question about estrogen +

helen e
helen e Member Posts: 223
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have been reading on here about women having their ovaries out because they are estrogen +. I have been told that I, too am estrogen +, does this usually mean that I will have to have my ovaries removed? I know that I was told to stop taking bc pill and that I would have to take hormone therapy pills for 5 years. I have an appt. with rads. on Monday - my first. Should I ask him about this?


  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    I was diagnosed in 2000 with
    I was diagnosed in 2000 with ER+ BC, and I still have my ovaries. At one time, my gyn thought that I might need a hysterectomy, and he said that he would take my ovaries, because of my history. But, there's never been any mention that it should be done unless I have problems.

    I think that ovaries are removed mostly when the BRCA testing shows a genetic predisposition for breast and ovarian cancer.

  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    jk1952 said:

    I was diagnosed in 2000 with
    I was diagnosed in 2000 with ER+ BC, and I still have my ovaries. At one time, my gyn thought that I might need a hysterectomy, and he said that he would take my ovaries, because of my history. But, there's never been any mention that it should be done unless I have problems.

    I think that ovaries are removed mostly when the BRCA testing shows a genetic predisposition for breast and ovarian cancer.


    Age is another component to
    Age is another component to this. I'm 38 and cannot take the AIs unless they put me into menopause first. That's the reason for shutting down my ovaries before I start the AIs after tamoxifen. Hope this helps.
  • helen e
    helen e Member Posts: 223
    pitt said:

    Age is another component to
    Age is another component to this. I'm 38 and cannot take the AIs unless they put me into menopause first. That's the reason for shutting down my ovaries before I start the AIs after tamoxifen. Hope this helps.

    I am 44
    I am 44 and haven't even come close to menopause - neither have my 3 sisters who are all older than me. What is Als?
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    helen e said:

    I am 44
    I am 44 and haven't even come close to menopause - neither have my 3 sisters who are all older than me. What is Als?

    AIs are Aromatase Inhibitors
    AIs are Aromatase Inhibitors = hormone therapy. You should ask your oncologist what your treatment options are. For me, since I am estrogen +, we are going to treat first with chemo, radiation, then tamoxifen for 5 years, then another drug (name escapes me). These hormone therapies block estrogen from being produced in the body, therefore decreasing the liklihood that cancer will reoccur. AIs are usually given to post-menopausal women or women close to menopause. They are extremely effective in lowering your chances that cancer will come back. What kind of cancer do you have? Is it invasive? What treatment plan do you have in place? Just curious.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Helen, my reason for removing ovaries...
    I am 100% ER/PR+ and had a PET Scan done before my BC Surgery. I lite up like a Christmas tree on my ovaries. They are hoping it will only be cyst (still waiting path report). If you are ER+ then you do have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer down the road. I already had a hysterectomy 4 years ago, but left overies in for my natural estrogen production (You helps help keeps us younger!).
    so I am lowering all possible risk to halt production. This is probably where I will start growing facial hair or something now, LOL! The other big producer is your fat cells (why they stress to you to maintain a healthy body weight!).
    Oh, boy, forgive me....pain meds kicking in.... but I want to finish explaining :)
    I am having a very difficult time because my body has been put through the ringer these last 5 months and I really believe it is finally wearing down. But I am women and I am strong and I think I truly bring something out of the unusual in peoples lives, that touch them in many ways..."she's a crazy lady...she makes me laugh...she gives me I know what a nut case is...she put me at ease...she was so sweet to say that..." what ever the case, I hope all I put out there is for the benefit of someone. Even if I just give you a chuckle in that few seconds. I'm just being me and I only want to spread warmth and comfort to anyone that needs it at that moment. At least if I get some kind of reaction from you....your alive and feeling an emotion, which is a good thing! Ok, rambling over...
    This has been my hardest struggle so far only due to the unexpected complications. It was quoted once again..."you are my first patient ever that had this happen..." and I am honored that it was me and therefor, someone else was spared. In the end, I know I will tough it out and pull through.
    It was one point there were 15 people gathered in my room being briefed on my perticular condition. I wrote "tips" on my styrofaom cup to "view" incisions, but not even a nickle, ha,ha! :( except a piece of hard candy (vanilla...yum).
    Removing my ovaries was not an option, but a neccessity. One I have excepted. I do feel like I am at the end of my rope and am struggling hard to get through. I am sure the instant hormonal changes is playing a major part, but I will be looking for lots of support in the up coming weeks. I know my cyber friends will be by my side which gives me so much comfort. I love you all :)
    So, in closing, my advice is to talk with your Oncologist if you are ER+ about the benefits of removing the ovaries. That was my last "tidbit" of female left in me. But I'll be darn if I am giving up the "all girl" attitude. Spent too many years perfecting this! I still smile everytime someone opens a door for me or holds my coat to put it on! Chilvery is not dead, ladies, and I feel good when it is given to me.
    Thanks for all your support. You may or may not see a difference in me in the upcoming weeks, but please hang with me as I know the "real me" will emerge in the end. The cancer, the treatments, the emotions....they all suck. But I know I will be a stronger, more refined person in the end and I'm sure this is God's plan and since He is in control...I will follow his plan....but we are having a heart to heart later about this (Him and I).
    Hugs and smiles and heartfelt thanks for being there for me! Love you all!!
  • helen e
    helen e Member Posts: 223
    pitt said:

