Small cell lung cancer
PCImr.steadyed said:hello,my mom has small cell
hello,my mom has small cell in lungs,she went threw chem.well,hair loss about 7th treatment,she starts radiation soon,very worried about preventive radiation to her brain,very bad side i am told,anyone have any good things to say about preventive brain radiation?please and thanx
Hi! I finished the preventative radiation about a month ago and I'm fine. I was worried at first because it was my brain they were messing with and I'm a little protective of my brain.
Like a dummy, I had read countless horror stories; but don't worry I won't relate them...
I had a 10 day treatment (with a weekend break) and the third week my hair fell out. That was the biggest deal, because it usually doesn't start coming back intil a few months down the road. Kind of sucks since I live in Florida and I'm an outdoorsy person. But that really was my only problem. Also, they make a mesh mask for you to wear during treatments and when I was done I took mine home and am making a piece of artwork out of it (I am an artist and cancer has relly turned me into a new direction in art but thats another story),,,
I have not noticed any real loss of memory. I've always been a little ditsy so it's a little hard to tell! haha. The way my Radiation Oncologist explained it to me: if you tke 3 seconds to remember something, you may require 5 seconds from now on. And its definately worth the trade-off...
Let me know how she does! Good Luck! And hello everyone, I am Medi and I just joined, You can read my story on my page. I plan on posting some 'cancer' related art soon. It's amazing how cancer affects creativity in different ways.
Medi0 -
Medi, you sound just like me!medi_2 said:PCI
Hi! I finished the preventative radiation about a month ago and I'm fine. I was worried at first because it was my brain they were messing with and I'm a little protective of my brain.
Like a dummy, I had read countless horror stories; but don't worry I won't relate them...
I had a 10 day treatment (with a weekend break) and the third week my hair fell out. That was the biggest deal, because it usually doesn't start coming back intil a few months down the road. Kind of sucks since I live in Florida and I'm an outdoorsy person. But that really was my only problem. Also, they make a mesh mask for you to wear during treatments and when I was done I took mine home and am making a piece of artwork out of it (I am an artist and cancer has relly turned me into a new direction in art but thats another story),,,
I have not noticed any real loss of memory. I've always been a little ditsy so it's a little hard to tell! haha. The way my Radiation Oncologist explained it to me: if you tke 3 seconds to remember something, you may require 5 seconds from now on. And its definately worth the trade-off...
Let me know how she does! Good Luck! And hello everyone, I am Medi and I just joined, You can read my story on my page. I plan on posting some 'cancer' related art soon. It's amazing how cancer affects creativity in different ways.
I kept my mask, it's staring at me in its alien way right nowI had always thought I would paint and feather it and hang it on the wall as some sort of totem, but the idea grew less and less appealing as time went on, so now it's just collecting dust on my writing desk... Eventually I'll make up my mind to throw it away but for now it still feels like I have too much invested in it.
Since the radiation (finished beginning of February), I have noticed a drop in my ability to remember things - most notably, where I put things like my keys and glasses. I also see I get distracted easily, usually when I'm on the internet looking for something specific - I start reading Slashdot, or somebody's blog or book review, and totally forget why I'm thereThis has increased gradually over time. I can only hope it will stop and reverse itself before I forget my kid's names!
I'm hoping, also, that your experience will be better!0 -
More good resultsmcbriz said:"spectacular" scan results
Just an update - my mother had her CT scan between cycle 3 & 4 and it shows all the tumors (left lung and lymph nodes) are "immeasurable or not visible." YES! She started cycle 4 today with this good news.
The onc doc said for most patients he'd say let's do cycle 4, then move to radiation, but this is not an option with her as she had intense radiation in the 1970s for Hodgkins. So, with her support, he's having her do all 6 cycles since this is the one chance to hit it hard. As we know, when it comes back, you have less of a chance to fight it.
Anyway, there's more complex discussion ahead he explained re: PCI, but we left with this good news today and are happy.
Best wishes to everyone out there, on this board, and in our hearts, as the you continue this fight. Pajama62, I hope your mother is having similar progress.
