
expresslove Member Posts: 19
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I got my results from my re-excision and I am clear! Its no longer present in my body! :D
My recovery is much slower than my previous one, but i am trying hard to be patient.
Also, although I am glad I super glad over this news, I felt very sad at the same time. (At first i thought it was just that i had a bad day b/c less then 24 hours I found out my great news I lost my whole wallet) I have been feeling really down, and I don't understand why this feeling is not really going away. Is this common? has anyone else felt this? :/
Regardless, this is great news, and i gotta say this board is greeaattt!! :)


  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    Good for you
    I am sure you have seen over and over in these posts that emotions are unpredictable in the midst of this battle. Like all good warriors there are emotions and emotional ups and downs long after many of the milestones have been met. We react or don't react to get through the process. You got good news, but it is not unusual that you spent so much emotional energy holding yourself together while you waited for the news that you feel a let down or change in emotion you do not understand.

    Keep coming to the boards to see the encouragement. Know that every post whether it is for what you would ask or a different subject has a common thread. There is love and support and concern here. It is for everyone who visists whether they post or just read. I jumps off the screen and surrounds you. So be surrounded by support and comfort. Find people that support you at home, work, church where ever you go. Enjoy the sunshine, or a good book or a good movie or chat with a friend.

    Seek help from the docs if the emotions swing too much too often. But know always there are people here to help.

    Congrats on the good news. Celebrate!

    always Becky
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS on the all clear that is the best news and I am thrilled for you. It is common, well it least it was for me to be a bit down during these times. You have been through a lot and have had to take it all in so sometimes good news is a surprise you jsut aren't quite ready to hear so your reaction is not always what you may think it is going to be. It's great news and I hope you get out and celebrate! By the way I too am in Northern California, Lodi to be exact. Take care and know that we are here for you.

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Thanks for sharing your good
    Thanks for sharing your good news! I am so happy for you. It's not uncommon to feel depressed once all the hoopla is over. I think it's part of the whole process. Don't be afraid to let your doctor know how you are feeling. It's NORMAL (and treatable). xoxoxoxo Lynn