Squamous cell cancer & agent orange



  • Wes_L
    Wes_L Member Posts: 2
    MarineE5 said:

    Ralph, I am also a Vietnam Vet and have base of tongue cancer. I was operated on in Oct. 04. The VA denied my claim also, but I am fighting it. Keep at it and I have only recently heard of the case you speak of.

    Boblow305 asked if you can be exposed to Agent Orange without knowing it, the answer is yes. If you were in Vietnam, you were exposed, period. You can be exposed to the chemicals just from drinking the water. To much detail to go into on this post, but you can find info on the internet.

    Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Stage IV
    First of all, I was impressed to read about your cancer. I was diagnosed with stage IV nasopharyngeal Carcinoma on June 8, 2006; (Head and neck cancer located in nasopharynx, located between the ears and behind the eyes).

    I was also afforded the opportunity to go overseas in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, as a Marine Sergeant. I've made similar claims through the VA. After 5 years active duty, I worked for a DOE subcontractor and for some reason the VA set me up an appointment for an MRI during the time of Hurricane Katrina. Although nothing was found, I was diagnosed the very next spring with the most advanced stage of NPC. Why would they pay $2500-$3000 for the MRI of the brain, unless there was reasoning? Thank you for your service in Vietnam.
    "I'll be a Marine till the day I die, on my tombstone 'Semper Fi'!"
  • Wes_L
    Wes_L Member Posts: 2


    VA claims vs. Marine Vets with Squamous Cell Cancers
    There are many Marines with squamous cell cancers. I too was diagnosed and all I can suggest is to keep fighting for it. There are too many Marines with Squamous Cell Cancers. We should get together and fight for this with the VA. Although the VA saved me from stage IV NPC, I still believe it to be ethical to help you and the many other "Devil Dogs" with similar cancers. A man who raised me, who my mother divorced, was a Marine Vietnam Veteran with agent orange and a purple heart; compliments of a claymore mine. Lets keep in contact on here and develop MPCOA (most probably course of action). BAMCIS, SMEAC,5 paragraph order...remember???
  • nstob
    nstob Member Posts: 1
    Wes_L said:

    VA claims vs. Marine Vets with Squamous Cell Cancers
    There are many Marines with squamous cell cancers. I too was diagnosed and all I can suggest is to keep fighting for it. There are too many Marines with Squamous Cell Cancers. We should get together and fight for this with the VA. Although the VA saved me from stage IV NPC, I still believe it to be ethical to help you and the many other "Devil Dogs" with similar cancers. A man who raised me, who my mother divorced, was a Marine Vietnam Veteran with agent orange and a purple heart; compliments of a claymore mine. Lets keep in contact on here and develop MPCOA (most probably course of action). BAMCIS, SMEAC,5 paragraph order...remember???

    another Marine with squamous cell carcinoma
    I, like almost everyone else here, started searching the net for info on the linkage of AO with oral carcinoma. My father is a marine, Vietnam vet and has been fighting mouth sores ever since his return from Vietnam (~'69). The cells in his mouth (cheeks & tongue) have finally gone from being open, painful sores to squamous cell carcinoma and verucous carcinoma. He has been seen by a doc at Ohio State U. hospital that had only seen this in his career a couple of times - all in men that were in Vietnam. We have just returned from the MD Anderson cancer hosp. in Houston for a second opinion on the course of action he should take. He is looking at an extensive surgery, with reconstruction of the tongue, the pulling of every tooth in his head so that he can have radiation to his mouth, and a 6-9 month recovery period.
    He has already been given the run around in Columbus by the VA and has since asked me if I can find any info and help with trying again.
    To be honest, I could care less what the VA thinks or does. My father has health insurance and I am sure that is the best route for him to go. If I have anything to say about it, he will stay with his team at OSU or go with the fantastic docs. in Houston at MD Anderson.
    What I would like to see happen is a study compiling info from the many Marine, Vietnam vets with sqamous cell carcinoma. There has got to be at least one grad student somewhere looking for a research project. I plan on talking to my father's doc. later this month and asking if he knows of any grad students that could be interested in this issue or at least willing to put a study together.
    If others could do the same (try to find someone to do a study), and that study be published in a big name journal - the VA may have to recognize squamous cell not only for those that really need the compensation but for all those marines that served proudly and now fight cancer due to AO.
  • jimbo12
    jimbo12 Member Posts: 2

    squamous cell
    I just joined this site looking for info on Agent Orange-related cancers because I was told there had been some new action by Congress. I was a Marine Corp grunt in 67-68 (crashed the Tet party in Hue - were you there?)and was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in my right tonsil six years ago. It metasticized down the lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. Many surgeries later with chemo- and radiation therapy I have been told I can call myself a "survivor" just this year. Like many of us, I never say I've 'beaten' cancer - bad mojo or something. I thank God that I am still here and am grateful for every day.