    AIs are Aromatase Inhibitors
    AIs are Aromatase Inhibitors = hormone therapy. You should ask your oncologist what your treatment options are. For me, since I am estrogen +, we are going to treat first with chemo, radiation, then tamoxifen for 5 years, then another drug (name escapes me). These hormone therapies block estrogen from being produced in the body, therefore decreasing the liklihood that cancer will reoccur. AIs are usually given to post-menopausal women or women close to menopause. They are extremely effective in lowering your chances that cancer will come back. What kind of cancer do you have? Is it invasive? What treatment plan do you have in place? Just curious.

    invasive ductal carcinoma
    I see the radiologist for the first time tomorrow. I am a little worried beause my surgeon said that there were some spots where it wasn't invasive and they may want him to go in and take out more tissue. He did say that he got it all but they still may want him to take more. I haven't seen oncologist yet but was told that I will be put on hormone therapy pills for 5 years.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Helen, my reason for removing ovaries...
    I am 100% ER/PR+ and had a PET Scan done before my BC Surgery. I lite up like a Christmas tree on my ovaries. They are hoping it will only be cyst (still waiting path report). If you are ER+ then you do have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer down the road. I already had a hysterectomy 4 years ago, but left overies in for my natural estrogen production (You helps help keeps us younger!).
    so I am lowering all possible risk to halt production. This is probably where I will start growing facial hair or something now, LOL! The other big producer is your fat cells (why they stress to you to maintain a healthy body weight!).
    Oh, boy, forgive me....pain meds kicking in.... but I want to finish explaining :)
    I am having a very difficult time because my body has been put through the ringer these last 5 months and I really believe it is finally wearing down. But I am women and I am strong and I think I truly bring something out of the unusual in peoples lives, that touch them in many ways..."she's a crazy lady...she makes me laugh...she gives me I know what a nut case is...she put me at ease...she was so sweet to say that..." what ever the case, I hope all I put out there is for the benefit of someone. Even if I just give you a chuckle in that few seconds. I'm just being me and I only want to spread warmth and comfort to anyone that needs it at that moment. At least if I get some kind of reaction from you....your alive and feeling an emotion, which is a good thing! Ok, rambling over...
    This has been my hardest struggle so far only due to the unexpected complications. It was quoted once again..."you are my first patient ever that had this happen..." and I am honored that it was me and therefor, someone else was spared. In the end, I know I will tough it out and pull through.
    It was one point there were 15 people gathered in my room being briefed on my perticular condition. I wrote "tips" on my styrofaom cup to "view" incisions, but not even a nickle, ha,ha! :( except a piece of hard candy (vanilla...yum).
    Removing my ovaries was not an option, but a neccessity. One I have excepted. I do feel like I am at the end of my rope and am struggling hard to get through. I am sure the instant hormonal changes is playing a major part, but I will be looking for lots of support in the up coming weeks. I know my cyber friends will be by my side which gives me so much comfort. I love you all :)
    So, in closing, my advice is to talk with your Oncologist if you are ER+ about the benefits of removing the ovaries. That was my last "tidbit" of female left in me. But I'll be darn if I am giving up the "all girl" attitude. Spent too many years perfecting this! I still smile everytime someone opens a door for me or holds my coat to put it on! Chilvery is not dead, ladies, and I feel good when it is given to me.
    Thanks for all your support. You may or may not see a difference in me in the upcoming weeks, but please hang with me as I know the "real me" will emerge in the end. The cancer, the treatments, the emotions....they all suck. But I know I will be a stronger, more refined person in the end and I'm sure this is God's plan and since He is in control...I will follow his plan....but we are having a heart to heart later about this (Him and I).
    Hugs and smiles and heartfelt thanks for being there for me! Love you all!!

    Pammy,My heart and prayers
    My heart and prayers are being sent to you. You are indeed someone who offers something to everyone who comes on board. Humor, advice, love, support etc., you offer it all. So for now just rest, recouperate and renew. And of course, you would be the one that hears, "We have never seen this before" because you are unique. This does all suck, but you will get through it and you will tell us tales to regale us with laughter and make us jealous as I have no doubt there were handsome doctors involved and ice cream and maybe some nice vintage vino.
    So get better my friend and we lovingly await your return of strength, humor and sage advice.
    Oh, and I have had those talks with God, but he doesn't give much direct information, just seems to want us to figure it out. I'm still working on it, but I know he has a plan for me and I know he has one for you as well. Just that I like thinks written in black and white and he doesn't work that way. But we will all figure it out eventually.
  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    Hi. I have had bc 1st in
    Hi. I have had bc 1st in 2001, estrogen positive and recurrance recently. I am 57 now. I did have 3 endo biopsies while I was on tamoxifen. Gyn told me next step was hysterectomy but once I went off tamoxifen I haven't had problems. I didn't go thru menopause until age 55. this cancer is also est + and med onc has recommended Femara. I didn't think to ask how many years. I am still trying to figure out if I want to take more med. I had lumpectomy and rads originally. This time bilateral mastectomy with Lattisimus flap reconstruction and has been tough.
    Pammy-- Take care of yourself first and foremost. You eloquently stated how I feel sometimes.
    This site has been very good for me. I have received so much good info and encouragement and support. We are all in this together to help each other. I tell my kids I don't want to be defined as having bc but by the grace I handled bc (which has not always been too graceful).
    We are stronger than we think. Marilyn