Sincere thanks and some of what I did

scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I actually started this last weekend just as that BUTTHEAD spammer was trying to take over our board and got irritated and stopped it. I will try again.

First I would like to thank you all for the wonderful and kind words you gave me to help celebrate the 5 year NEDness/cancerfree/cured mark in my journey. This board was one of the major sources of inspiration and hope as I began to learn how to help me save my own life 5 plus years ago. As some of you know, this place is very special in how it helps us all. I have tried to "repay my debts" by attempting to help others learn how to help themselves.

The comments you wrote tells me that I have been able to do that for some of you and that makes me very happy!!

Several have asked what I actually did so I'll share some of what I consider the major contributors to my success have been.

1). After reading "A Cancer Battle Plan" by Anne Frahm, "The Makers Diet" by Jordan Rubin, and "How to Beat Cancer With Nutrition" by Patrick Quillan (there were several others but these were the most significant to me at the time), I realized there was more I could do to help myself fight cancer. At the time I was "going thru the motions" taking chemo (folfox with avastin) every 2 weeks and eating whatever I wanted and could get down. While still reading I decided I needed to keep my blood work up so I got my oncologists okay to take a super vitamin supplements (9 pills daily specifically for fighting cancer).

I had started chemo 3 months after acute peritonitis (from my only symptom, a colon perforation) and a 30 pound weight loss so I was never at full strength to fight like I could have. The vitamins helped me to never miss a treatment but after 6 months the chemo was getting to me. My CEA had dropped from 35 to 11 so I kept at it. 2 months later my tumors were reported as being the same and my CEA had only dropped from 11 to 7.2. I was so sick after my treatments I couldn't take the vitamins anymore and I felt like things were snowballing out of control and I was going to die. I hated chemo more than I can express. I was becoming more afraid of it then I was of cancer and knew I had to do something differently.

2). I planned an attack to "replace chemo". I couldn't just stop, I had to fight with something/somehow. I found a Naturopathic Doctor with a PhD in Clinical Nutrition to help me. She circled the few things on my blood work that I should concentrate (mostly white blood cells things) and I learned what foods would help the most.

On the day of my usual chemo treatment back in 2004 I told my oncologist I was taking a break and trying some other things (I still had 6-9 more months of chemo, surgery had never been an option for me and my liver and lung mets). I had bought a Champion juicer but never taken it out of the box. I did that night and began juicing the next morning (1/4 each of carrots, cabbage, beets, and celery). My Naturopathic Dr had given me a list of foods to target (eat as often as possible) that were based on my blood work and urine sample. The list included peaches, asparagus, walnuts, dark green salads, white beans, and a few others. I took several vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements. I drank essaic tea, mangosteen juice, and a green drink.

I went out on disability from work and concentrated on me for a change. I did deep breathing, imagery visualization things (pacman like things eating at my tumors) and some other unconventional things. I did not talk or email with people I felt had negative energy (including family).

After 2 months my CEA was down to 4.1 and my white and red blood cells counts were close to the top of the scale (instead of the bottom of the scale while on chemo). The reports still said my tumors were the same but a few months later even they started showing improvements.

3). I kept at it. It was hard drinking some of the stuff and I really missed some of my old favorite foods so whenever I felt weak, I just thought about throwing my guts up and feeling like crap from chemo for days on end. Needless to say, drinking a funky colored drink that tasted like grass or dirt was easy then.

The news has just gotten better and better since then. I won't lie, it wasn't easy. It cost more to eat organic back then and the supplements can get pricey since insurance doesn't cover it (they'd rather pay $20,000 a month for chemo than $150 for supplements, go figure).

This is getting way too long so here is what I will recommend to those interested:

Grill your oncologist as to why you can't take vitamins etc. to boost your blood work. They can give you a pharmaceutical drug that has side effects so why can't you take food based vitamins? Google alkaline diets (chemical ph balance of foods). I ate a 90% alkaline diet. Foods that you think are acidic aren't really (like lemons, squeezing fresh lemons in water makes it alkaline).

Research and learn how to help yourself, given your circumstances. Sometimes it gets down to quality versus quantity. And then sometimes you get to a place the docs can't explain!!! They still don't know what causes cancer so who knows.

Lisa P.


  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    Thanks for writing down your story. It is very inspiring and it gives hope. Our bodies are amazing... yours needed that good food to help it do its job. Boy did your body kick in! Fantastic!! Have a wonderful next 5, 10, 15, 20...... years!!!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    thanks for sharing Lisa
    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for sharing what you did. I do also think it's important to grill your doctors on the why and what of what they want you vs. not want you take while on chemo.
    I did some that recently, but really didn't get specific. He was pretty supportive, but admitted that he really didn't know much about supplementals so did outright not normally recomend them. He did say that things such as the acai berry juice (aka Mona Vie, but a cheaper Costco version) seems to be very good to take- a completely contradiction of what my former onc said and what the onc I see I UCSD said. Oh well! I would still like to hear more specifics & so appreciae all you said.