    My question is: why are so many respiratory cancers considered AO-caused but not swallowing cancers? Like many others of you, I am not considered a good candidate for cancer. I smoked a little but not much, am not over-weight, and not a heavy drinker (I ride a Harley but I dont think that counts).I was fortunate in having private health insurance and didn't have to go to the VA for treatment. I got a great surgeon but he doesn't agree that AO is a cause. Some of his colleagues, however, feel that it "may" be. On other issues, specifically hearing loss, the VA has been pretty good to me.

    We need to keep posting to this site, and any others you may know of, to track those who were NOT good candidates but got cancer, anyway, through AO exposure.

    Regardless, good luck and God bless you all in your fight. The Marine Corps taught me to keep putting one foot in front of the other and that's what I did - with the help of a terrific wife who just wouldn't let me give up. I'll check back once in a while to see how you are all doing. I hope to hear more from you.

    Stay strong!

    my mouth cancer also went to
    my mouth cancer also went to my neck. have had radiation 39 treatments and chemo. radiation burned my mouth up. have to keep a water bottle everywhere i go.
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    CaptRon said:

    squamous cell carcinoma and agent orange
    Looking for answers.I can't find anything on the internet about RYE vs Principi. Can anyone direct me to it?
    Seems the VA claims AO involvement for every area around the tongue but not the tongue itself. What's up with that?

    Rye vs Principi

    Rye vs Principi was a case that was won by a Vet who had a private practice represent him. They are located in both Cherry Hill, NJ and Philadelphia, PA. If you google Rye vs Principi, their office will come up, not sure if I would be breaking any rules posting their name, so I won't just to be on the side of caution.

    Secondly, you can go the VA site < va.gov > and search the site and look for the section for the ( Board of Appeals ). Once in there, you can do a search for all the appeals for Base of Tongue cancer and read the rulings. You will see many have been denied, but you will also see there are those that are granted. Read who represented the Veteran and what they brought to the Hearing.

    Many people show up unprepared as far as proof and expert opinions. I would suggest that anyone applying for benifits have a Rep from a Veteran's organization ( DAV or Vietnam Veterans of America, etc ) help them as there is allot that has to be done with the maze of paperwork.

    I hope this is of some help to you, Welcome Home. Semper Fidelis
  • robertamica
    robertamica Member Posts: 1
    poolside said:

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma & Agent Orange
    My husband was just recently diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. He did two tours in Vietnam where Agent Orange was used quite liberally. I have been doing some research on this cancer and have come up with alot of questions.
    Squamous Cell Carcinoma can be caused by carcinogens which can be found in cigarettes. However, Agent Orange had a dioxin in it which was known to be a human carcinogen.
    The VA recognizes a cancer called soft tissue sarcoma which is also linked to dioxin exposure and according to what I have read, Squamous cell carcinoma and Soft tissue sarcoma tend to mimic each other and are both hard to diagnose. The suggestion they gave was to have a biopsy sample checked by a pathologist who has extensive experience in diagnosing soft tissue sarcoma.
    I am getting ready to fight for my husband on these issues, but it doesn't make any sense to me that both can be caused by carcinogens and Agent Orange had carcinogens in it, yet the VA will only recognize soft tissue sarcoma as an Agent Orange related Cancer when Squamous cell carcinoma is also caused by carcinogens.
    I don't know if any of this can be of any help to any of you, but thought I would add the information I have come up with so far. I am not done digging and if I come up with something else, I will share it with you as I would hope you would share it with me also, since we are all in this fight together.
    God Bless,
    (Wife of a Marine)

    People have the habit to
    People have the habit to observ ant critic everything they see from the use of atrazine like herbicide to the harm of eating to many candies and so on .
  • mo48pbr
    mo48pbr Member Posts: 1
    usmc said:

