First round of chemo

stevie178 Member Posts: 31
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well I hope everyone had a good weekend an for us tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives. Love's last 2 exams gave us the results we needed as far as estrogen production and the P.E.T. Scan to measure the amount of spread and what good news it was to hear it was contained mostly to the breast with minimal spread into the lymph's . Not sure what to expect with this first round of chemo tomorrow but will be by my wife's side for this . She has 4 sessions over the next 2 months and then 1 a week for 12 weeks so I know everybody responds differently to treatment but what might she go through ? I only ask because she will be here tonight for the support of this community and I told her that I don't think the first one will be all that bad but who am I to judge ?

Best wishes everyone

Steve & Teresa


  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    Steve and Teresa
    The test results was good news. Best of Luck tomorrow with the treatment. I know for me the first one was easy, but after that I was very, very tired. Just make sure you take your meds as the doc tells you and rest when you need it and drink lots and lots of water. Sounds like the same treatment plan that I had. I have 2 more treatments to go, then surgery! Lots of Hugs to you, Diane
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Great news on the test
    Great news on the test results. The first chemo treatment was not too bad for me either. I made sure I had something on my stomach the morning of chemo. They have wonderful pre-meds today, so nausea should not be a problem. Just make sure to drink lots of water. Take a good book or ipod or just plan on taking a nap. Hoping for minimal side effects.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I got really sick starting
    I got really sick starting about 30 min to an hour after treatment. They have improved the nausea medications today tho. I had treatment in 2003/2004. The first treatment I would advise going straight home and see how Teresa reacts. My sister had no problems other than fatigue which increased with each treatment. I ended up in bed for a week even after the first one. Hope Teresa's treatment goes well and she doesn't get sick. I seem to be the extreme.
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Hi Steve & Teresa
    The first one for me was fine, just the fear of the unknown. I had my port in already, and the doctor put a small bag of anti-nausea medicine in the iv before the chemo. I had 6 rounds, one every three weeks. I'd go on Friday, and take anti-nausea pills Friday afternoon to Monday morning and I was fine, just light nausea and tired, but I was able to go to work. Being single and sick is not easy - no work, no pay, so she (the doctor) made sure I was well enough. She was awesome, knew exactly what I needed when I needed it. I'm finished with my treatments now and my hair has grown back nicely, curly where it was straight before - so there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are wonderful being there for her.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    padee6339 said:

    Hi Steve & Teresa
    The first one for me was fine, just the fear of the unknown. I had my port in already, and the doctor put a small bag of anti-nausea medicine in the iv before the chemo. I had 6 rounds, one every three weeks. I'd go on Friday, and take anti-nausea pills Friday afternoon to Monday morning and I was fine, just light nausea and tired, but I was able to go to work. Being single and sick is not easy - no work, no pay, so she (the doctor) made sure I was well enough. She was awesome, knew exactly what I needed when I needed it. I'm finished with my treatments now and my hair has grown back nicely, curly where it was straight before - so there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are wonderful being there for her.

    I was scared to death. It
    I was scared to death. It was not bad at all. I was on AC to start for 4 rounds. This part I would not feel to good about day 3 and this would last for about 3 days and then I would feel okay again. Make sure you are getting Nausea medication. A great one is Emend. You will not get sick from nausea. After the 4 round of ac I am currently on Taxol for 12 rounds and I am on 6. Much better don't need any medication at all. Just tired, But all of it is doable. Good Luck, let us know how your doing.