my hernia surgery

lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
ARRGh. I'm in pain. I'm home now, I had the operation thursday afternoon, I didn't go down for it until 3:00pm. He also did remove those lymph nodes or whatever they were under my left arm. Well, he opens me up at the lump in my abdomen, and the hernia wasn't there! So he was baffled. He then closed me up,then I had to get a CT scan, it was actually an inguninal hernia that pushed up instead of down! Iam one odd medical mystery. Well, I'm in some pain, my husband is going to fill my vicodan prescription. they weregiving me Zofran for nausea. I just am very uncomfortable. Hope all you ladies are well. I was in the hospital from noon thursday until noon Saturday. One of my nurses is a cancer survivor, she had scalp cancer.


  • cheyennedawn
    cheyennedawn Member Posts: 70
    Wow, I'm sorry that you are
    Wow, I'm sorry that you are having to go through all that! My thoughts and prayers are with you. I guess we have something in common, I am also a medical oddity, lol. Long story! :) Anyway, I wish you well soon. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Take care.

  • Jeanie4164
    Jeanie4164 Member Posts: 13

    I have had a tram flap 3 years ago, since then i keep having stomach cramps like charlie horses in my gut. Is that one of the symtoms u had?

    hope u r feeling better
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member


    I have had a tram flap 3 years ago, since then i keep having stomach cramps like charlie horses in my gut. Is that one of the symtoms u had?

    hope u r feeling better

    I'm told a ventral abdominal
    I'm told a ventral abdominal hernia can be caused by a previous abdominal surgery. If it's really bothering you, maybe you need a CT scan. In my case, it appeared to be in my right mid abdominal wall, it actually stuck out. I NEVER had any abdominal surgery. The surgeon said I shouldn't have one there. Well, it actually wasn't in the end, it was an inguninal hernia and that sucker pushed it's way UP instead of down like they normally go, and so my surgeon cut me open where the bulge was, couldn't find it, closed me up and had to go back in a few hours later. It's now taken care of, but i still have discomfort, it's getting better though every day.
    To answer your question, it is like side stickers from time to time depending on how you move or twist or turn certain ways.

    A good friend of mine had the Tram flap with her mastectomy and she said she can sympathize with me with the hernia abdominal pain.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Welcome to the world of medical mysteries
    I too had an abdominal hernia operated on years ago that stragulated part of my stomach and intestines when it ruptered. The reason I had so much scar tissue and comlications on getting my ovaries out! I don't think my intestines where put back in the right place the first time! I feel your pain. I am having the same. It has been very difficult for me to get through this one. Prior to my hernia operation I had no other surgeries. They told me it was a medical defect from birth. I had a bulg my intire life, didn't rupture until I was in my late twenties. I hope you heal quickly and feel better soon. Stay on a regular schedule with the pain pills. It is harder to get rid of the pain if we wait until we can't stand it anymore. Keep us posted! ♥Pammy
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Welcome to the world of medical mysteries
    I too had an abdominal hernia operated on years ago that stragulated part of my stomach and intestines when it ruptered. The reason I had so much scar tissue and comlications on getting my ovaries out! I don't think my intestines where put back in the right place the first time! I feel your pain. I am having the same. It has been very difficult for me to get through this one. Prior to my hernia operation I had no other surgeries. They told me it was a medical defect from birth. I had a bulg my intire life, didn't rupture until I was in my late twenties. I hope you heal quickly and feel better soon. Stay on a regular schedule with the pain pills. It is harder to get rid of the pain if we wait until we can't stand it anymore. Keep us posted! ♥Pammy

    Thanks Pammy, you have been
    Thanks Pammy, you have been through a lot also! I'm trying to switch to extra strenght tylenol rather than the percoset because of constipation. I feel NO DIFFERENCE in the pain level, so why take the oxycontin,LOL. It just will take time to heal. I might just take the stronger one before bedtime. the pain is a little better today, but now I can really sympathize with you ladies who had the mastectomies and tram flaps! the pain aint no fun!
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    lanie940 said:

    Thanks Pammy, you have been
    Thanks Pammy, you have been through a lot also! I'm trying to switch to extra strenght tylenol rather than the percoset because of constipation. I feel NO DIFFERENCE in the pain level, so why take the oxycontin,LOL. It just will take time to heal. I might just take the stronger one before bedtime. the pain is a little better today, but now I can really sympathize with you ladies who had the mastectomies and tram flaps! the pain aint no fun!

    Oh, Lanie, I have been so
    Oh, Lanie, I have been so worried about you! I keep looking for you on chat, I figured you must be in pain since you were not on. I hope you feel better.. you can take a stool softener with the percosets and that should help. You have to remember to take them every 4 hrs so the correct amount of medicine is in your body, they just take the edge off everything. Just wanted to let you know i am thinking about you...Hey, remember to watch the Phillies kick some a..!!! Take care, Meena
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    meena1 said:

    Oh, Lanie, I have been so
    Oh, Lanie, I have been so worried about you! I keep looking for you on chat, I figured you must be in pain since you were not on. I hope you feel better.. you can take a stool softener with the percosets and that should help. You have to remember to take them every 4 hrs so the correct amount of medicine is in your body, they just take the edge off everything. Just wanted to let you know i am thinking about you...Hey, remember to watch the Phillies kick some a..!!! Take care, Meena

    I wish it is over for you
    Thank you for the sharing your story. I wish you a speedy recovery and keeping up your spirit.
    I had DIEP reconstruction and understand what are you going through. Just give yourself time for recovery.
    , especially, that you had two surgeries!!!

    I also probably is a member of "never happened in my practice"club. Since I was diagnosed with BC, I am always in very rare complications group, only 1 % of patients. And I do need surgery for hernia as well.