    Agent Orange / Soft Tissue Sarcoma
    I was a Marine in Vietnam in 1967-68, exposed to Agent Orange, and 6 years ago diagnosed with Soft Tissue Sarcoma. The tumor was attached to the ascending colon and therefore the ascending colon, appendix and my gall bladder as well as the tumor were removed. I was not aware of the connection with Agent Orange, so didn't apply for compensation right away. After couple of years a VA social worker told my wife that if I applied for it I would get an automatic 100% disability compensation. I am here to tell you it isn't true! I got 20% for residual scarring and loss of the colon. Then, just two months ago I was again diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma in the same area only deeper. The VA did that surgery and did it poorly. I ended up with a "civilian surgeon" in an outside hospital and I am now well on my way to recovery. This didn't keep the Seattle VA hospital from claiming fees in excess of $105,000 to my insurance company. I have once again requested compensation commiserate with the disability I have and, so far, I just get the run around and stall tactics. My wife is working on my claim as I am really not well enough. I do know and have explained to her that they keep the treatment and compensation branches of the VA saparate for a reason other than service to the vet. They have a whole staff of insensitive jerks whose only purpose in live is to deny any claim put before them. I would like to sit across from table from them when they decide how to, once again, deny my claim; or, better yet, wish upon them, in their lifetime to live what I and others have lived.

    Having vented my spleen, I must say my purpose is two-fold. I must encourage you to never give up. The system is designed to wear you down. It is too bad we have no voice speaking for us. Also, so you understand what you are dealing with, the VA is governed by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Google VA and CFR and it should put you on the right track. It will give you an insite as to how the jerks think. Use the wrong buzzword or terminology and they will use it against you - not request clarification.

    Lastly, for the last six years plus I have been unsuccessfully looking for someone with my form of cancer who has survived.

    Stay in there and don't let the turkeys put you down.

    I to had the some cancer as you ,but on the left side in 1998. I was in VN 1969 - 1970. My case has been denied twice but still working on it. Maybe someday the VA will own up to it. God bless
  • notself
    notself Member Posts: 1
    MarineE5 said:

    Rye vs Principi

    Rye vs Principi was a case that was won by a Vet who had a private practice represent him. They are located in both Cherry Hill, NJ and Philadelphia, PA. If you google Rye vs Principi, their office will come up, not sure if I would be breaking any rules posting their name, so I won't just to be on the side of caution.

    Secondly, you can go the VA site < va.gov > and search the site and look for the section for the ( Board of Appeals ). Once in there, you can do a search for all the appeals for Base of Tongue cancer and read the rulings. You will see many have been denied, but you will also see there are those that are granted. Read who represented the Veteran and what they brought to the Hearing.

    Many people show up unprepared as far as proof and expert opinions. I would suggest that anyone applying for benifits have a Rep from a Veteran's organization ( DAV or Vietnam Veterans of America, etc ) help them as there is allot that has to be done with the maze of paperwork.

    I hope this is of some help to you, Welcome Home. Semper Fidelis

    Rye vs Principi
    Here is a link to the web site of the attorneys who won the Rye vs Principi appeal for benefits. http://www.wcblegal.com/successes.php?action=view&id=31
  • xidcrikit
    xidcrikit Member Posts: 2
    mo48pbr said:

    I to had the some cancer as you ,but on the left side in 1998. I was in VN 1969 - 1970. My case has been denied twice but still working on it. Maybe someday the VA will own up to it. God bless

