surgery over and back home

jane65 Member Posts: 277
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi ladies, I had my surgery for double hernias on 10/20 and thankfully I am home, and feeling better every day.

The surgeon did both laparoscopic and an incision to repair the defects and put everything back in place. He found some problems from past surgeries and also repaired those. I have a big mesh inside to hopefully hold everything in place for good.

I'm feeling very tired, sore and swollen, but I'm just glad it's over.

My oncologist visited me in the hospital and said that when I've recovered, probably after Thanksgiving, we'll repeat the scan and probably need to start a new chemo.

This devil in us is never satisfied, but I'm ready to fight again, and surrender is not an option!

I'm staged 4B and I know I'll be on chemo for the rest of my life, according to my oncologist.
But, the surgery is behind me,and now I can just rest take care of myself. With my wonderful hubby's help of course.

I hope you all have a pleasant day tomorrow, feel good.


  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    Glad your Home
    I wish you good healing and feeling well.You go Teal Warrior!
    ((HUGS)) Joan
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hi Jane, have wondered how you were doing and the surgery went. Thank you so much for taking the time to update us all. I am happy to hear your surgeon did a great job and also pray you have a speedy recovery. Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    Thanks Bonnie and Joan,
    The recovery will be slow and I'm prepared to take it easy for as long as I need to. The surgeon stressed that I need to wear the binder, not lift, push or pull anything for several weeks. I'm just glad to have all this behind me, although I know chemo is ahead of me when I've recovered.

    I thanked God for a successful surgery, and my wonderful husband who is my rock.

    I hope you're both feeling well today, and enjoying the fall colors.
    Take care,
  • BrittanyC
    BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
    jane65 said:

    Thanks Bonnie and Joan,
    The recovery will be slow and I'm prepared to take it easy for as long as I need to. The surgeon stressed that I need to wear the binder, not lift, push or pull anything for several weeks. I'm just glad to have all this behind me, although I know chemo is ahead of me when I've recovered.

    I thanked God for a successful surgery, and my wonderful husband who is my rock.

    I hope you're both feeling well today, and enjoying the fall colors.
    Take care,

    Well I am glad that you are
    Well I am glad that you are feeling great :D!!

    I am just curious, what is a stage 4b? I have not heard of it. I thought there is only Stage 1 - 4?

    Hoping for your speedy recovery :)
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome home
    Hi Jane, glad your surgery was a success and you are home. Wishing you a speedy recovery!! Sounds like you are bracing yourself for some more chemo. Do you know what it will be.
    Warm hugs and prayers,
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Glad Your Home
    Hi Jane, praying for a speedy recovery.
    Hugs and Prayers Terry
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    BrittanyC said:

    Well I am glad that you are
    Well I am glad that you are feeling great :D!!

    I am just curious, what is a stage 4b? I have not heard of it. I thought there is only Stage 1 - 4?

    Hoping for your speedy recovery :)

    Hi Brittany,
    I hope Mom is feeling well, she looks great in the picture. My Hubby and I never figured out how to put a picture on the website, never goth the hang of these new fangled things.

    OVCA is staged 1-4 and then it gets letters breaking the advancement or progression down more.
    My cancer metastasized to my lymph nodes by the time it was properly diagnosed.
    That's the best explanation I can give, I don't remember exactly how it was explained to me.

    Take care, and regards to Mom.
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    kayandok said:

    Welcome home
    Hi Jane, glad your surgery was a success and you are home. Wishing you a speedy recovery!! Sounds like you are bracing yourself for some more chemo. Do you know what it will be.
    Warm hugs and prayers,

    Hi Kathleen,
    My surgeon says that recovery will be slow, 6-8 weeks and I can't lift, push or pull anything or I can undo it. I also have to wear the binder, 24/7 which is no problem.

    I'm a good patient and follow doctor's orders so that I can feel better more quickly.

    My CA has gone up steadily for months, we stopped Topotecan after 10 successful months,because it obviously stopped working. My last CT showed the lymph nodes are growing again, so after I recover we'll repeat the scan and start a new chemo.
    He's mentioned Doxil, Avastin and/or Gemzar.