On Monday (8/17) my mom had results of CAT scan that was done after three rounds of chemo. The tumors have decreased in size. Her blood levels and platelets are good. When the doctor said "I'm pleased with the results, how do you feel?" My mom replied "lousy". At this point she has seemed to reach a level of depression. The doctor suggested a psychologist, drugs or both. My mom opted for the drug. She's not big on talking to people about her business. Unfortunately this week I have to return to work, (I'm a teacher, summers off) and I think that my being around less, the news that she will need more chemo and her approaching 8oth birthday are just hitting her hard. Me too! She is sleeping sooooo much, and is becoming lethargic. I reread some of these entries and I am going to look into some Physical Therapy. Her appetite is poor as well. Last night, I went a little bizerk when my brother suggested that we start looking for nursing homes. UGH! I'm beggining to think about calling the psychologist for me and taking the pills. This is a lot harder than I thought. I just want to see me mom up and moving, just a little each day.0 -
take care of yourself toopajami62 said:More good results
On Monday (8/17) my mom had results of CAT scan that was done after three rounds of chemo. The tumors have decreased in size. Her blood levels and platelets are good. When the doctor said "I'm pleased with the results, how do you feel?" My mom replied "lousy". At this point she has seemed to reach a level of depression. The doctor suggested a psychologist, drugs or both. My mom opted for the drug. She's not big on talking to people about her business. Unfortunately this week I have to return to work, (I'm a teacher, summers off) and I think that my being around less, the news that she will need more chemo and her approaching 8oth birthday are just hitting her hard. Me too! She is sleeping sooooo much, and is becoming lethargic. I reread some of these entries and I am going to look into some Physical Therapy. Her appetite is poor as well. Last night, I went a little bizerk when my brother suggested that we start looking for nursing homes. UGH! I'm beggining to think about calling the psychologist for me and taking the pills. This is a lot harder than I thought. I just want to see me mom up and moving, just a little each day.
First, that's wonderful news about your mom's scan. After mom's scan (done after 4th cycle), we thought the great results (no visible tumors) would be really uplifting, but I noticed it took her a few days to embrace the good news. Maybe it gets hard to have everyone saying "wonderful" "great news" "aren't you happy?!" when really you know this is a temporary reprieve in the long-term. But she does manage a very positive attitude most of the time.
Although my mom has had some sort of blow after each chemo (DVT, severe anemia needing transfusions, etc.) I also think there is some depression after each cycle. Maybe it's the pain, or side effect that brings her down, I don't know. But it's a cycle - feel bad physically... get down mentally, etc. Then she doesn't get out of bed, which makes her legs weaker, then she gets frustrated b/c she can't get around as well, ...and so on.
Sunday was Mom's 63rd birthday and the family met for brunch. She was feeling good, and was so happy to have everyone together. She got tired and I helped her into the car as we all stood outside to say goodbye. It broke my heart to look back and see her crying as she watched Dad hug us and the grandchildren. She had that "I'm wearing sunglasses and waving, so maybe they won't see me cry" look.
Attitude is SO important, and maybe that's more difficult at 80. But obviously you've seen a change in her, and she hasn't always been like this. And if you've noticed a change in yourself, don't be afraid to talk to your doctor. You need to stay strong too.
The doc assured Mom that towards the end of chemo she would begin to feel so much better that she'd wonder why she was doing it. Can't say that yet, but that's what I pray for - for her, and for your mom too.
Please keep me posted. I have a poster I gave my mom, and I have it myself, that says "KEEP CALM and CARRY ON." Take a deep breath now....0 -
PCImedi_2 said:PCI
Hi! I finished the preventative radiation about a month ago and I'm fine. I was worried at first because it was my brain they were messing with and I'm a little protective of my brain.
Like a dummy, I had read countless horror stories; but don't worry I won't relate them...
I had a 10 day treatment (with a weekend break) and the third week my hair fell out. That was the biggest deal, because it usually doesn't start coming back intil a few months down the road. Kind of sucks since I live in Florida and I'm an outdoorsy person. But that really was my only problem. Also, they make a mesh mask for you to wear during treatments and when I was done I took mine home and am making a piece of artwork out of it (I am an artist and cancer has relly turned me into a new direction in art but thats another story),,,
I have not noticed any real loss of memory. I've always been a little ditsy so it's a little hard to tell! haha. The way my Radiation Oncologist explained it to me: if you tke 3 seconds to remember something, you may require 5 seconds from now on. And its definately worth the trade-off...
