about me and my battle

wendyladi98 Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi, I was just diagnosed on Friday and am still in a bit of shock but I am handling things well I think. I just have a desire to talk and talk and talk about it...that is how I am handling and processing things.
I went to the emergency room on August 26 with sharp right side pain. They thought it was my appendix so they ordered a CT and it showed up a pelvic mass and they then ordered an ultrasound. They couldn't see my left ovary the mass was so big. Turns out that mass was my ovary and the tumor was inside. It took a long time to set up surgery as I was uninsured and had to apply for a special program to cover things. I had surgery on October 15th. I really wanted to have kids so I requested they be careful and only remove what they had to. They did a dnc and biopsy, removed my appendix, a benign cyst from my right ovary, my omentum, and my left ovary and fallopian tube. I recovered very well and was doing fine til Thursday evening when I got a call. You are going to need a complete hysterectomy. Report to the oncologist tomorrow at 1. She said everything but cancer. Well I am really in the dark about exactly what I have. I have ovarian cancer on both ovaries, uterine cancer, and a spot of cancer on my appendix. I was told we will have a better idea once they open me back up and take out lymph nodes to test. I have anemia from losing so much blood with my periods so I had to have 2 pints of blood last time and they expect the same this time, but otherwise I feel strong and ready to fight. I haven't cried yet, I was shaking all over after I got that call but being a very adaptable person I soon felt good about adoption and honestly the first 24 hours were all about I can't have kids until I found out my cancer wasn't as contained as I thought. I am scared but I have strong religious beliefs and am not afraid to die. I am afraid of not living. I want to leave my mark on the world and at 29 I feel I haven't really done much. Anyway thanks for letting me share my story. My surgery is This coming Thursday and I know I have a long road ahead of me but with faith in God and love of my family, I know I can fight this.I would love to hear any words of wisdom anyone has or comments on my case. The stage is sketchy but they are saying tentatively 1C and that grading is 2 or moderately differentiated. they are calling the main tumor endometroid adenocarcinoma.


  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Lots of us wrote replies to your post while it was down over the weekend. 1 C is very treatable. They will get a lot of disease out with the surgery. I hope you have a gyn/onc doing the surgery because they are the most experienced in ovarian cancer removal. God will be with you every step of the way and you can count on that. I even had great Christian nurses that prayed over me.

    You will be in shock for awhile and it takes awhile to get adjusted to this diagnosis. Keep coming back to this site for questions and we will share our experiences with you.

    (((Hugs))) Saundra
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    Faith - I can't say enough about it! That is what gets us through these valleys, I personally do not know how people go through cancer without the Grace of God.

    Stage 1C is very treatable from what I hear. I cannot say, as I am being treated for Stage 3C and am still here!! He is not finished with me yet. ☺

    You do have lots to work through, but sounds like you have a wonderful support group and Faith. We do not go through these circumstances alone, He has promised to be with us.

    In His Grip,
  • wendyladi98
    wendyladi98 Member Posts: 5
    I am still here!
    thank you all for your kind words. Official pathology is 1a endometrial cancer and 1c ovarian cancer. (primary dual) Still a little sketchy as to where the appendix fits into all of this but they don't seem too concerned with that. (the appendix had a 1.6 cm spot of cancer on it as well and it is inconclusive at this point if it spread there or started there etc)
    I am healing well. I still don't know a lot about the chemo but was told I will receive at least a couple rounds of it eventually as a preventative measure.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member

    I am still here!
    thank you all for your kind words. Official pathology is 1a endometrial cancer and 1c ovarian cancer. (primary dual) Still a little sketchy as to where the appendix fits into all of this but they don't seem too concerned with that. (the appendix had a 1.6 cm spot of cancer on it as well and it is inconclusive at this point if it spread there or started there etc)
    I am healing well. I still don't know a lot about the chemo but was told I will receive at least a couple rounds of it eventually as a preventative measure.

    great news
    Hi Wendy, that is awesome results...congratulations along with lots of hugs. BonnieR
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    I am still here!
    thank you all for your kind words. Official pathology is 1a endometrial cancer and 1c ovarian cancer. (primary dual) Still a little sketchy as to where the appendix fits into all of this but they don't seem too concerned with that. (the appendix had a 1.6 cm spot of cancer on it as well and it is inconclusive at this point if it spread there or started there etc)
    I am healing well. I still don't know a lot about the chemo but was told I will receive at least a couple rounds of it eventually as a preventative measure.

    Good News

    I think this is good news!!

    Thanks for sharing.

    In His Grip,
