brenda247 Member Posts: 124
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just got through with my chemo treatments and planning for reconstruction.. What to expect?? Can you help would really be appreciated!!!


  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Little more info please
    Hi Brenda did you have a mascetomy or a lumpectomy? I had a lumpectomy then reconstruction/reduction. Lots of sisters here have had a mascetomy and reconstruction. There are so many different ways of doing it. If you will give us a little more info on what you plan to have done I am sure someone can help you.

  • brenda247
    brenda247 Member Posts: 124
    Jadie said:

    Little more info please
    Hi Brenda did you have a mascetomy or a lumpectomy? I had a lumpectomy then reconstruction/reduction. Lots of sisters here have had a mascetomy and reconstruction. There are so many different ways of doing it. If you will give us a little more info on what you plan to have done I am sure someone can help you.


    i had a mascetomy on my left breast.. im through with my chemo and healed.. its been 6 months since my surgery should i wait for sometime longer or get it done?? how do you feel and what to expect?? i got to have the full reconstruction that you take skin and tissue from your body.. sure hope someone can help and thanks jadie for you info!!!
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    brenda247 said:

    i had a mascetomy on my left breast.. im through with my chemo and healed.. its been 6 months since my surgery should i wait for sometime longer or get it done?? how do you feel and what to expect?? i got to have the full reconstruction that you take skin and tissue from your body.. sure hope someone can help and thanks jadie for you info!!!

    Lets try this again
    Brenda this is such a busy board that the threads are moving really fast. Why don't you start a new thread and put the words Reconstruction after mascetomy -help or need info on reconstruction after mascetomy something like that that will catch the eye of ones who have had this particular surgery. This is really a good place to come for help and support. Don't give up yet.

  • brenda247
    brenda247 Member Posts: 124
    Jadie said:

    Lets try this again
    Brenda this is such a busy board that the threads are moving really fast. Why don't you start a new thread and put the words Reconstruction after mascetomy -help or need info on reconstruction after mascetomy something like that that will catch the eye of ones who have had this particular surgery. This is really a good place to come for help and support. Don't give up yet.


    i will do that!!!

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    brenda247 said:

    i will do that!!!


    Just wishing you good luck
    Just wishing you good luck Brenda with whatever you choose to do!