    AO, Cancer & the VA
    Where do I start! In Feb. 2008 my husband was diagnosed with oral cancer in his neck & jaw. He went thru chemo & radiation. The 1st cancer drugs were not beneficial so the Dr. changed the course and used different drugs. They also found lung ca. He died in July 2008. I have applied to the VA and was at 1st given benefits and then denied them. I appealed and finally had a hearing in Nov. 2009. I researched extensively and came to this site before the appeal hearing. I'm also a nurse and obtained his medical records and went thru them extensively prior to the hearing. I researched the lawsuit that is mentioned here and called the attorney's that filed the lawsuit. They have given themselves an "atta boy" on their web site but the office personnel were not interested in helping and the office manager never called me back. The receptionist said that I needed to know the lawyer that filed the suit. I explained that it didn't tell on their web site and she said she couldn't help me. But I referenced that lawsuit during my appeals hearing. The doctor that reviewed his case said that the lung cancer was a metastases from his oral cancer. So therefore did not come under the VA guidelines for granting benefits since oral cancer is not one of the ones that they say comes from AO. Which everyone knows how utterly ridiculous that is, if you concede that it can cause lung cancer then obviously since it has to go thru your mouth as an airborne substance then it can affect your oral cavity and neck also. The Dr's that reviewed his case did not realize that they didn't find lung cancer on xray but only after they did an MRI of his neck and lungs. So he could have had lung cancer 1st. I pointed this out to the board. After the hearing the board chairman told me it would be 30 to 45 days and it has now been 5 months. I have called the 800 # several times and they said was still being evaluated. Finally last week I found out that the regional office had not sent the transcript and that's what they were waiting on. I called the regional office and the secretary said that they had alot of cases and it took them awhile and I said "5 months". She was shocked and said she would have it expedited right away. My advice is to have a friend who is a medical person go thru your records before you go to appeal and point out different things that may be important. The regional appeal will not need a lawyer( which will save you some money) but if you have to appeal it to Washington then you will need a lawyer.
    I think it's important for all the military and military related people to stick together and continue to push AO related medical problems and bring it before the public and the military. As I've read about AO I find my husband had several medical problems that were odd for someone of his age. Heart problems since his 40's, diabetes and other medical problems that can be attributed to AO. Thanks for listening and feel free to e-mail me with comments or questions.
    By the way my husband was a helicopter pilot in the Army and flew extensively in the areas exposed.
  • jimmydeese
    jimmydeese Member Posts: 1
    HOPE2009 said:

    VA Care and Benefits RE: Agent Orange
    The difficulties in dealing with the Department of Veterans Affairs are legion. If the primary cancer is the one in the lung, the condition is "presumptive" for exposure to Agent Orange. At least in theory, all that is required is medical proof of the diagnosis and military proof of service in Nam.

    At this point in hearings in Congress only in the past week the VA has admitted to having a million cases attempting to acquire benefits and/or on appeal unanswered. My two tour and later, flying into Nam on the "heavies for four more years," husband was diagnosed on Nov. 11th, Veterans Day in 2008 with squamous cell lung cancer, though he was asymptomatic. The cancer had metastasized to the spine and brain.
    As a retired caseworker for an also retired now Member of Congress, I worked daily with the VA assisting vets who went to their M.C. to gain assistance with VA cases for years.

    I filed my husbands new case in late December 2008. In an earlier case he had been found to be disabled, but the disabilities didn't amount to the percentage required for payment.

    Included in the new case was almost 100 pages of proof of the diagnosis of a primary lung cancer and the original documents on file with the VA since 1992 which include all enlistment, reenlistment and retirement orders showing his last enlistment at Cam Ranh Bay and during that period 313 days served in Nam. Still with all those documents in file and resent with the current case the VA has sent a man who has been labeled as "terminal" by his oncologist for a "lung function" exam to see if he can breathe. Not an atypical action by the VA paper pushers and a waste of resources and time. Still with all the documents on file even showing medical treatment in the hospital at Na Trang in the first tour in 1965and '66, we have been asked to provide proof of service in Nam once again, leading us to question if staff at the Oakland, CA Regional Office are literate.

    There is considerable information from the VA website about those conditions "presumptive"
    with what is claimed to be automatic disability if they have no time frame limit for filing a case, though the information and the response to the filing of a case are nore than wanting.

    A pension, untaxable and provided for widows and children by the VA is also a factor by law for those who die of a service connected condition. The VA website also provides a form for filing the case on line and military service and medical records may also be
    applied for on-line. This site should be helpful. BTW by law the minimum percentage of
    disability for an Agent Orange related compensation claim is 10%.

    These sites should be helpful to those who continue to be diagnosed with conditions related to Agent Orange exposure.




    An unfortunate reality is the quality of VA health care continues to be scandal after scandal such as this NY Times article today related to treatment of also "presumptive" prostate cancer.


    While the appointment of General Shinseki to head the VA has been applauded, even with my
    years of experience as a Congressional VA caseworker, I continued to be frustrated and
    cynical about my dealings with this now Cabinet level agency, that has been overwhelmed by
    a combination of lack of funding commensurate with the huge numbers of wounded and ill from two on-going wars along with those who also served in previous ones who continue to
    become ill from the choices made such as the use of Agent Orange in Nam, Korea and other
    locations including those who served in "blue water" off the coast of Nam as well as in Laos, Cambodia and even flown into Nam from Thailand and on cargo aircraft that transported these highly toxic dioxins from the CONUS.