Let me know how she does! Good Luck! And hello everyone, I am Medi and I just joined, You can read my story on my page. I plan on posting some 'cancer' related art soon. It's amazing how cancer affects creativity in different ways.
I am new to this site. I have read so much on here. Trying to find any information that may help my mom. she is stage stage 3 non-small lung ca. Is this PCI treatment something that would be beneficial to all lung ca patients. Just wondering if the oncologist in Germany would consider this for my mom. She is doing chemotherapy right now but for future reference? I am so thankful for this site and those that have responded, I am just so scared for my mom- my angel.
Sonja0 -
my mom is starting monday 11/02
I will keep your mom and your family in my prayers , please let me know how things go for you . my mom is starting chemo on Monday, I do not know what type yet . I will let you know if I find anything out that might be helpful to you ..0 -
Hi -- I just finished 6
Hi -- I just finished 6 cycles (every three weeks) of alimta and cisplatin (not sure of spelling). I did pretty well as far as side effects. Very tired the week after, mouth sores and towards the end neuropathy in hands and feet. My side effects lasted about a week, and as time went on it was harder to get back to things, more tired, and I'd say close to two weeks. (Although I did undergo radiation at the same time). However, I never lost my hair. It has been three weeks since my last treatment and I have noticed it is still thinning -- but it's there and not thin enough to shave. Actually, if anyone knows how long it is after chemo ends that your hair is safe from falling out I'd like to hear.
Best wishes to you. Your mom is lucky to have you. I did so well, I believe, because I had so much support from family and friends. You have no idea how much it means.0 -
side effects
I am a seven year non-small cell lung cancer survivor(was 46 yrs old when diagnosed)following a diagnosis of stage 4, 2 wks to live! One important item I have learned is that everyone is different. Some patients experience similar symptoms like being tired, sick, losing hair, eyelashes (no less as if drawing eyebrows isn't bad enough!)Must try in the midst of all this illness to find humor (difficult at this point I know)but if I can help with any questions, most willing to share my experiences-been the route cat-scans, MRI's, Pet scans, radiation, chemo, surgery (they removed the left lung & plural lining)done chemo therapy infusion. very fortunate to be here-lots of faith in the man upstairs and my of luck, if I can help please contact me. Bless you all, if I had to do it all over again, I'd be first in line!!! Purpleeins...0 -
Thank you Purpleeinspurpleeins said:side effects
I am a seven year non-small cell lung cancer survivor(was 46 yrs old when diagnosed)following a diagnosis of stage 4, 2 wks to live! One important item I have learned is that everyone is different. Some patients experience similar symptoms like being tired, sick, losing hair, eyelashes (no less as if drawing eyebrows isn't bad enough!)Must try in the midst of all this illness to find humor (difficult at this point I know)but if I can help with any questions, most willing to share my experiences-been the route cat-scans, MRI's, Pet scans, radiation, chemo, surgery (they removed the left lung & plural lining)done chemo therapy infusion. very fortunate to be here-lots of faith in the man upstairs and my of luck, if I can help please contact me. Bless you all, if I had to do it all over again, I'd be first in line!!! Purpleeins...
Purpleeins -- you were Stage 4 seven years ago? I am stage 3B and not a surgical candidate. Now that I'm through with chemo/radiation and surgery is not an option I'm not sure what happens to me!! I have my first scan 11/12 and I'm very scared. I guess there's always more chemo, right? But I know no more radiation for me. I certainly do pray like I never thought possible, but this is the epitome of being frightened. It helps so much to hear someone say they are a 7 year survivor!! It helps to hear it's possible. Thanks so much.0 -
mom has sclc as of may 09Laura88 said:Thank you Purpleeins
Purpleeins -- you were Stage 4 seven years ago? I am stage 3B and not a surgical candidate. Now that I'm through with chemo/radiation and surgery is not an option I'm not sure what happens to me!! I have my first scan 11/12 and I'm very scared. I guess there's always more chemo, right? But I know no more radiation for me. I certainly do pray like I never thought possible, but this is the epitome of being frightened. It helps so much to hear someone say they are a 7 year survivor!! It helps to hear it's possible. Thanks so much.
