Implants ~ Whew!

sherria49 Member Posts: 126
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just met with my plastic surgeon today. B's C's D's, saline, gel, high-profile, textured, smooth, etc.... So many choices not enough knowledge.

Anybody out there have any good advice or what their preference was?

My surgery is scheduled for Oct 30th, I am having a double mastectomy w/expanders. I know I have some time to decide but there are soo many choices.



  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    I am so very interested in this subject .. Bi lateral coming
    up for me within the 4 months .. Gee, what a selection of products. I am curious, is there any internet links that show before and after photo's .. this may help with my personal decision .. Yikes ... so much to think about.

  • jikaras
    jikaras Member Posts: 58
    Ask your surgeon to see pictures. They take before and after pics so you can make the right decision.

    I choose to have the silicon vs. the saline. Silicon was more natural and not as heavy....

  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    jikaras said:

    Ask your surgeon to see pictures. They take before and after pics so you can make the right decision.

    I choose to have the silicon vs. the saline. Silicon was more natural and not as heavy....


    I, like VickiSam am very
    I, like VickiSam am very interested in this subject as well. I'm considering a prophlatic masectomy and would like to hear what the reconstruction process is like.

    I cannot help, but I await other's experiences.
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