For my pink sisters - from my son ("Joggin' for Jenny")

jennytwist Member Posts: 896
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I must share this with you. I have 3 kids - they all took it so hard when they learned of my BC. My son decided to put together a relay for the Denver marathon and earn some $ for us! You must visit the web site - you can see me with hair! (what a plus!!) :O)
He and three others will run on Sunday, Oct 18. So far they have raised almost $4500.00. The race for the cure was a few weeks ago but he decided to do the relay - they are in the DetermiNation race - also put on by the ACS.
Please look it over - what the kids wrote is really wonderful!
1.Google search ..
2.American cancer society DetermiNation denver
3.1st posting
4 check out "Michael McDonald" - his was the first posting last night - it takes you to his teams page - that's me & my son. If you click on Janeen's - (his girl) you'll see me and his girlfriend!

...I had to share this... Michael was the one who shaved my head!
love to you all
P.S. The first name for the team was "Joggin' for Jenny's jugs" - but after some thought, they decided since I only have one left - "Joggin'for Jenny" sounded better - please no one take offense. :0)


  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    I checked it out
    That's great! What a wonderful young man he is! Their stories were all great!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Looks like a good team! Glad
    Looks like a good team! Glad you got support. Makes you feel good!