Hair still holding on...

laurissa Member Posts: 773
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Day 10 and still no shedding. Is day 14 the average when it starts? No tingling or pony tail pain, yet. I still need to get it cut, it has lost it's shine and color has faded. I'm ready for it to just hurry up and go so I can get started with that part of this treatment.


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Hi, Laurissa. I take
    Hi, Laurissa. I take taxotere and cytoxan and by day 12, my hair was coming out pretty good and by day 14, I had it buzzed. I think we are all different. One of the nurses in the oncology area told me that she had seen 1 person in all her time dealing with cancer patients not lose her hair. She said this lady had very thick hair and it thinned but did not all come out. Maybe you'll be lucky and fall into this catagory. Good luck.
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    I think
    that its different for everyone, but what most have been is between 10 to 15 days. Mine started at about 10. Shedding and then clumping coming out. I cut it before the shedding started up to my chin, but once it started clumping out, i shaved it. Good for you on keeping a positive outlook on the hair. Its hard loosing it, but its easier once its gone and you know its going to grow back. Keep that possitive attitude girl!!!

    take care
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    I say enjoy it while ya got it! I'm on day 8 and the only things I have lost so far besides the few days of everything I ate & drank & my motivation is my nose hairs! (Don't mind that at all!)It probably won't be long for either of us. I kinda feel the same way to, bring it on & get it over with, but, we both know when it does come we will wish it back!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Cat64 said:

    I say enjoy it while ya got it! I'm on day 8 and the only things I have lost so far besides the few days of everything I ate & drank & my motivation is my nose hairs! (Don't mind that at all!)It probably won't be long for either of us. I kinda feel the same way to, bring it on & get it over with, but, we both know when it does come we will wish it back!

    Chemo and Hair loss for VickiSam ...
    Ok .. Chemo Chicks .. I hope you all don't mind that I refer to us as Chemo Chicks .. I base this on the little chicks with the baby fuzz .. get it ...

    OK .,. I too was waiting and counting the days .. wondering .. wow just maybe I was the one in 10, 000 that would not lose my hair ... day 10 .,. hair on my scalp, day 12 hair on my scalp .. then I woke up between day 14 and 16, my scalp was sore - like I had a tight pony tail .. and just removed an enormous rubber band .. ouch!!!!! 2 days later - shedding like a sheep dog during summer, 2 days later .. chunks of hair dropping all over my home, floors, bathrooms - kitchen - need I say anymore .. snip snip snip went my clippers ...

    lashes and brows have thinned out .. but here is the funny part .. I'm still shaving my legs and underarms. Finger nails are brittle, and my attitude - well, stinks.

    I have had - 2 TCH treatments, and 6 herceptin .. 2 cycles with 4 more TCH, and 8 herceptin to follow the next 12 weeks ..

    Good luck to all, and happy clipping. Please use electric razors, and not edged blades.

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    laurissa, I'm one day after
    laurissa, I'm one day after you, and so far no loss, but the texture is horrible.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    natly15 said:

    laurissa, I'm one day after
    laurissa, I'm one day after you, and so far no loss, but the texture is horrible.

    Mine day 15
    Mine was day 15 it was coming out by the handfuls--had mine shaved the next day.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Well, mine came out quite suddenly. Like you, Laurissa, it was still holding on at day 10. Then, I think it was day 14, it just started shedding. I had it buzzed right away at the wig shop. I had no pain or tightening, though. It simply started falling out. It is not an easy experience no matter how prepared you are. But it is a necessary experience. Just know that most of us have been there and know what you're up against.

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi laurissa.
    Like you day 10 I still had hair.I thought maybe I would be spared and get to keep my hair.But knowing the dr. said I would loss it by my next treatment.about the 10th day it started looking and feeling body and felt like wire.Then about the 12th day I could take my hand through it and have alot of lose hair in my hand.then it got more everyday after that coming out.I had dreaded it so much.I prayed for God to give me the streanth to get through this.I cryed many a tears.This was one of the hardest steps for me.By day 16 my hair was awful looking.I had put a scarf on it to help keep it from falling on stuff.When I took the scarf off it was full of lose hair.So I had one last cry over it,and went in the bathroom and started cutting with scissors.I had already before my cruise had it cut pretty short.Then I got the clippers out and buzzed it.I was so releived that I finally done it.I was proud of myself.I wear a wig when I go out,at home I wear a scarf or a turban hat.I order,d some nice soft hats from the ACS book.I order,d one to sleep in.It has a special band in it to make you feel cool.I have alot of hot flashes.You will be glad to get it over like me.It really is ok,I got a wig that is the same color and style as my hair before I cut it the first time.I hit the jackpot finding one like it.If I can help you please email me.You can send private message if you want.I think you are as scared as I was about it.Take Care.Prayers are with you.(Pat).
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Hair loss
    My hair loss started on the 16th day. I shaved my head yesterday, day 18th, after I saw clumps of hair coming out. My shedding was worse than our dog, Lady. A sweet gal who has cut my hair several times at Fantastic Sam's came by my house and gave me a buzz cut.

    My 9 year old daughter was at home at the time. I didn't get emotional about it. I knew it was coming, it's part of the process.

    Am sporting my Steve Perry( Journey) minus the sideburns wig and a hat. Doesn't look all that bad. Have never had Sonny and Cher straight hair. Gives me a totally different look! Well, I know it will eventually grow back in time.

    Laurissa you will be okay when and if your time comes. Your hair will grow back healthier and thicker than ever! Best to you!

  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Mine started to fall out
    Mine started to fall out about 15 days after my first AC treatment.
  • jennN
    jennN Member Posts: 40
    Hair still holding on

    My hair is still holding on too. I'm at day 12 today. I'd like to get it over with too. I did cut my long blonde hair short a few weeks ago. I wanted to feel like I was in control. I also wanted to donate it to locks of love. It needs to be 10 inches to do that. You also need to have it in a pony tail when it is cut...just in case you'd like to send your hair too.

    My hair is usually hi-lighted and now looks dull as well. I did buy/borrow a number of hats too. They have some cut ones at Macy's..and of course if you go on-line.

    I'm doing carboplatin, taxotere, and herceptin.