    Take care & contrats your wonderful NED status!

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Congratulations on your five year NED!

    Lisa, i had no idea about your whole story! I am so happy you shared it again, especially since i've given up on traditional medicine, and am going by way of nutrition.

    You are living proof that all we need is proper nutrition to defeat the monster, not more poison!

    I recently purchased a used Champion juicer and use it every other day (i make enough juice for two days), and i put loads of superfood, probiotic, goji extract, MSM, and cacao in it. It tastes like the dead sea, but i feel better than i may have ever felt. I know it's helping me. I'm not seeing much blood in my stool anymore, and i have more energy.

    What were the items you juiced everyday? Jay Kortich says he cured his bladder cancer with carrot and apple juice. I believe those were Max Gerson's instructions.

    Many hugs, and congrats again!!

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Congrats on your milestone mark! You've been a big inspiration to many on the board and probably more in "real life".
  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    On your dance with NED. You are an inspiration. Marie
  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    Lisa, It is so great about your five year mark. You have helped us so much. I appreciate all of your posts. You are a great person. Paula
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Paula G. said:

    Lisa, It is so great about your five year mark. You have helped us so much. I appreciate all of your posts. You are a great person. Paula

    Awesome Post!
    Thanks so much for this post Lisa, as I order my omega juicer today, I am getting into the spirit of trying to juice. My onc told me yesterday she liked that idea, and it would give me a ton of nutrients better then just eating it as well. One carrot to make a juice with it is like eating a whole pound of carrots, from even what that book by Patrick Quillen says..."Beating Cancer with Nutrition" it's very informative, and he doesn't completely go to strict with his diet, he eats yogurt, and cottage cheese, some dairy, he doesn't cut out too many meats, everything in moderation, though he won't eat sugar, since sugar is a cancer feeder. He breaks everything down into what to replace for what that is healthier for you, now what sucks is I live in a very rural area, and we don't have alot of organic or health food stores around me, so maybe a few good websites for me will be good, that are well reputable.

    My onc hates for me to cut out all sugar, she wants me to limit it, but since I'm only 113 lbs, she really wants me to put weight on to keep strong for the chemo. Is there anything healthy to eat that won't make me lose weight, but gain???

    This is very informative for me since I have Stage 4 mets to liver, and not operable either, but would like my lifestyle to change, it'll take time for me, but I know I can do it, I'm open to it.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    Congratulations on your five year NED!

    Lisa, i had no idea about your whole story! I am so happy you shared it again, especially since i've given up on traditional medicine, and am going by way of nutrition.

    You are living proof that all we need is proper nutrition to defeat the monster, not more poison!

    I recently purchased a used Champion juicer and use it every other day (i make enough juice for two days), and i put loads of superfood, probiotic, goji extract, MSM, and cacao in it. It tastes like the dead sea, but i feel better than i may have ever felt. I know it's helping me. I'm not seeing much blood in my stool anymore, and i have more energy.

    What were the items you juiced everyday? Jay Kortich says he cured his bladder cancer with carrot and apple juice. I believe those were Max Gerson's instructions.

    Many hugs, and congrats again!!


    You may already know this
    but the live enzymes start dying off after 30 minutes so it's not optimal to store the juice for later from what I've read. Just passing that along in case you didn't know that.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Shayenne said:

    Awesome Post!
    Thanks so much for this post Lisa, as I order my omega juicer today, I am getting into the spirit of trying to juice. My onc told me yesterday she liked that idea, and it would give me a ton of nutrients better then just eating it as well. One carrot to make a juice with it is like eating a whole pound of carrots, from even what that book by Patrick Quillen says..."Beating Cancer with Nutrition" it's very informative, and he doesn't completely go to strict with his diet, he eats yogurt, and cottage cheese, some dairy, he doesn't cut out too many meats, everything in moderation, though he won't eat sugar, since sugar is a cancer feeder. He breaks everything down into what to replace for what that is healthier for you, now what sucks is I live in a very rural area, and we don't have alot of organic or health food stores around me, so maybe a few good websites for me will be good, that are well reputable.

    My onc hates for me to cut out all sugar, she wants me to limit it, but since I'm only 113 lbs, she really wants me to put weight on to keep strong for the chemo. Is there anything healthy to eat that won't make me lose weight, but gain???

    This is very informative for me since I have Stage 4 mets to liver, and not operable either, but would like my lifestyle to change, it'll take time for me, but I know I can do it, I'm open to it.


