Joke for Wednesday

fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
A minister decided that a visual would help with his sermon one Sunday. He got 4 worms and had 4 jars. He put one worm in each jar. The first jar had alcohol in it, the second had cigarette smoke, the third had chocolate syrup and the fourth had good clean soil. He showed them to his congregation at the beginning of his sermon. At the end the sermon,
The worm in the alchol - dead
The worm in the cigarette smoke - dead
The worm in the chocolate syrup - dead
The worm in the good, clean soil - alive and thriving
The minister said to his flock what have we learned from this.
A voice in the back shouted out, As long as we drink, smoke and eat chocolate we won't have worms.
That pretty much ended his sermon.
