New Grandparent!!!

thready Member Posts: 474
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Wow even in the middle of life's difficult momements we have received a wonderful little blessing of good!!! Last night at 11:51pm our Grandson, Gavin, was born. He is our first grandchild and he is the most beautiful little thing there is. I promise not to gush too much, but I am so grateful to have been able to see this little guy during his first few hours and I am so proud of my son and daughter-in-law.

My daughter-in-law is doing great, she emerged from 18 hours of labor looking as fresh as a daisy. That means mother and baby are doing great!

For this post I will sign out as
Granny Jannie!!! (Oh does that sound great, so does Grandma or anything else Gavin would choose to call me)


  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Granny Jannie
    Congratulations! Are grand children wonderful? We have four by birth, four by marriages and 3 in heaven now. Our daughter has lost two babies in the last six months.

    My grandkids call me Grandma. It just evolved. :o)

    Will you post pictures later?

    Again, congratulations and God Bless,
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    Granny Jannie
    Congratulations! Are grand children wonderful? We have four by birth, four by marriages and 3 in heaven now. Our daughter has lost two babies in the last six months.

    My grandkids call me Grandma. It just evolved. :o)

    Will you post pictures later?

    Again, congratulations and God Bless,

    ....What awesome news to wake up too!!! another life being born! Granny Jannie sounds perfect!! I'd like to be called Nanny myself one day! Congratulations, and have fun spoiling that granbaby!!

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    This is such an exciting
    This is such an exciting news.New baby and new grand parents.Life is so good,please enjoy it.Take care.Thank you very much for sharing this great news with us.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    That is awesome! Congratulations to all involved. Babies are the best blessing that God can give us.

    You have earned the right to gush!

    peace, emily

    ps. my mom is "Granny" too and she loves it and my dad is "Grandpapa" which we shortened to GP after my littlest was born--it was a mouthful for such a little girl.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    That is just wonderful news. Congratulations Grandma. Yes, you have to post some pictures when they become available. We have 10 grandkids, but my first bio granddaughter to arrive late December or early January. It's exciting being a grandparent. You get to spoil them and send them home :) Once again congratulations

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    SO Wonderful
    Congrats to you and your Son and Daughter inlaw, I am currently awaiting my first grandson as we speak. My daughter is over due so the little guy can come at any time. Her Doc will induce her if little john does not come out by friday. I am so happy for you!

  • grammadebbie
    grammadebbie Member Posts: 464
    How Wonderful
    Congratulations, grandbabies are wonderful. I tell you, every time I get down I just think of my little angels and it makes me fight harder than before. They all love me soooo much and want me around. This will definatley be an inspiration for you. Enjoy

    Blessings to all,

    Debbie (gramma)
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hi, Granny!
    That's wonderful! There is NOTHING on earth as sweet as a grandchild. We have 3 now, each wonderfully precious, but I will never forget that awestruck moment when our first arrived (that's him in the picture with me).

    I'm glad everyone's doing great, and it'll be fun to find out what Gavin calls you. My grandchildren call me Nanny,and it's my favorite name.

  • kevinpayne
    kevinpayne Member Posts: 17
    Congratulations!!! What a
    Congratulations!!! What a wonderful blessing.