    Perhaps Protein Powder?
    Hi Donna,

    This is where a Naturopathic doctor, again, really is beneficial. I put protein powder, ground organic flax seeds and green powder (ie, Kyo Green or Perfect Food or Green Magma or Barleans Greens) into all my juices. I lost weight because I needed to but I think your body will get to a healthy weight and stay there when you are pumping optimal nutrition into your system. You surely don't have to maintain weight by pumping in empty calories. See, this is what absolutely drives me crazy about oncologists making nutritional (??) suggestions. IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! Maybe think about what weight lifters do to put on weight--protein.

    Anyway, just a thought.

    peace, emily
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey Girlfriend!
    Scouty, you know that I think you ROCK!! :-)

    So glad you shared all this especially for the newbies on here--and especially the ones who are having a tough go right now. Giving HOPE is what it's all about.

    You know how hard it was to not stick my face in that pile of oven-fried chicken, fried yukon golds and those buttery "buddabeans" last night?? HA! My squash was yummy but hey, it ain't fried chicken now is it.

    Girl, you are just one walking miracle except I KNOW how hard you worked on getting your health back. It IS A FULL TIME JOB!

    Have a superbly wonderfully magical Key West style Colonpalooza and I can't wait to see the pics on FB!

    love ya sista!

    peace, emily
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    2bhealed said:

    Hey Girlfriend!
    Scouty, you know that I think you ROCK!! :-)

    So glad you shared all this especially for the newbies on here--and especially the ones who are having a tough go right now. Giving HOPE is what it's all about.

    You know how hard it was to not stick my face in that pile of oven-fried chicken, fried yukon golds and those buttery "buddabeans" last night?? HA! My squash was yummy but hey, it ain't fried chicken now is it.

    Girl, you are just one walking miracle except I KNOW how hard you worked on getting your health back. It IS A FULL TIME JOB!

    Have a superbly wonderfully magical Key West style Colonpalooza and I can't wait to see the pics on FB!

    love ya sista!

    peace, emily

    ... what my husband said, he had me drink this whey protein shake one time, and it was horrible, he thought it would help me gain weight, and I have no idea what else he put in it, but yuck! I know I'll have to try and find those powders, can always use extra weight! You're right, them weightlifters even eat baby food I've seen, thinking it's more nutritious then the other foods!

    My hubby loves to lift weights, and he used to eat much healthy, grilled chicken and baked potatoes with veggies was all he would eat, and he lost so much weight though, cutting out the sugar.

    I started showing him all the recipes in Patrick Quillen's book, and alot sounded really good to him, even though he thought alot of substitutes sounded too weird for him, I told him I'm going to be like a witch now, and juice some magic potions for us to try LOL...

    I'm sure it's just something to get used too, but I feel like I can have fun with it as well, seeing my kids faces scrunch up and gag, I'll try and make them good, what's your facebook? I'm Donna Gorslene on it :)

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member

    Congratulations on your five year NED!

    Lisa, i had no idea about your whole story! I am so happy you shared it again, especially since i've given up on traditional medicine, and am going by way of nutrition.

    You are living proof that all we need is proper nutrition to defeat the monster, not more poison!

    I recently purchased a used Champion juicer and use it every other day (i make enough juice for two days), and i put loads of superfood, probiotic, goji extract, MSM, and cacao in it. It tastes like the dead sea, but i feel better than i may have ever felt. I know it's helping me. I'm not seeing much blood in my stool anymore, and i have more energy.

    What were the items you juiced everyday? Jay Kortich says he cured his bladder cancer with carrot and apple juice. I believe those were Max Gerson's instructions.

    Many hugs, and congrats again!!


    I juiced twice a day
    before breakfast and dinner.........

    1/4 each of carrots, cabbage, beets, and celery. It usually came to about 12oz in total. I chugged it right away because celery juice doesn't sit real well (it can sour so I always juiced it last). I had liver mets so the beets were for it with cabbage and celery being great cleansers. Carrots are great anti-oxidants.

    Now I drink the same concoction whenever I crave it (and I do). I make tomato and my own version of V-8 juice while the veggies are in season. Carrot is absolutely a staple. Cantalope and watermelon make great juices. Other then apple, I rarely mix fruits and vegetables. I usually follow recipes from Cherie Calbom's book "Juicing for Life".

    I absolutely believe the alkaline diet helped me greatly. I remember reading somewhere that when you eat a carrot it is moderately alkaline but when you juice it and take the pulp out it becomes greatly alkaline. PLUS, your body get instant nutrients and your stomach and liver get a well deserved break from having to digest foods.

    Are you testing your PH? I got test strips and aimed for 6.75 - 7.0 daily, I still do.