mom got the word back in may. things looked up for awhile then went down hill real fast.right now she got sent home from a treatment center the end of last month. we were told they could not do anything more for her.they told us she had 2 to 4 weeks to live the way she was going. she is on the tpn bag and pain meds that is all. after many problems at the center of things going wrong. not getting what she needed and stuff at the time. we are left with the feeling if she had just stayed here for treatment things might be diffrent. they had to take out her port and put in a picc line. she got staph in the port. they told us the picc line would only last for 2 weeks and then need to come here we are now with all that has taken place over the last 5 months for the out come to be what they told her to begin with. which was 2 months with nothing and with chemo and radiation 6 to 11 months. she wont sleep at all or eat anything. hospice will not take her because of the tpn bag. and home health really don't have what she needs right now. she is still fighting and will not give up but her body is failing. just don't know where to turn for help?0 -
moms loosing the fightstarrynight said:mom has sclc as of may 09
mom got the word back in may. things looked up for awhile then went down hill real fast.right now she got sent home from a treatment center the end of last month. we were told they could not do anything more for her.they told us she had 2 to 4 weeks to live the way she was going. she is on the tpn bag and pain meds that is all. after many problems at the center of things going wrong. not getting what she needed and stuff at the time. we are left with the feeling if she had just stayed here for treatment things might be diffrent. they had to take out her port and put in a picc line. she got staph in the port. they told us the picc line would only last for 2 weeks and then need to come here we are now with all that has taken place over the last 5 months for the out come to be what they told her to begin with. which was 2 months with nothing and with chemo and radiation 6 to 11 months. she wont sleep at all or eat anything. hospice will not take her because of the tpn bag. and home health really don't have what she needs right now. she is still fighting and will not give up but her body is failing. just don't know where to turn for help?
mom is in the hospital. she pulled her picc line out tuesday morning. so they have called in hospice to take over her care. with the way everything is going she should pass sometime around thanksgiving. my dad is lost and really doesn't know what to do. mom has been his rock all these years.0 -
Checking instarrynight said:moms loosing the fight
mom is in the hospital. she pulled her picc line out tuesday morning. so they have called in hospice to take over her care. with the way everything is going she should pass sometime around thanksgiving. my dad is lost and really doesn't know what to do. mom has been his rock all these years.
Starrynight - So sorry to hear about the progression of your mom's illness. My mother was also diagnosed in May, and my thoughts are with you as I read your update. Please let us know how she (and you) are doing.0 -
Cisplatin and Alimpta - side effectsLaura88 said:Hi -- I just finished 6
Hi -- I just finished 6 cycles (every three weeks) of alimta and cisplatin (not sure of spelling). I did pretty well as far as side effects. Very tired the week after, mouth sores and towards the end neuropathy in hands and feet. My side effects lasted about a week, and as time went on it was harder to get back to things, more tired, and I'd say close to two weeks. (Although I did undergo radiation at the same time). However, I never lost my hair. It has been three weeks since my last treatment and I have noticed it is still thinning -- but it's there and not thin enough to shave. Actually, if anyone knows how long it is after chemo ends that your hair is safe from falling out I'd like to hear.
Best wishes to you. Your mom is lucky to have you. I did so well, I believe, because I had so much support from family and friends. You have no idea how much it means.
My husband is also undergoing Chemo with Cisplatin and Alimpta - he is midway between his 3rd and 4th dose ( every 3 wks like you) and he is almost at the end of 6 weeks of radiation. If I read you correctly the side effects last longer as the Chemo goes on - and for him too, after the 3rd dose the negative effects lasted longer than after the 2nd dose.... will it get worse progressively until he finishes the 6 rounds of Chemo? Do the toxic effects accumulate ... is anything recommended to help with that.?
Thanks0 -
PCIupnorthtex said:PCI
My wife was diagnosed with SCLC June 06, underwent chemo(3 cycles) and concurrent radiation ,twice a day for 15 days, after clean PET scans she had PCI, with next to no side effects and nothing disabeling. She is still clean after 3 years and has no problems other than some mild memory loss(not unusual at 70). We square dance 2 or 3 times a week, and travel in an RV several times a year to dances. Dancing requires some stamina and a good memory and Vicki has no problems with either. I personnaly would recommend PCI if offered, the alternative is far worse than any side effects. By the way the hair is back and tho it was a very nice Grey before it is now as dark as it was in high school. Best of luck to You all. Art
Happy Holidays ,Everone !
