I will join the chemo gals



  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    natly15 said:

    Hi Vicki
    If you have any

    Hi Vicki
    If you have any extras I would love to have a copy. I tried a bit of visualization this past treatment. I Viewed the chemo entering my body and ridding it of bad cells. I've just come off a very uncomfortable 3rd and 4th day post chemo. I stayed in bed for 48 hours and mostly slept. The nausea was much worse this 2nd round which I received Tuesday 10/27. Odd thing happened to me this past round of chemo. While in bed getting thru days 3 and 4, with my eyes closed I had a vision of "round cells with very ugly faces". It happened once. I want to believe I'm cancer free, and going thru the process to clean my body of anything negative that may be floating. That vision was surprising to me. I'd be happy to send postage if you have an extra CD. I live in Florida, the Orlando area. The email address didnt work and I couldnt get to your website.

    I'm glad you are feeling better and I'm sorry I missed your question until now. For me the side effects are always about the Neulasta shot and feeling like I was hit by a truck. Then my wbc tank and I become neutropenic: mouth sores, fever, loose bowels, extreme fatigue, etc. The nausea meds are doing their magic, thank god, but I have to take them. I am always happy when day 6 gets here. How long did it last for you?
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    pitt said:

    I'm glad you are feeling better and I'm sorry I missed your question until now. For me the side effects are always about the Neulasta shot and feeling like I was hit by a truck. Then my wbc tank and I become neutropenic: mouth sores, fever, loose bowels, extreme fatigue, etc. The nausea meds are doing their magic, thank god, but I have to take them. I am always happy when day 6 gets here. How long did it last for you?

    I continue to feel fatigued. White counts went down to 1.9 after first chemo. Not sure what they are today, my guess is that they are tanking again. I'm hungry today , but my stomach is still quite sensitive. I'm also very sensitive to any kind of odor or scent. Attended the Look Good - Feel Better class today, but couldnt handle the smell of the cosmetics. Either they are past their shelf life, or I'm just being a cantankerous chemo girl. Had 2nd chemo last Tuesday. It felt good to get out of the house today. I was pretty much confined to the TV after my first round due to all the germs out there. Didnt want to take a chance.
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    pitt said:

    Lola, did you have any lymph nodes removed? If yes, please make sure that your daughter is qualified to give you a massage post-lymph node removal. You will have to be very careful on the side(s) where the nodes were removed. I was told by my oncologist to only go to a person with certification in node removal for the rest of my life.

    As for positive imagery, you aren't going for chemo...you are going for your cleansing!

    The first session takes several hours. Mine was 7 from the time I sat down to the time I got home to bed. You will be very tired and woozy that first day because of the pre-chemo drugs they give you...some will take the edge off.

    The second day you will feel fine. But you will feel the Neulasta shot by day 3 or 4. For some people it is no big deal. For others (me) it is like having the flu or being hit by a truck. Ibuprofen (3-4 caplets) per time and you will feel better. By day 5 or 6 you will feel like yourself again...hopefully sooner.

    good luck and keep us posted!


    I did have 2 nodes removed
    negative both of them. My daughter is trained in lymphatic drainage which is a plus and she is very cautious. She has actually checked with both my oncologist plus her mentor (the director for the school she attended)

    I do like the imagery of cleansing. Of course the first image was of bald-headed Mr. Clean - TeeHee! :-)) But it was the analogy I've been using for the kids and my 27 year old son who is having more difficulty with this than my daughter.

    The onco dr office is trying to get the prior authorization ready from my insurance and one local pharmacy - Walmart is giving them a hassle on the Emend so I'm switching to Target. One plus is that I get a $30 coupon for switching my other scripts there as well.

    I'll report more as the week goes on. I'm picking up the ativan tomorrow. Really want to sleep at night.

    I know I can do this. By the way, I sent out a request to the school staff today to see it anyone knew where I could find a scooter/electric wheelchair - we have a huge campus. I got one by noon. They are bringing it in on Wed so I can test drive it. One way to conserve energy and still be able to work. Admin arranged a parking space closer to my office door - actually part way into the loading zone but they're OK with it. They also approved me only working on site from 8 until 2 and still take a lunch break (when I can grab a quick bite and nap in the school nurse's office. I'll do any paperwork from home.

    It's really amazing the support I have. Thanks again for your suggestions. Lola