    Take care of yourself, thanks for your good wishes and prayers. I send them back to you!
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277

    Glad Your Home
    Hi Jane, praying for a speedy recovery.
    Hugs and Prayers Terry

    Thanks Terry,
    I wish you good health and peace.
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    You are my Hero Jane
    Hey there Jane, I have commented on your surgery at another site but I just wanted to comment here too. You are indeed my hero, such a strong and positive person. Even after your surgery when you were doubtlessly hurting and wondering about future treatments you still had the willingness and kind heart to be able to reach out and comment on my situation which is far less complex than yours. I am sure many others on here appreciate your kind support as much as I do.

    And let's not forget your angel of a husband who is such a big support in times like these. Together you are an unstoppable team of courage and gratiousness and we are all better for knowing you both. Blessings to you and yours, Bluerose
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    bluerose said:

    You are my Hero Jane
    Hey there Jane, I have commented on your surgery at another site but I just wanted to comment here too. You are indeed my hero, such a strong and positive person. Even after your surgery when you were doubtlessly hurting and wondering about future treatments you still had the willingness and kind heart to be able to reach out and comment on my situation which is far less complex than yours. I am sure many others on here appreciate your kind support as much as I do.

    And let's not forget your angel of a husband who is such a big support in times like these. Together you are an unstoppable team of courage and gratiousness and we are all better for knowing you both. Blessings to you and yours, Bluerose

    On which site did you post a reply to me, MedHelp or John's Hopkins? Now I'm curious who I've been chatting with there, Don't keep me up nights wondering!!

    I know what a rough time you've been through trying to get the medical help you deserve. It made me angry every time you seemed to get close to being diagnosed, only to be put back on the merry go round.

    Thank you for the compliments, I've had to learn to take control of my medical condition as so many of us have also had to learn to do. We just can't allow ourselves to be pushed aside, or controlled by the medical community.

    My husband is great, this has been such a learning experience for him. His attitude had always been that the doctor knows best, so don't question what they say. He's a work in progress and is learning to question.

    I hope you're feeling well, let's keep in touch.
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    jane65 said:

    On which site did you post a reply to me, MedHelp or John's Hopkins? Now I'm curious who I've been chatting with there, Don't keep me up nights wondering!!

    I know what a rough time you've been through trying to get the medical help you deserve. It made me angry every time you seemed to get close to being diagnosed, only to be put back on the merry go round.

    Thank you for the compliments, I've had to learn to take control of my medical condition as so many of us have also had to learn to do. We just can't allow ourselves to be pushed aside, or controlled by the medical community.

    My husband is great, this has been such a learning experience for him. His attitude had always been that the doctor knows best, so don't question what they say. He's a work in progress and is learning to question.

    I hope you're feeling well, let's keep in touch.

    Hey there Jane
    Oh no I didn't mean another site I meant another posting of yours on this site but couldn't remember what heading so I guess I used the wrong word. No need to be curious I totally meant this site, just used the wrong word. I have a horrible memory so forget which one I updated on, which heading here I mean. We used to receive alerts from csn that we had a response but I haven't had those alerts for awhile now and besides it could have been one someone else like you perhaps started.

    I'm glad that you are recovering from your surgery and happy to know that you have the support of your husband. Men all always a work in progress. lol. Oh oh now I will hear from all the men on here, lol. Sorry boys. lol. Keeping in touch sounds great Jane, let's do that. Blessings always, Bluerose
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    hi ja
    i am new and i just read about you. i am 58 and got stage 4 ovarina. have had for 18 months i to have been on topkian for 9 months and ca125 is 100 so we might be going on avastion and doxil. i have done really well for 9 months so will see having a scan on monday this week . i have done carbo and taxal did well so done a lot . i adree we will always be on something ha.i am a nursing assit amd worked in cancer fild for 20 years i also worked where i am going to drs, ha. i worked in hospice 15 of thoes years quit work . am talking care of my self . just wanted to say hi and god bless you .
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277

    hi ja
    i am new and i just read about you. i am 58 and got stage 4 ovarina. have had for 18 months i to have been on topkian for 9 months and ca125 is 100 so we might be going on avastion and doxil. i have done really well for 9 months so will see having a scan on monday this week . i have done carbo and taxal did well so done a lot . i adree we will always be on something ha.i am a nursing assit amd worked in cancer fild for 20 years i also worked where i am going to drs, ha. i worked in hospice 15 of thoes years quit work . am talking care of my self . just wanted to say hi and god bless you .