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I hope that the spirit of Christ is with all of you !
I have Limited Sclc & I have had chemo treatments & Radiation to my chest & now I am trying to decide wheather to do the PCI to the brain just as a preventative measure. I am gong to have a MRI on Dec. 29, 2009 to see if I am still clear of any cancer to my brain. My Doctor told me that if I decide to do the radiation that I will lose my hair again ! ( I just got my hair grown out to about an inch now since I had Chemo ! ) He said that I could have permnant hair loss in spots after the PCI . I would like to know if anyone else has had an experience that when their hair grew back in ?
I am prraying for a miracle this Christmas for us all ! God bless you !!Merry Christmas !0 -
I was diagnosed in January
I was diagnosed in January with extensive sclc in my right lung, it had attached to my heart sac. I went thru radiation, which was really a breeze, nothing more than a sunburn. The chemo on the other hand was a little different, but not terrible. I got carboplatin and taxol. They gave me so much benedril before the chemo treatment, I slept thru most of it. All the needles and I.V's tore my arms up. It seems that for every chemo treatment they took blood twice. I was getting once a week treatments at that time (during radiation). I got nausea just a few times, took a pill, and it was gone in about 20 minutes. The biggest problem I had was the generally awful feeling and drowsiness. When my radiation was over I went on vacation to the Keys and went fishing with my family. We caught a lot of Mahi Mahi by the way. I'm still eating it. When I got back I got 6 double size treatments 3 weeks apart. After the 3rd one I couldn't stay awake. I was sleeping 16 to 18 hours a day. It took about three weeks after the treatments to start to feel normal again. My last chemo was in August. I had my next scan on my birthday in September, I'm 52 now, and I was in remission. HIP HIP HOORAY. I have however started getting fluid in that lung and had it drained out. They did a lab on it and found cancer cells in it, so I'm looking at more chemo and maybe another procedure to drain the lung completly and "glue the outer lining to the chest wall so that the fluid won't have any place to build up. It's all done with needles though. It won't be to bad I hope,I am a little worryed about the chemo though. Tell your mom that with a good support team and a good attitude (which is the biggest thing) she can get thru this. Good luck and GOD Bless.0 -
Hair loss !CCAOG said:I was diagnosed in January
I was diagnosed in January with extensive sclc in my right lung, it had attached to my heart sac. I went thru radiation, which was really a breeze, nothing more than a sunburn. The chemo on the other hand was a little different, but not terrible. I got carboplatin and taxol. They gave me so much benedril before the chemo treatment, I slept thru most of it. All the needles and I.V's tore my arms up. It seems that for every chemo treatment they took blood twice. I was getting once a week treatments at that time (during radiation). I got nausea just a few times, took a pill, and it was gone in about 20 minutes. The biggest problem I had was the generally awful feeling and drowsiness. When my radiation was over I went on vacation to the Keys and went fishing with my family. We caught a lot of Mahi Mahi by the way. I'm still eating it. When I got back I got 6 double size treatments 3 weeks apart. After the 3rd one I couldn't stay awake. I was sleeping 16 to 18 hours a day. It took about three weeks after the treatments to start to feel normal again. My last chemo was in August. I had my next scan on my birthday in September, I'm 52 now, and I was in remission. HIP HIP HOORAY. I have however started getting fluid in that lung and had it drained out. They did a lab on it and found cancer cells in it, so I'm looking at more chemo and maybe another procedure to drain the lung completly and "glue the outer lining to the chest wall so that the fluid won't have any place to build up. It's all done with needles though. It won't be to bad I hope,I am a little worryed about the chemo though. Tell your mom that with a good support team and a good attitude (which is the biggest thing) she can get thru this. Good luck and GOD Bless.
HI, lAURA88 !
My hair started falling out about a week and a half after I started Chemo . My hair was past my butt . I hadn't had it cut in over 20 years ! My daughter would trim an inch or two every six month or once a year .That was because I had a hard time getting her to take tme out of her busy life to trim it ! I brushed my hair into a braid & went to the beauty salon & had the stylist cut my hair just a little above my shoulders. I told her that I wanted my hair cut in a bob hairstyle & I ended up looking like 'Rosanna Danna Banna '! ha ha!