    My HOPE for 2009 is the claim for benefits for my husband will be granted prior to his death and the best aspect of his treatment is it is provided by Medi-Care and Tri-Care-For-Life. His care has been excellent and unlike some who wait for months to obtain care from the VA because of our age and his service has not been economically costly for us.

    Good luck to others who suffer the results of Agent Orange and to those from current and past locations where the use of depleted uranium is now being questioned for benefits as
    was back in the 1980s with Agent Orange.

    Another Vietnam Vet with Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    Served 2 terms in Vietnam 1966-1968 with 1st Marine Div I Corp. I am a purple heart Vet. In 1989 I got Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the tonsils and lymph nodes. Eight weeks of radiation killed saliva glands and taste buds. In remission until 2008 when I noticed a sore on my tongue. Cancer came back with a vengance. Lost part of my tongue and upper pallet requiring prosthesis to close upper pallet. Eight bouts of aspiration pneumonia within the last year. Four month ago I had to have a feeding tube inserted in my stomach. Working with dental oncologist for two years and just got upper teeth this week. Lowers to come. VA has denied my claims for agent orange and squamous cell carcinoma twice. I am still appealing claims and would appreciate any help. Semper fi ..... Jimmy
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member

    Another Vietnam Vet with Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    Served 2 terms in Vietnam 1966-1968 with 1st Marine Div I Corp. I am a purple heart Vet. In 1989 I got Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the tonsils and lymph nodes. Eight weeks of radiation killed saliva glands and taste buds. In remission until 2008 when I noticed a sore on my tongue. Cancer came back with a vengance. Lost part of my tongue and upper pallet requiring prosthesis to close upper pallet. Eight bouts of aspiration pneumonia within the last year. Four month ago I had to have a feeding tube inserted in my stomach. Working with dental oncologist for two years and just got upper teeth this week. Lowers to come. VA has denied my claims for agent orange and squamous cell carcinoma twice. I am still appealing claims and would appreciate any help. Semper fi ..... Jimmy

    Semper Fidelis Jimmy

    I sent you a private message tonight.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • JoBaby
    JoBaby Member Posts: 3

    I too have base of tongue cancer. The VA denied my claim ( agent orange ). However I have read somewhere that RYE vs Principi had his denial overturned. Does anyone have info on how I can get access to that case ?

    Squamous Cell Cancer
    My husband and I have been fighting for his benifits for this cancer since 1997 I have the site you are looking for (http://www4.va.gov/vetapp08/files3/0834005.txt) the last time I was on this site was 11/27/2009 I found 4 cases at that time were Squamous Cell cancer is being paid full benifits. We are now facing VBA our selfs and hoping this does't take for ever to get to my husband is now on a feeding tube for all food intake we started with the right parioda gland and then right tonsil, and now behind the back of the throat and unoperable so I wish you luck and if you have any information that will help us in getting ready for this next step please let us know. My spelling isn't the greatest wish it was better... Thank you JoBaby
  • JoBaby
    JoBaby Member Posts: 3
    CaptRon said:

    squamous cell carcinoma and agent orange
    Looking for answers.I can't find anything on the internet about RYE vs Principi. Can anyone direct me to it?
    Seems the VA claims AO involvement for every area around the tongue but not the tongue itself. What's up with that?

    Tongue Squamous cell
    There is a case on this site (http:/www4.va.gov/vetapp08/files3/0824005.txt)that has at least one case won on the tonuge with full benifits. I would suggest using a VFW rep in the case and be sure to ask lots of questions and stay on top of your case with your rep. If you live close to Goldbsy Okla. there is a place called Veterns Corner and they are a bunch of great guys and girls that help you get your paper work ready and you prepared for your fight can't beat them they have really helped my husband with all of this we just started using them in Dec 2009 and are now getting results at least not taking 2 to 4 years to get a respons for the VA.
  • JoBaby
    JoBaby Member Posts: 3
    poolside said:

