onco test (sp?)

jennN Member Posts: 40
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

I just posted this question on the Newbie post, but wanted to be sure it wasn't lost, so I'm typing it here.

I had a mastectomy,and ER/PR positive and Her2nu positive. My onc. told me I have a 70% chance of cancer returning if I don't do chemo. He only entered it into a computer data base though. I did not have an onco (sp?) test done. Should I request this? What does it say?

I am doing TCH (Taxotere/Carboplatin/Herceptin) for 6 months and then Herceptin alone for 6 more months. Then I'll take a pill like Arimidex for 5 years after they put me into menopause.





  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    Good Question
    Good question Jenn. I saw that mentioned and did not understand why some people have one and some don't or even what it is. I will be watching for an answer also.

    Take Care
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    OncotypeDX test
    This is a test that is performed on the tumor, by Genomic Laboratories, to determine if having Chemo would be benefical to a person. This test is only performed on tumors that are stage 1 or 2 with no node involvement and Estrogen positive. If your tumor is over 2cm and/or have positive node involvement, you will most likely be given chemo. It use to be everyone was given chemo, but now this oncotypeDX test can spare some from having it, if it will not benefit them. They test 21 different genes in the tumor to determine your risk of reoccurance. My score was the lowest recorded and therefore, I did not have chemo, just radiation and Tamoxifen. Hope this answers your question. Pammy
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    OncotypeDX test
    This is a test that is performed on the tumor, by Genomic Laboratories, to determine if having Chemo would be benefical to a person. This test is only performed on tumors that are stage 1 or 2 with no node involvement and Estrogen positive. If your tumor is over 2cm and/or have positive node involvement, you will most likely be given chemo. It use to be everyone was given chemo, but now this oncotypeDX test can spare some from having it, if it will not benefit them. They test 21 different genes in the tumor to determine your risk of reoccurance. My score was the lowest recorded and therefore, I did not have chemo, just radiation and Tamoxifen. Hope this answers your question. Pammy

    Were your nodes clean? And,
    Were your nodes clean? And, how big was your tumor? And, what stage? All of this plays into chemo.
