Tasha, Do You Know Where Your Guppies Are?

fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was just walking the doggie by the pond and out jumped this giant guppy. There went my Thanksgiving Dinner. You had better alert the authorities or at a reality show producer. When Good Guppies Go Bad. LOL


  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    funny,Stef! Yeah Tash,I've been meaning to ask you that since you moved into your apartment-where are your guppies?!!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    funny,Stef! Yeah Tash,I've been meaning to ask you that since you moved into your apartment-where are your guppies?!!

    Uh, Tasha?
    Care to explain why my back yard suddenly looks (and smells) like a turquoise aquarium?
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Aortus said:

    Uh, Tasha?
    Care to explain why my back yard suddenly looks (and smells) like a turquoise aquarium?


  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    DebbyM said:



    It Was Aortus!
    I told him he had to 'Take Responsibility for his Actions' Apparently he has.. In a most underhand and nefarious manner! I am shocked!
    Obviously by planting some in his own back garden, This extremely devious criminal is diverting attention from himself........legal/parental/god-parental..Damage Limitation!

    I misjudged him, I'm sorry all you little Guppies! SOB sob. I knew he was a Morarti type, but with the cover of his sweet and loving wife.. I underestimated his power.

    Maybe Moopster was just running interference and is a lot more dangerous than she looks?.........OMG! What to believe about this Cunning and Devious couple that have infiltrated my life, inveigled themselved to my heart.........

    Oh.. I feel an attack of the 'Vapours' coming on..............Get the smelling salts Jeeves!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Oh my Stef, talk about good Guppies gone bad, poor pooch! LOL great photo, love it!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I was afraid to read this
    I was afraid to read this thread after the heading. lol.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I was afraid to read this
    I was afraid to read this thread after the heading. lol.

    Oh the visions running
    Oh the visions running through my head. Tasha as Sherlock Holmes, Aortus as Morarti, Moopy as the evil henchman. Guppies going amuck and devouring innocent dogs. Turquoise yards, dobermans chasing small costumed children. Oh, the horror of it all. I have called the police, Scotland Yard, the humane society, the loony bin, and CPS and whoever else I could think of and they said "Lady, you are one daft sod". Oh my gosh, the word is out. I am on my own. Will no one come to Steffie's rescue? It the little doggy doomed? Are Aortus and Moopy truly evil and only pretending to be kind and benolovent? Or is Tasha behind this evil conspiracy? Turn in next week, same time, same channel for Chapter 2 entitled SEE YOU LATER ALLLIGATOR.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    fauxma said:

    Oh the visions running
    Oh the visions running through my head. Tasha as Sherlock Holmes, Aortus as Morarti, Moopy as the evil henchman. Guppies going amuck and devouring innocent dogs. Turquoise yards, dobermans chasing small costumed children. Oh, the horror of it all. I have called the police, Scotland Yard, the humane society, the loony bin, and CPS and whoever else I could think of and they said "Lady, you are one daft sod". Oh my gosh, the word is out. I am on my own. Will no one come to Steffie's rescue? It the little doggy doomed? Are Aortus and Moopy truly evil and only pretending to be kind and benolovent? Or is Tasha behind this evil conspiracy? Turn in next week, same time, same channel for Chapter 2 entitled SEE YOU LATER ALLLIGATOR.

    Do Not Fear, little Doggie--Moopy is Here!
    I will rescue you, little puppy/guppy! And you,too, Lady Steff! It is I, Moopy, another innocent tricked by the nefarious Aortiarti. Moved by your plight, and the righteous indignation and condemnation of the inestimable Tasha, the Turquoise Sherlock, I abandon my onerous workplace duties to ride to the rescue!
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Do Not Fear, little Doggie--Moopy is Here!
    I will rescue you, little puppy/guppy! And you,too, Lady Steff! It is I, Moopy, another innocent tricked by the nefarious Aortiarti. Moved by your plight, and the righteous indignation and condemnation of the inestimable Tasha, the Turquoise Sherlock, I abandon my onerous workplace duties to ride to the rescue!

    Moopy (or is it Muppy),

    Moopy (or is it Muppy),
    You are indeed brave (or very devious) and I am eternally grateful (or leery) for your invention in the puppy/guppy/ incident. You shall be rewarded (or punished) for your assistance (or interference). Well, now that I coverd all the bases. I shall post the next good animals who have met sad ends or perhaps just gone over to the dark side. We shall see, we shall see.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    fauxma said:

    Moopy (or is it Muppy),

    Moopy (or is it Muppy),
    You are indeed brave (or very devious) and I am eternally grateful (or leery) for your invention in the puppy/guppy/ incident. You shall be rewarded (or punished) for your assistance (or interference). Well, now that I coverd all the bases. I shall post the next good animals who have met sad ends or perhaps just gone over to the dark side. We shall see, we shall see.

    You guys
    are WAY too funny-you are awesome!Thanks for making me laugh tonight!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    You guys
    are WAY too funny-you are awesome!Thanks for making me laugh tonight!

    Glad someone thinks this is funny
    Tasha and Stef have turned my own beloved Moopster against me! I couldn't even sleep last night for fear that I might never wake up again.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Aortus said:

    Glad someone thinks this is funny
    Tasha and Stef have turned my own beloved Moopster against me! I couldn't even sleep last night for fear that I might never wake up again.

    Think of the fish......
    The poor innocents whose remains lie in this place (well, these places) That will be; Forever America. Lolol

    Hey Aoriarti, I hope you filled the hole in...

    Hugs Jxx