October Weekend Plans (continued)

pitt Member Posts: 387
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Since I can't reply to messages, I'm creating a new thread to Mimi's October Weekend Plans...

So apparently, "chemo brain" is very real because only on "chemo brain" would I have scheduled my daughter's 8th birthday party two days after my chemo treatment!!! That's right. I'm experiencing those horrible chest pains from the Neulasta shot and serious nausea...and I have to be at the party place in 3 hours!!! Can anyone say "ACTING?!?!?!" I shall take more drugs and become the greatest thespian of all time! Although, to be honest, i think being around all that positive little-girl energy will help more than the drugs. These kids have no idea how much they are helping me through chemo! Have a great weekend girls and I'll tell you all about it...when I'm able. :-) HUGS, Pitt


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Having trouble replying to
    Having trouble replying to your posts. Have to keep trying.

    I love kids birthday parties. I hope the fun overrides the nausea.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Marcia527 said:

    Having trouble replying to
    Having trouble replying to your posts. Have to keep trying.

    I love kids birthday parties. I hope the fun overrides the nausea.

    This worked after the forth
    This worked after the forth try. I did not click preview but post. It went right in. Try avoiding preview.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    This worked after the forth
    This worked after the forth try. I did not click preview but post. It went right in. Try avoiding preview.

    I go right into post...
    but no post.

    I have e-mailed CSN.

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    KathiM said:

    I go right into post...
    but no post.

    I have e-mailed CSN.

    Hugs, Kathi

    Yeah it's acting up now for
    Yeah it's acting up now for me too. Have to do it a couple times to get thru. So I copy message to clipboard so I can keep trying. Never give up. Never surrender. That's from a movie. Can you guess which one?
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    Me Too!
    tried to post under mimi and it didn't come through.
    Well here it is Sat am and I'm finally getting a chance to post. My "weekend" started earlier this week. State employees in most depts in Hawaii are now on "furlough Fridays" as a budget cutting tool so now my weekends for at least twice a month will start on Thursday nite. Nice for the days off but not so good on the pocketbook. Just as the co-pays for all the procedures to date are coming in, my pocketbook is about 7% smaller. And Hawaii made national news because since all teachers and support staff are state employees, we now have the great distinction (NOT)of not only being number 47/50 in state education testing, but having the shortest school year as well OK I'll get off my soapbox and 'Nuf said on this.
    Yesterday my daughter and I drove to get my new "ladies". Since my bilateral mastectomy in Sept I've been making do with the soft batting filled prosthetics I got post-surgery. Worked fairly well but kept "moving around". Very difficult when working with kids. On several occasions I've looked down and noticed they'd "wandered". When I went to be fitted and order them, I was so impressed with service. Yesterday was again the same. I am so pleased with the results. It was nice to "pick" my size. I am now a B cup with NO UNDERWIRES! instead of a DD. Not that I would ever recommend the method and reason for the change but at least it was a positive!
    Today I am going to the farmer's market to get flowers for church. Tomorrow is my late son's birthday and last week was the 1-yr anniversary of my mom's passing. An ultimate 40 yr BC survivor.
    I'm working at supplementing my income and have been making earrings for a couple craft bazaars coming up so that will take up part of the weekend and my kids want me to help them plan my 60th b-day party for next weekend. My b-day is Tues but since it's a work night, I said I didn't want anything them. Besides, next weekend should have my Oncotype results back, my appt with the onco dr is Friday. Maybe I'll be doubly celebrating.
    Boy did I ramble. I guess I'm still a bit disjointed with the emotions of waiting. I know that I haven't posted for awhile but have been reading. Hugs to everyone! Lola
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    GRRRRRR....OK, second try.
    GRRRRRR....OK, second try. This time I'll copy my post so if this one ends up in Neverland my efforts will not have been in vain. I hope you are NOT reading this any time soon. I hope that you are getting some rest after a very hard day and lots of love and support from your family and friends. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    lynn1950 said:

    GRRRRRR....OK, second try.
    GRRRRRR....OK, second try. This time I'll copy my post so if this one ends up in Neverland my efforts will not have been in vain. I hope you are NOT reading this any time soon. I hope that you are getting some rest after a very hard day and lots of love and support from your family and friends. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    It was all fine!
    So, my friend who runs the shop where we held the birthday party took care of everything!!! All I had to do was sing and watch as my daughter and 10 other little princesses ran around having the time of their lives. My little girl told me it was the best birthday party of her entire life!!! Now that's saying something, isn't it?

    So after 2 hours of little-girl fun, we came home and I took a 3 1/2 hour nap. I've been in bed for most of today. "Day 4 post-chemo" wipes me out. The chest pains are horrible, but this time I've been really light-headed and nauseous as well.

    Oh well - this too shall pass. My little one is playing with her toys; my older one is in bed with me now reading her new book; my friends just finished the 3-day walk in Atlanta; and I finally get to type on the CSN discussion board! All in all, it was a good weekend!

    How are you ladies doing?
