Tamoxifen and Side Effects

Reba Marie
Reba Marie Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am new to this site. Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with the side effect of "hot flashes" while taking Tamoxifen? I have only been on it since May, and I have 5 years of treatment. What else should I look out for? I really shouldn't complain, as I have never had to deal with the scare of chemo or radiation, which would be so much harder to accept. I was lucky and they caught mine very early. My heart goes out to all of you that have it worse then I.


  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    I've only been on tamoxifen for 3 weeks ... so I don't know if "it" is the tamoxifen ... or just me ... the weather ... old age (I'm 65) ... or what ...

    But ... I work full time and it seems that I spend 80% of my time putting my sweater on ... taking it off ... burning up ... or freezing to death.

    Other than that "possible" side effect ... I haven't had any problems ... but I will admit that I was a bit concerned when I started taking it ... so I've been taking 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at bedtime ... so ... maybe that's keeping some of those other side effects away. I don't know ... but ... I'm ready to put my sweater back on now ... burrrr

  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    tgf said:

    I've only been on tamoxifen for 3 weeks ... so I don't know if "it" is the tamoxifen ... or just me ... the weather ... old age (I'm 65) ... or what ...

    But ... I work full time and it seems that I spend 80% of my time putting my sweater on ... taking it off ... burning up ... or freezing to death.

    Other than that "possible" side effect ... I haven't had any problems ... but I will admit that I was a bit concerned when I started taking it ... so I've been taking 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at bedtime ... so ... maybe that's keeping some of those other side effects away. I don't know ... but ... I'm ready to put my sweater back on now ... burrrr


    They were talking last weed
    They were talking last weed about gabapentin helping with hot flashes, I take it for other reasons, and started it after i started the tomox but once they mentioned it i did realize that i was having less hot flashes, if you look back through the posts you should be able to find the discution on it
  • patti anne
    patti anne Member Posts: 101
    tjhay said:

    They were talking last weed
    They were talking last weed about gabapentin helping with hot flashes, I take it for other reasons, and started it after i started the tomox but once they mentioned it i did realize that i was having less hot flashes, if you look back through the posts you should be able to find the discution on it

    knock on wood
    I've been on Tamoxifen for two months now. I haven't had hot flashes...yet. I asked the Dr about that last month and she said if I didn't have them the first month, I probably won't. I'm hoping she is right. My last cycle was during chemo, so I'm guessing I'm in Menopause. (Just turned 43)

    I hope the flashes end for you soon!
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My gynecologist talked at length with my oncologist about what I could take for hot flashes, irritability, headaches, etc that came with my tamoxifen and early menopause. He decided to try an older drug on me called bellergal-s. I understand that it is no longer readily available but can be compounded for you at a compouding pharmacy. It is a combo drug of ergot, belladonna alkaloids and phenobarbital. It worked exceedingly well for me. My family thought it was great too ;-) I took it for about 2-3 years. Hope this helps someone.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My gynecologist talked at length with my oncologist about what I could take for hot flashes, irritability, headaches, etc that came with my tamoxifen and early menopause. He decided to try an older drug on me called bellergal-s. I understand that it is no longer readily available but can be compounded for you at a compouding pharmacy. It is a combo drug of ergot, belladonna alkaloids and phenobarbital. It worked exceedingly well for me. My family thought it was great too ;-) I took it for about 2-3 years. Hope this helps someone.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    While on Tamoxifen you
    While on Tamoxifen you should also see your gynecologist every year.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    My gynecologist talked at length with my oncologist about what I could take for hot flashes, irritability, headaches, etc that came with my tamoxifen and early menopause. He decided to try an older drug on me called bellergal-s. I understand that it is no longer readily available but can be compounded for you at a compouding pharmacy. It is a combo drug of ergot, belladonna alkaloids and phenobarbital. It worked exceedingly well for me. My family thought it was great too ;-) I took it for about 2-3 years. Hope this helps someone.

    Before I get in trouble
    Before I get in trouble again, please know that I took this drug many years ago (probably early 1990's) and am just stating what worked for me. Talk with your physician. Also, some non-meds things that helped: thin cotton nightclothes (& have a change at bedside if you have night sweats), regular exercise, and avoiding any alcohol, caffeine and NSAIDS (triggers for me).
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    While on Tamoxifen you
    While on Tamoxifen you should also see your gynecologist every year.

    Not on it
    I am not on Tamoxifen and probably won't take it. The side effects are way too scary. And, so many of the bc survivors that were on it have had recurrences on this site that I have read. My oncologist said it would only reduce my chance of a recurrence by probably 1%, so, I don't think that is worth it. Good luck to you. I hope your hot flashes go away.

    ♥ Noel
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Noel said:

    Not on it
    I am not on Tamoxifen and probably won't take it. The side effects are way too scary. And, so many of the bc survivors that were on it have had recurrences on this site that I have read. My oncologist said it would only reduce my chance of a recurrence by probably 1%, so, I don't think that is worth it. Good luck to you. I hope your hot flashes go away.

    ♥ Noel

    Don't they say that if you
    Don't they say that if you have NO side effects, that it isn't working?

    I am not on it yet either. The chance of procurring another cancer while on it is making me delay it.

  • sassysheila
    sassysheila Member Posts: 3
    I'm on Tamoxifen too...
    Yep -- those hot flashes are not very much fun! My Onc put me on Gabupentin (300mg 3Xday). It has helped a bunch. I don't wake up with night sweats anymore and most days only get a few mild hot flashes. Sometimes I still get a doozy, but it seems to be working for me.
  • j916
    j916 Member Posts: 141

    I'm on Tamoxifen too...
    Yep -- those hot flashes are not very much fun! My Onc put me on Gabupentin (300mg 3Xday). It has helped a bunch. I don't wake up with night sweats anymore and most days only get a few mild hot flashes. Sometimes I still get a doozy, but it seems to be working for me.

    Yep, sweaty...ewww
    and I ache....ache every day. i go to the gym 6 days a week, and it has helped some...but if i stay in one position too long, i feel like a 95 year old woman trying to get up...much pain. But i would rather hurt, and live, ya know?
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    j916 said:

    Yep, sweaty...ewww
    and I ache....ache every day. i go to the gym 6 days a week, and it has helped some...but if i stay in one position too long, i feel like a 95 year old woman trying to get up...much pain. But i would rather hurt, and live, ya know?

    Unfortunately, hot flashes
    Unfortunately, hot flashes is one of the side effects that you might get with tamoxifen. Ask your oncologist if there is something he can give you to help with them. Good luck!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    It's a matter of how you look at it!
    I prefer to think I am on a mini tropical vacation with equal trips to the north pole! How many people around you can do THAT at the drop of a hat, huh? Looks like your pretty special to me (giggle). Pammy