    Hi Bonnie,
    How nice of you to post good wishes to me, I appreciate that.

    I'm also stage 4 OVCA and one of the chemo drugs I've been on Carbo/Taxol and then Topotecan which worked very well for me for 10 months.
    I don't know what my next chemo drug will be, yet.

    Good luck with the scan, let us know what the results are.

    Take care,
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Glad you are home
    How is the recovery going now? I pray that you are up and going full strength. I also am Stage IV and doing battle. Carry on, Jane. Saundra
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    saundra said:

    Glad you are home
    How is the recovery going now? I pray that you are up and going full strength. I also am Stage IV and doing battle. Carry on, Jane. Saundra

    Hi Saundra,
    I'm feeling better and not in pain. I'm still very tired and tried going for a walk with my hubby today. I felt that I needed some sunshine for vitamin D. I got three houses from mine, and had to turn back, I was too tired to go further.

    I have a new concern now, my right leg is swollen, including the thigh. It's been swollen up to the knee in the past and my oncologist had me wearing a compression stocking and elevating my legs as much as possible.

    He said it was the cancerous lymph nodes in the right pelvic area, not letting the lymph system drain properly. He said it was edema.

    I'll call him tomorrow and see what he says, it's just one thing after another.

    Being stage 4 you understand that we know we'll never be "normal" again, and it's tough to deal with.

    Feel good and take care of yourself.
  • BrittanyC
    BrittanyC Member Posts: 100
    jane65 said:

    Hi Brittany,
    I hope Mom is feeling well, she looks great in the picture. My Hubby and I never figured out how to put a picture on the website, never goth the hang of these new fangled things.

    OVCA is staged 1-4 and then it gets letters breaking the advancement or progression down more.
    My cancer metastasized to my lymph nodes by the time it was properly diagnosed.
    That's the best explanation I can give, I don't remember exactly how it was explained to me.

    Take care, and regards to Mom.

    Same with my mom. She


    Same with my mom. She has cancer in her lymph nodes. At first, it was staged at 3C. Then later when she was hospitalized for complications, it was put at Stage 4.

    It made me upset. It seems like no matter what size the tumor maybe it, it just spreads and spreads all over the body. It has no mercy :(

    I hope that you are doing well on your recovery!!
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    jane65 said:

    Hi Saundra,
    I'm feeling better and not in pain. I'm still very tired and tried going for a walk with my hubby today. I felt that I needed some sunshine for vitamin D. I got three houses from mine, and had to turn back, I was too tired to go further.

    I have a new concern now, my right leg is swollen, including the thigh. It's been swollen up to the knee in the past and my oncologist had me wearing a compression stocking and elevating my legs as much as possible.

    He said it was the cancerous lymph nodes in the right pelvic area, not letting the lymph system drain properly. He said it was edema.

    I'll call him tomorrow and see what he says, it's just one thing after another.

    Being stage 4 you understand that we know we'll never be "normal" again, and it's tough to deal with.

    Feel good and take care of yourself.

    Me too Jane
    I have edema in my left leg and that was and is a direct result of a lymph node or two removed from my groin area for biopsy as that is where my first lump appeared and because the node was taken out for biopsy that backed up the lymph drainage and hence the edema. It fluctuates in bothering me depending on salt intake or weather - heat can do it and compression stockings do help. I also had some therapy for it a few years ago and they gave me a big compression sleeve that hooked up to a small machine and that squeezed the leg and then released it, like a blood pressure sleeve does, and that I used at home daily. That seemed to help too.

    Like you say after we have so much medical intervention with surgeries and drugs we are never 'normal' again and that in itself is so hard to deal with but as time goes by you learn to compartmentalize your issues - it's about survival. You are strong Jane you can do it. Love, Bluerose.