(If you remember on Saturday nite live !) It looked more like a Wedge cut ! That is the reason I never liked going to a beauty salon because they never listen to what I say that I want, They just decide to give you what they want . Anyway I ended up leaving with my braid that was a little over 19 inches long ! I plan on donating it later on !I just wanted to hold onto it for awhile because it was such a shock to have to cut it! A week after I had it cut it started getting matted and when I tried to brush my hair it just stated coming out to the point that I just had some fine hair all over my head. I combed ny hair altogethet & made a little ponytail in the middle of the back of my head,. My boyfriend finally talked me into having someone shave it all off with an electric shaver because when I would wear a wig sometimes some of my hair might hang down from under the wig. To answer your question , I didnt have any more hair fall out after the first chemo treatment. & I had 4 or 5 more chemo treatments after that ! The last one I had was the first week of Audust 2009 & this is December 24, 2009 & my hair has grown back in evenly about one inch ! Iam glad that I went ahead & had it shaved all over one length ! Good luck to you ! & Merry Christmas !!0 -
Thanks for the advice,Sunshine 66 said:Hair loss !
HI, lAURA88 !
My hair started falling out about a week and a half after I started Chemo . My hair was past my butt . I hadn't had it cut in over 20 years ! My daughter would trim an inch or two every six month or once a year .That was because I had a hard time getting her to take tme out of her busy life to trim it ! I brushed my hair into a braid & went to the beauty salon & had the stylist cut my hair just a little above my shoulders. I told her that I wanted my hair cut in a bob hairstyle & I ended up looking like 'Rosanna Danna Banna '! ha ha!
(If you remember on Saturday nite live !) It looked more like a Wedge cut ! That is the reason I never liked going to a beauty salon because they never listen to what I say that I want, They just decide to give you what they want . Anyway I ended up leaving with my braid that was a little over 19 inches long ! I plan on donating it later on !I just wanted to hold onto it for awhile because it was such a shock to have to cut it! A week after I had it cut it started getting matted and when I tried to brush my hair it just stated coming out to the point that I just had some fine hair all over my head. I combed ny hair altogethet & made a little ponytail in the middle of the back of my head,. My boyfriend finally talked me into having someone shave it all off with an electric shaver because when I would wear a wig sometimes some of my hair might hang down from under the wig. To answer your question , I didnt have any more hair fall out after the first chemo treatment. & I had 4 or 5 more chemo treatments after that ! The last one I had was the first week of Audust 2009 & this is December 24, 2009 & my hair has grown back in evenly about one inch ! Iam glad that I went ahead & had it shaved all over one length ! Good luck to you ! & Merry Christmas !!
Thanks for the advice, Sunshine! When the time comes, I will just sharpen the blade and cut it all off! I have my "do-rags" stashed yet from the summer motorcycle riding days this past summer - they ought to come in handy!0 -
My father too.......DMP said:Thanks for the advice,
Thanks for the advice, Sunshine! When the time comes, I will just sharpen the blade and cut it all off! I have my "do-rags" stashed yet from the summer motorcycle riding days this past summer - they ought to come in handy!
My father has diagnosed the SCLC as well...he is 75 years old...his breath is weak and not advisable for chemo right now. Only can do is radiotheraphy on the tumor on the chest...but he feel this natural if he tired ? any side effect for radio? can anyone tell me? I am very worry on him now.....0 -
Hi, Patpat !Patpat said:My father too.......
My father has diagnosed the SCLC as well...he is 75 years old...his breath is weak and not advisable for chemo right now. Only can do is radiotheraphy on the tumor on the chest...but he feel this natural if he tired ? any side effect for radio? can anyone tell me? I am very worry on him now.....
I had
Hi, Patpat !
I had radiation on my chest for 30 days & I was told that it would make me feel tired & to just lay down & rest ! The radiation did make me feel tired & I just rested & tried to rejuvinate myself ! Dont worry about your dad feeling tired ,he is 20 years older than me
so he already has an excuse ! I hope this helps answer your question. I hope your dad gets feeling better ! This is New Years Eve ! I hope we all have a New Year filled with Hope & Miracles ! Happy New Year !!!0
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