kids say the cutest things...

e_hope Member Posts: 370
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
leave it to a child's innocence to put a true smile on your face....

On our local news there was a story about a dog that has cancer. My good friends, Jen's 5 year old, daughter asked her mommy what was wrong with the "puppy".. She proceeded to tell her that the dog was sick with cancer. And her daughter responded... Wow... puppies must look real funny without any fur... :-) Her mom puzzled by her response question why... and The 5 year old stated... We'll people loss their hair with cancer so the puppy is going to loss his fur...

She chuckled.. and went on to explain that cancer doesn't cause hair loss its the med. Doctor's give.....

I got a good chuckle about this... and hope you ladies get the same...


  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Brought a smile,I needed that.
    Thank you for cute.We never know what kids will say or think.I have a 3 and 5yrs. old grandsons.So I can relate to that.My 5yr. old told me the other day that I will get better cause he prays for me,Brought tears to my eyes.Take care.
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    ppurdin said:

    Brought a smile,I needed that.
    Thank you for cute.We never know what kids will say or think.I have a 3 and 5yrs. old grandsons.So I can relate to that.My 5yr. old told me the other day that I will get better cause he prays for me,Brought tears to my eyes.Take care.

    I thought it was cute..

    I thought it was cute..
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    I remember thinking that as a kid...
    I didn't know anyone personally as a child that had cancer, but I knew people that had cancer lost their hair. For the longest time, I remember being terrified that I might have cancer because I would lost hair in the shower or in my brush. Out of the mouth of babes, for sure! My 11 year old constantly says things throughout my journey that keep me focused. They have very innocent minds not corrupt by society. Gotta totally love it. Thanks for sharing such a cute story!
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    the innocence of a child-how sweet!