    We just got some good rain where I live (North Carolina) after I had limed my yard (lime alkalines the grass)and it is so pretty and green already!!!!
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    2bhealed said:

    You may already know this
    but the live enzymes start dying off after 30 minutes so it's not optimal to store the juice for later from what I've read. Just passing that along in case you didn't know that.

    Dead juice
    Hi Emily! I know, i was paranoid about that, but i heard from a couple people that if you're not using a centrifugal juicer, you can store it for up to a day. I hope this is true, because it's so big a pain making the juice every single day, and then my blender concoction. I forgot to mention that i sometimes make fresh almond milk as a base for the juice. Maybe i need to find a better system?

    I don't think i'm eating enough anymore either. I don't know how the people on the Gerson diet drink 13 juice mixes, have three meals, AND fit in snacks? I eat maybe one little raw sandwich, and some trail mix!

    Lisa, I think i'm going to add beets to my concoction!! Sounds yummy!

    Hugs you guys!
  • Islandbayfarm
    Islandbayfarm Member Posts: 21
    scouty said:

    I juiced twice a day
    before breakfast and dinner.........

    1/4 each of carrots, cabbage, beets, and celery. It usually came to about 12oz in total. I chugged it right away because celery juice doesn't sit real well (it can sour so I always juiced it last). I had liver mets so the beets were for it with cabbage and celery being great cleansers. Carrots are great anti-oxidants.

    Now I drink the same concoction whenever I crave it (and I do). I make tomato and my own version of V-8 juice while the veggies are in season. Carrot is absolutely a staple. Cantalope and watermelon make great juices. Other then apple, I rarely mix fruits and vegetables. I usually follow recipes from Cherie Calbom's book "Juicing for Life".

    I absolutely believe the alkaline diet helped me greatly. I remember reading somewhere that when you eat a carrot it is moderately alkaline but when you juice it and take the pulp out it becomes greatly alkaline. PLUS, your body get instant nutrients and your stomach and liver get a well deserved break from having to digest foods.

    Are you testing your PH? I got test strips and aimed for 6.75 - 7.0 daily, I still do.

    We just got some good rain where I live (North Carolina) after I had limed my yard (lime alkalines the grass)and it is so pretty and green already!!!!


    Thanks for all of your info and sharing your successful experience!

    Did you do any detoxing of fungus through cleanses?

    Is your Naturopathic near Chapel Hill? We will be there for a few months soon.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    Dead juice
    Hi Emily! I know, i was paranoid about that, but i heard from a couple people that if you're not using a centrifugal juicer, you can store it for up to a day. I hope this is true, because it's so big a pain making the juice every single day, and then my blender concoction. I forgot to mention that i sometimes make fresh almond milk as a base for the juice. Maybe i need to find a better system?

    I don't think i'm eating enough anymore either. I don't know how the people on the Gerson diet drink 13 juice mixes, have three meals, AND fit in snacks? I eat maybe one little raw sandwich, and some trail mix!

    Lisa, I think i'm going to add beets to my concoction!! Sounds yummy!

    Hugs you guys!

    Gerson Method
    Hi Krista!

    My Gerson Method book is missing so I can't look this up, but what I remember is that while on his program you juice 12 times and only eat baked potatoes. So I must be remembering that wrong. Dang, I wish I remembered who I loaned my book more lending out my resources....

    In my heyday I was juicing 3 quarts/day and eating a couple small meals of steamed veggies on brown rice or sandwiches on ezekial bread.

    Beets are great but they're pretty potent so go easy on them at first.

    Anyway, what I've read is that the storage is not optimal, but you do what you can do for your lifestyle. Juicing 3 quarts a day was not optimal's better to break them up into smaller amounts but that's what I worked out for me. We do our best. :-)

    peace, emily
  • allackey
    allackey Member Posts: 19
    Thanks for the info
    I live in NC also FYI; I'm anxious to learn more about the nutrition and diet that you pursued.
  • allackey
    allackey Member Posts: 19
    2bhealed said:

    Hey Girlfriend!
    Scouty, you know that I think you ROCK!! :-)

    So glad you shared all this especially for the newbies on here--and especially the ones who are having a tough go right now. Giving HOPE is what it's all about.

    You know how hard it was to not stick my face in that pile of oven-fried chicken, fried yukon golds and those buttery "buddabeans" last night?? HA! My squash was yummy but hey, it ain't fried chicken now is it.

    Girl, you are just one walking miracle except I KNOW how hard you worked on getting your health back. It IS A FULL TIME JOB!

    Have a superbly wonderfully magical Key West style Colonpalooza and I can't wait to see the pics on FB!

    love ya sista!

    peace, emily

    More Info
    Sounds like you are the pro (amongst) others about juicing, etc. I really want to learn more.