Learned something new about myself

snommintj Member Posts: 601
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I'm a big puss when it comes to pills. I kind of already knew this but not really. Some years back I had to take an antibiotic that made me really ill. I took them but didn't like it. Well, I've been prescribed Xeloda. The only way my insurance will pay for it is through mail order. I got them this morning and have done everything I can think of to avoid starting the therapy. I've delayed and justified all I can. So I'm taking them now. I hope I'm one of the ones that it doesn't effect negatively, but I know between hoping it works and with no side effects is too much to hope for. So i really just hope it works. I don't know how well I will follow the schedule If I get extremely ill. Hopefully I can muster the courage to follow the regimen as prescribed. We'll see. Good Night All, John


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  • Muzzy
    Muzzy Member Posts: 175 Member
    suck it up!!
    Do it for your kids. You don't want them to think your a puss.LOL
    It has help me greatly and i'm not much for pill either.
    It is one more tool in fighting the beast.

    Just happy to be here!!
  • pokismom
    pokismom Member Posts: 153
    You go John
    HI John,
    I know how you feel, I always have bad reactions to meds myself, but I think that there a lot of people that have good results from Xeloda, I read about a lady in this cancer article that had been taking it for a while and was still very active, kickboxing all the time. I'm kind of like you Ive been avoiding doing the chemo thing again, I don't even want to put in a new port........Hang in there you always sound so strong and positive and have so much info for others. Try to think of it as a get well pill, I hope things work out for you so hang in there!
    Much Love
  • AceSFO
    AceSFO Member Posts: 229
    Hey John,

    My partner (johnsfo) did xeloda twice and tolerated it really well each time - it was the cakewalk drug of his regimen each time, and from what I've heard the oral version is much better than the infusion. He really didn't have any noticeable side effects from it. Hopefully you won't either. He doesn't post much on here, but feel free to PM either myself or him if you have questions about it. Hope this helps -
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    Hey John...
    Know the feeling about pills!! Check out the possibiltiy of taking B-6 to prevent unwanted skin rashes. It was suggested to me by my healthcare team and I did not have those side-effects. Just nausea and fatigue.

    All the very best! Rob; in Vancouver
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    As much as you hate pills, I hate needles, especially IV's. Big, big baby about it! But take your meds and be a good boy. And here's a comforting pat, just to make you feel better.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    I was on Xeloda along with radiation and I never knew that I was taking it. I never had any side effects whatsoever. So I'm hoping that it goes well for you too. You need to take it for yourself and your family. Don't this pill intimidate you without even knowing what it will do to you, but if you do have side effects let your doctor know at once. Good luck.

  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    you are one strong brave man.lm on xeloda as well all you have been through it will be a walk over for you l know you can get through this big hugs
  • ADKer
    ADKer Member Posts: 147
    Horse pills
    I am with you. I hate taking the horse pills but I try very hard to keep it to myself. The xeloda seems to be helpful and I would hate to influence my treatment regimen just because I hate the horse pills.

    I have not had any problems with side effects but I am careful to use a lot of thick lotion on my feet twice a day while taking the xeloda. Don't wait until problems start before using lotion on your feet. Best wishes.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    John - Xeloda Info

    Toxicity can build up quickly - they will probably start you with a 14 on-7 off program, 8 pills a day @ 500 mgs = 4000mgs a day.

    Start with this and take it as long as you can - two words BAG BALM to run on your feet 3x a day - once in the morning, once in the evening, and once before you got to bed. Start it from the beginning and this should eliminate or stave off as many ill effects - my feet got bad but my onc never told me what was coming or what to take, bug Bag Balm will work wonders for you - you can find it at Walgreen's or your local drug store.

    If things get really bad, the onc can adjust your dosages: You could then go to 7 on-7 off, 6 pills a day @ 500mgs = 3000mgs. (This was a schedule that I tolerated much better).

    The Xeloda chokes off blood supply to the tumor, so it is an effective medicine, so jump on it and ride it as long as possible.

    I found it hard on the stomach, so anti nausea meds will help - also things like a bagel, or toast to help sop up some the stomach acid, will help. Also, sometimes a small glass of milk can help to coat the stomach.

    You've got this John....I've got something going on you would really love...I'm doing the Da Vinci surgical system for my lung resection in 2 days...state of the art and on the cutting edge of technology.

    First time used at my hospital and I'm his First patient to get the procedure done on, so I'll let you know how it goes.

    I don't like pills either, I get off of them as quick as I could, but I did the Xeloda for about 8-9 months and I could tolerate it once the dosages were adjusted.

    Bag Balm will help with the feet problems...by the time I realized what was happening to me, I could barely stand or walk...but I had no info...and none was offered.

    so, try this and get after 'em...rooting for you, John :)

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Dear John,Good luck with the
    Dear John,Good luck with the Xeloda,I hope the side effects will be minimal.Take care.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    Dear John,Good luck with the
    Dear John,Good luck with the Xeloda,I hope the side effects will be minimal.Take care.

    ...you can so do this, try everything they have to offer you, you never know, this might be the magic pill in making you better! I hate pills as well, have never been on Xeloda yet, but do have 2 friends who fought breast cancer, who have been taking these pills now for 3 years, and they still remain cancer free, they take the pills to keep it at bay, and have been living healthy on it for years now, you can do it :)

  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    Hi, John...
    Hi John,

    My onc stopped my Folfox after 5 rounds. I have completed 2 cycles of Xeloda. It's Not too bad. I have had some lightly sore spots on the feet. I used the Udder cream and Eucerin. But as Craig said, the strong stuff is easily purchased at a Feed & Seed store. I did not get the Bag Balm in the tin. I purchased the Priority Care Udder Balm which has frost protection and sun screen with Vitamins A, D, and E and Aloe Vera. It sure has helped my feet. I highly recommend it too.


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