Child Brain tumor

Dodson Member Posts: 3
edited October 2022 in Childhood Cancers #1
I am Looking for some people who have or are currently going through treatments with their child with a brain tumor. My four year old niece was diagnosed in april this year with a pineoblastoma brain tumor. Has undergone so much and would love to hear from others


  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    I have been away from this site for several months. I am no up against what your neice is, but I think I can say for many of us who have gone up against C, that we are in your and your neices corner. It is not the best club to be in, but those of us who are in it are there to support those in need. Children should not be afflicted, but it works out that way. It does not seem fair, but we all must go on, with prayers, and words of hope.
    Both of those are from me.
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    And I know as you to help! Do not think, I not the madman. I as well as you was sick of a cancer of lungs. I was long treated in dear clinics, but nothing helped. I have despaired and going to die. But the my dear daughter has learned about the person who treats a cancer, medicinal grasses. It has contacted it and has asked than it can help in the circumstances. To us have answered, that a cancer we shall cure and it is just necessary to carry out instructions. I at once have thought, that my daughter deceive what to receive money. There is a treatment of 110 000 dollars. And I have not given money of my daughter and would tell that it did not contact which people at all did not see. But my daughter has disobeyed me and has taken the loan in bank and has paid the necessary sum. In a week we have by mail received a small package. In it there was some kg of the dried plants, crystals of salts and the detailed instruction on preparation of medicines. I was malicious on the daughter, but understood, that it does it of love to me. And I have started to accept a medicine. Also there was my surprise - I have felt better! I have recovered in a month. My lungs became similar to lungs of the baby, and I smoked 35 years. Doctors who have told, that I shall die, have been surprised by my healing. They have told are a miracle. But since then has passed 6 years. And this miracle has occured to many people to whom I have advised to write the letter and to ask the help for the unusual doctor. On my eyes have been cured 28 person with various forms of a cancer. All of them have paid the various sums of money. From 40 000 up to 150 000 dollars. To one little girl, all was free-of-charge.
    I as know, that many very known people used these medicines. Many people do not trust me, but I have gone through all, and I approve, that miracles happen. And I give a guarantee to people who doubt of my words, that they will recover. Now I alive and healthy! Both I am happy! And I wish your of good luck and health, and please do not despair, simply strictly carry out instructions. I guarantee to you, that with you all will be good.
    I wish you healing and I ask - address for the help to this email-

    Forgive my bad English.

    Yours faithfully Dok Manomah.
  • STEVEN1979
    STEVEN1979 Member Posts: 1
    Hi I sent you a email Dodson hopefully we can help each other.
  • theycallmejess
    theycallmejess Member Posts: 2

    Hi I sent you a email Dodson hopefully we can help each other.

    I was diagnosed with a germinoma tumor in my brain in March of this year, a month before my sweet sixteen. I'm a little bit older, but I understand the kinds of things she has to go through and maybe I can help/encourage you. Your niece is in my thoughts and prayers :]
  • btcat
    btcat Member Posts: 51
    HI : )
    I am a 25 year survivor of medula blastoma. Was near 11 when diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. I know a guy in the chat room here that is 31 yrs post ca brain tumor I think. He was younger than me i believe. I'm just writing to let you know that there is hope. This monster can be beat and we can go on to live our lives.
  • jaelsmom
    jaelsmom Member Posts: 1
    btcat said:

    HI : )
    I am a 25 year survivor of medula blastoma. Was near 11 when diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. I know a guy in the chat room here that is 31 yrs post ca brain tumor I think. He was younger than me i believe. I'm just writing to let you know that there is hope. This monster can be beat and we can go on to live our lives.

    I know that this comment is pretty old, but just wanted to say thanks for posting this. My daughter is 3 years old and was just diagnosed with nodular medulloblastoma. They are giving her 85% survival with our treatment plan, but it is still so scary. God bless you.
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  • Gracies_Mum
    Gracies_Mum Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hi =^..^=

    I'm about 391/2 year childhood medulla blastoma survivor. I was diagnosed about a month before my 11th birthday. 11 seems to be a common onset age. Yes, the cancer monster can be beat. But what the treatments do to your body really mess you up. I'm here to make some connections to people in a similar situation to mine.

  • avaschmidt
    avaschmidt Member Posts: 6 Member


    Sorry to hear about your niece's diagnosis. Sending strength and support to your niece and your family during this challenging time.