input on negative hormone, her2 positive

florist Member Posts: 45
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
thanks for the replies...I am currently finishing up herception and doing well..chemo and radiation was first in treatment. Hope all of you are doing well. Post any information that you may run across for further reference. I guess knowledge is power!!


  • Sam726
    Sam726 Member Posts: 233
    I am being treated for it now....stage 1. Having chemo now...carboplatin, taxotere and herceptin. Working like a charm!! Then lumpectomy and radiation. My moms friend went thru it a few years ago and she did great..same course of treatment as me. Very agressive cancer but very treatable. Herceptin targets what is feeding our cancer.
    How are you? I am sorry u r going though this. These boards have been great..women on here rock! They know everything so ask away girl....
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Welcome Florist
    Haven't been "through" it yet, still in the process too. Like Sam, I am Est/Pro- & Her2+ and also on the same Chemo cocktail except for some reason my Oncologist hasn't given me the Herceptin yet.(Will find out next round why) We are both having a Lumpectomy following chemo, onto radiation,then more Herceptin. When were you diagnosed? What is your status in treatment? It would help us help you more if we had more info. There are women here that have been there-done that-or are doing it now, so feel to to post often and ask any & all things!
    Someone is always here to help.
    P.S. There is a movie called "Living Proof" that you can rent at a video store. Highly recommended for anyone Her2+. Also you can go to for more info on the subject. The ACS is also an excellent source for information. 1-800-ACS-2345
    Hope this helps!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Hi Florist! I want to
    Hi Florist! I want to welcome you and to say hi! I am ER and PR + and HER2-, but, I know that others will post that are negative hormone to help you.

    Sue :)
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Sam726 said:

    I am being treated for it now....stage 1. Having chemo now...carboplatin, taxotere and herceptin. Working like a charm!! Then lumpectomy and radiation. My moms friend went thru it a few years ago and she did great..same course of treatment as me. Very agressive cancer but very treatable. Herceptin targets what is feeding our cancer.
    How are you? I am sorry u r going though this. These boards have been great..women on here rock! They know everything so ask away girl....

    Hi Sam
    I also was treated with the same chemo cocktail and am PR, ER neg. and Her2 pos. I am still on the Herceptin for a few more months, but my hair is growing back and I am starting to regain my life somewhat. I was stage 3a, and am dancing with Ned.

    You are right, the women on these boards DO ROCK!! and I don't know what I would have done without them. You are on your way and will do great!
    hugs, jackie
  • ruthielaine
    ruthielaine Member Posts: 59
    me too!
    I am also Her2+ and ER+ and when I first found out I was upset but after talking, reading, researching you can actually consider yourself almost lucky (that is if we can think of ourselves as having bc lucky) that you have tested for this because they can target it and treat it very effectively - some other types of bc they do not have such targeted treatment - and yes watch the movie - very inspiring!!!
  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    me too
    est &pro est neg, her + 3 tumours (the biggest being 5.5cm) 4 out of 17 lymph nodes pos, but now they can target this with herceptin) also new trial right now called beth, a new drug that works with herceptin to help lower the chances of reoccurrence, I have been asked to do this study just not sure yet?
    Take care Lisa
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    me too
    est &pro est neg, her + 3 tumours (the biggest being 5.5cm) 4 out of 17 lymph nodes pos, but now they can target this with herceptin) also new trial right now called beth, a new drug that works with herceptin to help lower the chances of reoccurrence, I have been asked to do this study just not sure yet?
    Take care Lisa

    Her2 positive / ER & PR neg Plus DCIS - high grade
    I guess I hit the mother load with my 2 types of breast cancer. Saving grace for me is that I am stage 1.

    TCH and Herceptin treatments for 18 weeks .. I am starting week 10 on Tuesday .. TCH week or as I refer to my TCH treatment weeks -- week from hell. Chemo is doable, however I do not have any down weeks .. straight chemo for 18 weeks.

    Cancerous tumor removed from my left breast via lumpectomy, before starting chemo:

    10.0 x 7.0 x 4.0 cm. -- Per MRI/Bone scan no cancer in my lymph nodes

    I have elected a bi-lateral to help my chances of reoccurence .. Please note my young breast cancer sisters in PINK, that I have 2 children and I am in my early 40's. This is my course of action, as I have also suffered from thyroid cancer and cervical cancer in the past 20 years .. Cancer just loves me .. so I have elected to take every precaution necessary not to have any repeat performance of cancer anywhere in my body.

    Clinical Trail - Beth currently ongoing at St Joseph's of Orange where I am curently a breast cancer patient -- I am not part of this study .. but I hear tibits of trail every Tuesday when I go in for my chemo drip's ..

    I am finding that being ER/PR negative is a good thing .. or so the research and onc staff assures me. Meaning no long term homorone therapy.

    Good luck and let me know if I can help with any questions ..

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    me too
    est &pro est neg, her + 3 tumours (the biggest being 5.5cm) 4 out of 17 lymph nodes pos, but now they can target this with herceptin) also new trial right now called beth, a new drug that works with herceptin to help lower the chances of reoccurrence, I have been asked to do this study just not sure yet?
    Take care Lisa

    Hi Lisa
    I am really interested in the Beth drug, let me know more if you can, I will ask my Onc. about it.
    Hugs, jackie
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    rjjj said:

    Hi Lisa
    I am really interested in the Beth drug, let me know more if you can, I will ask my Onc. about it.
    Hugs, jackie

    ER & PR neg HER2 positive
    I had DCIS with invasion--lymph nodes clear.
    Stage 1
    A/C every 2 weeks for 4 treatments
    Taxol w/Herceptin once a week for 12 treatments
    NOW Herceptin once every three weeks until end of August 2010.

  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    I am ER/PR negative & HER-2 positive.

    I am stage IIIa. Had mastectomy, chemo, rads & have just completed a year of Herceptin.

    As was stated earlier, very aggressive, but also very treatable.

    Recently had a PET scan and NED! Just going to keep on keeping on. Have to live my life and adjust to the new me.


  • newbiefromcananda
    newbiefromcananda Member Posts: 234
    rjjj said:

    Hi Lisa
    I am really interested in the Beth drug, let me know more if you can, I will ask my Onc. about it.
    Hugs, jackie

    hi rjjj
    are you in canada or

    hi rjjj
    are you in canada or the states , my oncologist is the head of the trial here? but I can give you the # to talk to the nurse and she can give you the info ? I will be back on tomorrow. for now take care and hugs xo