All the new ones

lolad Member Posts: 670
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It seems like more and more newbies are coming here and sharing their stories. I want to say welcome to all of you. You have a hard road ahead, but know you have come to the right place to share and vent everything you have inside of you and everything that you are going through. I am truely amazed at all of you that have reached out. You are definately at the right place and it is truely an amazing group of wonderful people. Know that you will have lots of frustrations and angers through it all, but there is a light at the end of the battle. Stay strong and keep your support systems together. This sight is basically the support that i have and it brought me through my double mastectomy, chemo and now reconstruction and hormonal therapy. And even advice for my three children. Keep coming back and sharing all you need and want. Someone will always be here. All of you take care and you are all in my prayers.



  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Yes welcome to all. I don't
    Yes welcome to all. I don't always post but I try to read everything and if I can be of any help I will certainly try. This board has been the place I go to whenever I need advice, encouragement or a shoulder! I feel like I know these women and have become very attached. Please know that you always have loving, supportive and knowledgeable friends here!