Tomorrow's the "Day" (10--21-09)



  • aurora2009
    aurora2009 Member Posts: 544 Member
    Rague said:

    I'm home!
    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!

    Well -
    I got out of the hospital about 9 this morn and all considered I feel great. The sun even came out and it's warmed up - yesterday was majorly overcast and cold)

    He was able to get all the 'stuff' and didn't have to take nerves which he had said was a possibility due to the size. He didn't say how many lymph he took out and I forgot to ask so guess I'll find out next Thurs when I see him next. Pathology will be in by then but had already had biopsies done before chemo so know that it will come back positive.

    I've really been surprised that the pain is not bad at all but the nurses were last night - they kept wanting me to take more pain meds but I saw no reason to take percocet (sp?) when there was no real pain - just slight discomfort. They kept coming back every 15 min., waking me up to see IF I needed some so I finally took it so they would leave me alone and let me sleep. Was surprised at the food they gave me too. I had been out of surgery about 3 hrs when they brought me lunch - I expected a liquid diet but they brought soup and a chicken salad sandwich then for supper they brought roast beef, potatoes, gravy and CORN. They were good but 'heavier' foods than I expected right after surgery.

    'Bout all I can think of right now and want to get a nap so bye.


    I'm so happy to hear you're doing well after surgury, get plenty of rest and post soon to let us know how you're doing since you've been home.

    I'll keep you in my prayers that your next doctor appt goes well, with clean nodes!

  • Reikigemgirl
    Reikigemgirl Member Posts: 278
    Rague said:

    I'm home!
    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!

    Well -
    I got out of the hospital about 9 this morn and all considered I feel great. The sun even came out and it's warmed up - yesterday was majorly overcast and cold)

    He was able to get all the 'stuff' and didn't have to take nerves which he had said was a possibility due to the size. He didn't say how many lymph he took out and I forgot to ask so guess I'll find out next Thurs when I see him next. Pathology will be in by then but had already had biopsies done before chemo so know that it will come back positive.

    I've really been surprised that the pain is not bad at all but the nurses were last night - they kept wanting me to take more pain meds but I saw no reason to take percocet (sp?) when there was no real pain - just slight discomfort. They kept coming back every 15 min., waking me up to see IF I needed some so I finally took it so they would leave me alone and let me sleep. Was surprised at the food they gave me too. I had been out of surgery about 3 hrs when they brought me lunch - I expected a liquid diet but they brought soup and a chicken salad sandwich then for supper they brought roast beef, potatoes, gravy and CORN. They were good but 'heavier' foods than I expected right after surgery.

    'Bout all I can think of right now and want to get a nap so bye.


    Glad to hear all is well.....
    and that you don't have a lot of pain. Rest and take care of yourself.

    love and light,
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Praying for you!
    Susan there are no bad omens, you are gonna be fine. I will be praying for a quick recovery, let us know how you are doing once you are up to it.


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Rague said:

    I'm home!
    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!

    Well -
    I got out of the hospital about 9 this morn and all considered I feel great. The sun even came out and it's warmed up - yesterday was majorly overcast and cold)

    He was able to get all the 'stuff' and didn't have to take nerves which he had said was a possibility due to the size. He didn't say how many lymph he took out and I forgot to ask so guess I'll find out next Thurs when I see him next. Pathology will be in by then but had already had biopsies done before chemo so know that it will come back positive.

    I've really been surprised that the pain is not bad at all but the nurses were last night - they kept wanting me to take more pain meds but I saw no reason to take percocet (sp?) when there was no real pain - just slight discomfort. They kept coming back every 15 min., waking me up to see IF I needed some so I finally took it so they would leave me alone and let me sleep. Was surprised at the food they gave me too. I had been out of surgery about 3 hrs when they brought me lunch - I expected a liquid diet but they brought soup and a chicken salad sandwich then for supper they brought roast beef, potatoes, gravy and CORN. They were good but 'heavier' foods than I expected right after surgery.

    'Bout all I can think of right now and want to get a nap so bye.


    I saw this late so i posted after you were all done, silly me! I am so glad you are doing so well and its wonderful the sun has come out to cheer you. Keep that positive attitude it will carry you far!