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma & Agent Orange
    According to a pamphlet that we receive every month titled Semper Fidelis Memorandum for Retired Marines, they now have a blanket policy that states that vietnam veterans may be eligible for compensation & health care for certain diseases associated with Agent Orange, the defoliant sprayed to unmask enemy hiding places in the jungles throughout Vietnam. Special health care and compensation benefits are available to the 2.6 million men and women who served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1975. They then go on to list all of the cancers that they say are based on clinical research of presumptive disabilities.
    Unfortunately Squamous Cell Carcinoma is NOT one of the cancers listed, but there is a cancer listed called soft-tissue sarcoma, acute that seems (from what I have read) to mimic Squamous cell carcinoma. I also stated earlier in another posting that both of these cancers can be caused by carcinogens and Agent Orange had a dioxin which was known to be a human carcinogen, however they are saying that Squamous cell carcinoma is related to smoking. You stated you were in the service in 1962, so I believe you are qualified, but we need to get together and get more information on Agent Orange so we can prove that the carcinogens that were in it that they have already agreed caused the soft cell tissue sarcoma, acute, has the same components as the Squamous cell carcinoma which they are currently denying being caused by Agent Orange.
    Best of luck and if you find out anything, please let the rest of us know.
    God Bless,
    (Wife of a Marine)

    Squamous Cell cancer
    I have been doing a lot of looking on the internet and found out through a medical file open to the public that most of the squamous cell 90% cancers from smoking are on the left side of the throat and that the glands are caused from carinogens not smoking so maybe now my husband has a fighting chance to win this battle of 13 years feels like forever... My husband did two tours in Vietnam and was exposed to agent orange also he had boils and all when he first came home but some how all of those medical records can't be found. They were also preparing to remove his arm when a boil finally popped and those medical records can't be found so I hope everyone has better luck than we have had with this battle for benifits well deserved..
  • espo1217
    espo1217 Member Posts: 1

    Another Vietnam Vet with Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    Served 2 terms in Vietnam 1966-1968 with 1st Marine Div I Corp. I am a purple heart Vet. In 1989 I got Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the tonsils and lymph nodes. Eight weeks of radiation killed saliva glands and taste buds. In remission until 2008 when I noticed a sore on my tongue. Cancer came back with a vengance. Lost part of my tongue and upper pallet requiring prosthesis to close upper pallet. Eight bouts of aspiration pneumonia within the last year. Four month ago I had to have a feeding tube inserted in my stomach. Working with dental oncologist for two years and just got upper teeth this week. Lowers to come. VA has denied my claims for agent orange and squamous cell carcinoma twice. I am still appealing claims and would appreciate any help. Semper fi ..... Jimmy

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma of throat/Agent Orange/Vietnam Vet
    Hi Everyone: My brother got extremely sick about 5 years ago with dermatomyocytis. Dermatomyocytis is when your own immune system attacks your muscles and renders them useless. In people greater than 40 y of age this disease can be triggered by a cancer (In approximately 70%). We could not find it then because he was so sick. My brother with in a week became paralysed, unable to breathe on his own, ventilated for 4 months. During that time he experienced a heart attack, 2 head bleeds, renal failure, chronic lung disease, and we were asked to end his life. He got a trach, a tube to feed him etc... We did not end his life and I took off from work to remain at his bedside and 15 months later he came out of rehabilitation to home. He had to learn to walk and talk again. Once discharged they found squamous cell carcinoma of his throat. My brother never smoked. By the time they found the cancer it had already spread to his lymph nodes, lung. He has had resection and radiation to his neck, wedge resection of his lung, and recently they found another source in his lung. He decided that he wanted to have radiation instead since he could still play golf.
    I believe that his squamous cell carcinoma was due to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. He was a SeaBee. He would clear land and build on it. My borther is alive and drives but he has a family that he/I would like to see taken care of, a wife and 2 sons. He is not working. We do not know how long he has... what ever time it is, it is a gift. I am wondering if any of the people on this site won an appeal to get their deserved disability paid for? It is very strange that all the people on this site were in Vietnam and most likely exposed to agent orange. I am very much interested in where people are in their appeals.
    Thanks-you so much for listening to me....
    a caring sister.
  • laceerae
    laceerae Member Posts: 1
    sir my heart goes out to you and your family.i am a daughter of vet.when he first was told he had cancer he called the vet center for help with a power bill or something,I'm not sure what they are called where you live.he spoke with a wonderful women he explained to what was going on .then she asked him a question that took us all by surprise had he stepped foot in Nam and he had but when he called back when the whole agent orange deal came to light they told him he was not in the area's sprayed.she told him that he needed to come in and start a claim.my dad was in areas that our government to this day won't admit.i am fighting to this day for my dad.please don't take this the wrong way.but you need to get started now.talk to your doctors,find doctors who deal with not only agent orange but agent white.the government tried 4 different agents before orange. the five together are called the rainbow herbicides.I'm giving you this info because each one used different compounds.each one is on the net pink,purple,white,blue,and orange.start writing everyday what meds you take how bad the pain was what treatments you had,what you ate,anything a Dr might have told you.if your not able to do it have someone in your family get pics of any kind of skin rash you might have come home with.my dad had one on 3/4 of his back and we have no way to prove it.but if i were you Tuesday morning i would be on the phone to the VA and find out where in your area you can file a claim.PLEASE do not try to do it yourself.i have been trying for three years just to get my dad's medals...i will keep you in my prayers.
  • jacqlyn46
    jacqlyn46 Member Posts: 6 Member
    My husband a Viet-Nam Vet has Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    My husband was sent to the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT to begin getting ready for radical surgery due to this cancer. I had asked his VA Primary care doctor and the Resident in the ENT Clinic in Salt Lake City, if Agent Orange could be a contributing factor. The Primary Care doctor said is could be, and the Resident said he can't say it is and he can't say it isn't. I've been told and told he should definitely file a claim which he will do.
    I am going to investigate the relations of Soft Cell Sarcoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I'm mad as a wet hen that our guys can serve and put their lives on the line and then snubbed when they need help.
    Thanks for letting me share. We're just getting started on his treatment, radical surgery on 9/16/10 and then the rest four weeks later gets under way.
  • lbritta1
    lbritta1 Member Posts: 1


