get a fever--ask your doctor what the number is, usually over 101F--you should call your hemonc IMMEDIATELY; after hours, you may need to go to the ER so they can make sure you don't have an infection that could grow and take you out. So, if you get a cold or flu, watch your temperature and report in if it rises over that number.

    OK, that's probably way more than you wanted to read this morning, but I just wanted to share. Here's wishing you a very uneventful recovery from chemo.

    Love and hugs,
    donna peach
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Still Hanging In Here
    I am still here. The drearded D paid me a visit today so just eating soup, drinking fluids and taking it slow. No nausea to speak of. I have tried to not take any compazine as thought that might be causing the shakes. They seem to be better now but not much energy to speak of.

    So glad you did okay with your first Chemo. Sure hope everything continues that way for you.

  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    Thanks for starting the thread to check in on -
    I was thinking about this this morning but realized since I'm the farthest west chemo chick, it would probably up and going before I got to the the boards.
    Mine too went well. I'm still having a slight headache but have determined it's a side effect of the Emend as well as the steroid given 2x prior to treatment and then again in the first set of meds they push in.
    No reaction to the Taxotere! Yeh! that had been one of the biggest concerns. I am tired. My daughter went with me and I'm staying at her house through my Neulasta shot on Monday. It tooks like my weekends will be here as my son's house is rather busy on the weekends with kids and family's over.
    The trembly feeling you are having can be a side effect of the Emend but is most likely from the steroid given to prevent of dminish the potential reaction to the Taxotere. I know that I am that's why I'm going to be taking the Ativan (Lorazipam) every 6-8 hours as prescribed. When it kicks in I feel much better. Check with the doc about getting some called in. The steroids should be out of your system in a few days.
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    Thanks for starting the thread to check in on -
    OOPS double post
  • mizcaldwell
    mizcaldwell Member Posts: 143

    Thanks for starting the thread to check in on -
    OOPS double post

    Thanks for the tips! I made
    Thanks for the tips! I made it out to a play at a Theater today - had tickets before this all happened - and then to Olive Garden for dinner. At my neulasta shot the nurse said I should have masks for visitors and that I should wear one at the theater. So I bought the N95 mask and wore it - not too comfortable, but better safe than sorry.

    I have an ativan prescription - if the tremblies get worse, I'll try it. They seemed to go away after a while - but I took the second dose of the steroid not long ago, so I'll know what to do it they come back.

    Donna - sorry that the big D got you - I am leaning more toward the big C - so I'll need to start taking something for that. I'll do a sea salt cleanse if needed tomorrow morning. (Such things to discuss!)

    I guess we just take it one day at a time! Wishing everyone a good night!

  • Whoknowz
    Whoknowz Member Posts: 82

    Thanks for the tips! I made
    Thanks for the tips! I made it out to a play at a Theater today - had tickets before this all happened - and then to Olive Garden for dinner. At my neulasta shot the nurse said I should have masks for visitors and that I should wear one at the theater. So I bought the N95 mask and wore it - not too comfortable, but better safe than sorry.

    I have an ativan prescription - if the tremblies get worse, I'll try it. They seemed to go away after a while - but I took the second dose of the steroid not long ago, so I'll know what to do it they come back.

    Donna - sorry that the big D got you - I am leaning more toward the big C - so I'll need to start taking something for that. I'll do a sea salt cleanse if needed tomorrow morning. (Such things to discuss!)

    I guess we just take it one day at a time! Wishing everyone a good night!


    Thanks for sharing
    All your reports make me feel better about Mon, thanks for the reassurance. Wow you went to the theater and out to eat, I'm impressed.

    One of the frustrating parts of this is the inability to plan -- maybe that's another lesson from this experience, to be more spontaneous. :)

    At least after this first cycle we'll all have an idea of what's in store.

  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387

    Thanks for starting the thread to check in on -
    I was thinking about this this morning but realized since I'm the farthest west chemo chick, it would probably up and going before I got to the the boards.
    Mine too went well. I'm still having a slight headache but have determined it's a side effect of the Emend as well as the steroid given 2x prior to treatment and then again in the first set of meds they push in.
    No reaction to the Taxotere! Yeh! that had been one of the biggest concerns. I am tired. My daughter went with me and I'm staying at her house through my Neulasta shot on Monday. It tooks like my weekends will be here as my son's house is rather busy on the weekends with kids and family's over.
    The trembly feeling you are having can be a side effect of the Emend but is most likely from the steroid given to prevent of dminish the potential reaction to the Taxotere. I know that I am that's why I'm going to be taking the Ativan (Lorazipam) every 6-8 hours as prescribed. When it kicks in I feel much better. Check with the doc about getting some called in. The steroids should be out of your system in a few days.

    Lola - Headache
    Lola, I also had really bad headaches the first two or three days after treatment. I informed my oncologist about at the follow up appointment and she revised the pre-cocktail meds for the second treatment. That one change eliminated the really bad headaches for me. It's worth a shot to tell your oncologist if it really is bad.

    Good luck to all of you! You're doing great!

  • mizcaldwell
    mizcaldwell Member Posts: 143
    Whoknowz said:

    Thanks for sharing
    All your reports make me feel better about Mon, thanks for the reassurance. Wow you went to the theater and out to eat, I'm impressed.

    One of the frustrating parts of this is the inability to plan -- maybe that's another lesson from this experience, to be more spontaneous. :)

    At least after this first cycle we'll all have an idea of what's in store.


    I did have a few stomach
    I did have a few stomach problems last night - but nothing that couldn't be handled. So far so good today - a little stomach upset. I am trying to eat small meals so my tummy doesn't get empty. Last night when things started moving, I drank some chamomile tea and it seemed to help calm things down.

    So far is this is going better than I thought!

  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi, Lori
    You'll get through ok, just expect to feel a little blah with some stomach upset and bone aches, like the flu for about a week. It's not terribly bad.
  • mizcaldwell
    mizcaldwell Member Posts: 143
    laurissa said:

    Hi, Lori
    You'll get through ok, just expect to feel a little blah with some stomach upset and bone aches, like the flu for about a week. It's not terribly bad.

    Thanks - I'm hoping that's
    Thanks - I'm hoping that's all it is like! My fears were much worse!
