Question(s) after treatment

kathyDDD Member Posts: 34
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
As of Oct. 20, I have finished 8 chemos, a double mastectomy, and 38 radiation treatments since Feb. 12. Is it normal to still feel lethargic and sometimes achy? I have been working all through these past 8 months, teaching high school during the day and college classes 2 nights a week. I also bowl 2 nights a week. That has been a little difficult because the radiation burns are on my right side and under my arm, so the bandages are a little cumbersome. All of my scans and blood counts have been good, but I want my energy back. I just need someone who has been through this to tell me these feelings are normal. I have the utmost respect for the women contributing to this site and trust that I will be told the truth. My cancer was triple negative so I will not be doing follow up hormone therapy. Please help me understand what I can expect in the next few weeks. Thank you in advance.


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I wasn't triple negative.
    I wasn't triple negative. But goodness, look what you've been through and still worked a job and a half and bowled. Your body is still adjusting. I was beat after treatment and I didn't work or bowl. There are other triple negatives on this board and I'm sure they will chime in. Just wanted to tell you to hang in there and it's very impressive that you went through treatment and still continued your schedule.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    It is normal to still be
    It is normal to still be achy, tired etc. You have an amazingly busy schedule and must have some great stamina and strength. And if you are still have bandages under your arm, I assume that you recently completed the radiation. And the affects of just those can knock you for a loop. Your energy will return, probably slower than you will like. But as active as you have been through all this, you might want to warn those around you that you will climbing tall building, running faster than a train, and who knows what else. LOL Seriously congrats on the completion and the good follow ups and I hope that your energy returns quickly.
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    Hi Kathy
    Look what you have accomplished since february and you just finished on oct 20th...Youre supposed to be tired girl...I wouldnt expect to feel halfway normal for at least 6 months especially with the schedule you keep.

    I would highly advise you to keep exercising if you can...walk the dog, jog, bike, do yoga, bowl..and get lots of sleep...your body is repairing itself after being blasted with all kinds of stuff...

    Hang in there
    Linda T
  • sassysheila
    sassysheila Member Posts: 3
    I'm still recovering too...
    I finished up radiation on 8/1/09 and still feel fatigued on occassion. I hear it can take up to a year to feel "normal" again. I'm waiting.... :-) Hang in there!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I'm still recovering too...
    I finished up radiation on 8/1/09 and still feel fatigued on occassion. I hear it can take up to a year to feel "normal" again. I'm waiting.... :-) Hang in there!

    My onc and staff will not discuss recovery period
    as each of us heal to a different drummer. However, from what I hear and postings I see -we are looking at appx. 1 year to 18 months. Plus, lets not forget .. the anxiety and depression that goes hand and hand, once we are recovery.

    ACS has several cancer suvivor groups that meet .. I have recently joined one to help with my diagnosis, transision and recovery.

    Normal now is living with the diagnosis of breast cancer for me.

    Best of luck ..

    Vicki Sam
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Marcia527 said:

    I wasn't triple negative.
    I wasn't triple negative. But goodness, look what you've been through and still worked a job and a half and bowled. Your body is still adjusting. I was beat after treatment and I didn't work or bowl. There are other triple negatives on this board and I'm sure they will chime in. Just wanted to tell you to hang in there and it's very impressive that you went through treatment and still continued your schedule.

    I'm with Marcia,
    impressed that you have been able to do so much while going through treatments!
    Like some of the other ladies on here have said-the fatigue does last a while. Your body has been through a lot!!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    VickiSam said:

    My onc and staff will not discuss recovery period
    as each of us heal to a different drummer. However, from what I hear and postings I see -we are looking at appx. 1 year to 18 months. Plus, lets not forget .. the anxiety and depression that goes hand and hand, once we are recovery.

    ACS has several cancer suvivor groups that meet .. I have recently joined one to help with my diagnosis, transision and recovery.

    Normal now is living with the diagnosis of breast cancer for me.

    Best of luck ..

    Vicki Sam

    I am still tired too
    Hi and welcome,
    I think it is very normal what is going on with you. I am impressed that you have been working two jobs during your cancer treatment. I finished radiation in February as well. I had radical mastectomy, DIEP/TRAM reconstruction, Chemo and Radiation. I did not work trough my Chemo (6 cycles two drugs) and radiation. Since I finish radiation I feel much better but far away from what I used to be. Both fatigue and low energy are my biggest problems. Probably it is common, but doctors do not want to talk about it.I hope that all members of this board will be back 100%. It is very long journey.
    Good luck
  • kathyDDD
    kathyDDD Member Posts: 34

    I am still tired too
    Hi and welcome,
    I think it is very normal what is going on with you. I am impressed that you have been working two jobs during your cancer treatment. I finished radiation in February as well. I had radical mastectomy, DIEP/TRAM reconstruction, Chemo and Radiation. I did not work trough my Chemo (6 cycles two drugs) and radiation. Since I finish radiation I feel much better but far away from what I used to be. Both fatigue and low energy are my biggest problems. Probably it is common, but doctors do not want to talk about it.I hope that all members of this board will be back 100%. It is very long journey.
    Good luck

    Thank you.
    Thank you all for your comments and responses. Sometimes I feel on top of the world and other times I feel so alone, like nobody understands. I want the "real" Kathy back and I'm not sure she ever will be. I know I have come through a lot, with really very little nastiness. My reconstruction will be in June, so I won't miss that much school and will have the summer to recover. The radiation burns are healing and hopefully I can lose the bandages in a couple of weeks. I guess patience is not one of my virtues. Again, the attitudes of the women on this forum are absolutely amazing and humbling. I am very proud to be a "sister." It's definitely not a club we join willingly, but it's nice to know others are there. Good luck and love to everyone.