    my husband died june 18th
    my husband died june 18th this year. no benefits yet.
    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    jacqlyn46 said:

    My husband a Viet-Nam Vet has Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    My husband was sent to the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT to begin getting ready for radical surgery due to this cancer. I had asked his VA Primary care doctor and the Resident in the ENT Clinic in Salt Lake City, if Agent Orange could be a contributing factor. The Primary Care doctor said is could be, and the Resident said he can't say it is and he can't say it isn't. I've been told and told he should definitely file a claim which he will do.
    I am going to investigate the relations of Soft Cell Sarcoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I'm mad as a wet hen that our guys can serve and put their lives on the line and then snubbed when they need help.
    Thanks for letting me share. We're just getting started on his treatment, radical surgery on 9/16/10 and then the rest four weeks later gets under way.

    Welcome aboard Jacqlyn. Hope the best for your husband. There is a possibility it may be Vietnam or Agent Orange related. Where specific is the SCC?
  • Slickdriver
    Slickdriver Member Posts: 1
    jacqlyn46 said:

    My husband a Viet-Nam Vet has Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    My husband was sent to the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT to begin getting ready for radical surgery due to this cancer. I had asked his VA Primary care doctor and the Resident in the ENT Clinic in Salt Lake City, if Agent Orange could be a contributing factor. The Primary Care doctor said is could be, and the Resident said he can't say it is and he can't say it isn't. I've been told and told he should definitely file a claim which he will do.
    I am going to investigate the relations of Soft Cell Sarcoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I'm mad as a wet hen that our guys can serve and put their lives on the line and then snubbed when they need help.
    Thanks for letting me share. We're just getting started on his treatment, radical surgery on 9/16/10 and then the rest four weeks later gets under way.

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Vietnam Veterans
    I'm sorry to hear about your husbands diag. I'm 4 years out from head and neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer of the base of the tongue. I flew in Vietnam, my aircraft (UH-1D) was used to defoliate, I drank the water ate the food and breathed the air.
    My oncologist at the VA Medical Center in Portland said my Cancer was from AO. He thought it absurb that if it was 10cm one way or the other it would have been SC. My 14 weeks of radiation and Chemo Therapy were done jointly by the VA and the Oregon Health and Sciences University. The OHSU doctor and Professor said he is seeing an alarming increase in head and neck cancers from Vietnam Veterans. I tell every Vietnam Veteran I know to keep up on your medical exams, and if something doesn't feel right get to a doctor.
    I am Mad too, there is an epidemic of cancer of vietnam veterans, three of my good friends are battling right now, prostate, larynx, and lung cancers. Another good friend is in his second round and has had recontruction in the area.
    I am greatful for the medical tech, but there needs to be more done. I am considering fighting the VA for Service Connection, my prayers are with you all,
    Rick Sciapiti Roseburg Oregon 114th Assault Helicopter Co, VN 68-69 US Army.