First chemo for me, too

laurissa Member Posts: 773
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Monday was the first for me taking cytoxan and taxotere. Also on steriods and luenasta shot. Today, the day after, my stomach is in knots, but tolerable, comes in waves. The nurse said I'll feel more effects the 2nd and 3rd day after, now I'm worried about that luenasta shot causing me pain like a "mack truck" hitting me. Thanks for the warning. I still don't know what stage I am since they don't know for sure if the spot on my hip is cancerous, they'll do another pet scan after 4 chemo treatments to see if it responded and if it did, then it is cancer. What a waiting game this all is. It's very nerve wracking, isn't it? Hope you're all fine, too.


  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Congratulations on getting
    Congratulations on getting through your first treatment. Hopefully the Neulasta will be easy for you to tolerate. I know what you mean about waiting. Sometimes its the worst part! Good luck to you and hope you get good news concerning your hip area.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Yikes! The Neulasta only
    Yikes! The Neulasta only affected ME like being hit by a Mack Truck~ it doesn't do that to everyone! I only posted my personal reaction to it because not so much as a twinge of pain or discomfort was even hinted by my Dr, and it scared the daylights out of me when 36 hrs after the shot I didn't know what was happening to my body! I thought I had gotten the worst flu of my life, but without a fever~ I didn't know what it was! In case any of your new chemo ladies have a Dr who is not very forthcoming ( like mine, ugh!) and you do have a painful reaction to the Neulasta, at least you will know what it is! I didn't intend to frighten any of my Sisters in Pink; sorry if I did!

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    On your first Chemo! At least now we know what to expect. Wasn't so bad for me other than the change of plan(meds)& taking so long. I feel like I should of brought a tent & camping supplies! I thought I had it all covered. Make sure you watch out for that nasty other C word! And follow all the advice given on here about liquids,etc...I had a scare with a mass on my liver, but I just kept telling myself that if it was cancer, the chemo would zap it so I didn't stress on it. Turned out not to be,(whew!)have to do another Ct scan in 2 months to check it. I don't even think about it much anymore. Try to think positive & save the worrying for later. Keep focused on the here & now. Listen to your body,eat well,drink lots,walk,& rest. Yes it is very frustrating waiting & wondering! Haven't had to do too much more of that lately though thank goodness! Keep us posted on how you're doing.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Laurissa, congrats on
    Laurissa, congrats on finishing your first treatment. I am taking the same cocktail and the Nuelasta shot the day after treatment. I have not experienced severe side effects from the shot. Basically, some bone pain in my legs and lower back on day 3-4. I control it with Tylenol every 6 hours. Hope you have good results too!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Laurissa, congrats on
    Laurissa, congrats on finishing your first treatment. I am taking the same cocktail and the Nuelasta shot the day after treatment. I have not experienced severe side effects from the shot. Basically, some bone pain in my legs and lower back on day 3-4. I control it with Tylenol every 6 hours. Hope you have good results too!

    Congrats on finishing your
    Congrats on finishing your first chemo!

    Hugs, Diane ♥
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    You havent posted today
    laurissa you started your chemo the day before me. I dont see you on the boards today, and wonder how you are feeling.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    feeling poorly
    Not up to it today. Lots of achiness. I did go to the ACS this morning and picked out a real cute Gabor wig, like my own style and color. Had to take some percaset today and been laying down. Thanks for asking.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    laurissa said:

    feeling poorly
    Not up to it today. Lots of achiness. I did go to the ACS this morning and picked out a real cute Gabor wig, like my own style and color. Had to take some percaset today and been laying down. Thanks for asking.

    You are so welcome
    I like that, a Gabor wig. I have a really cute one myself, but like you, still have my hair. I look forward to your posts because you started your chemo the day before me. I tried getting my photo up today, but havent figured out how to do it. Laurissa, I've been saying prayers for you. I think and hope that next week will be better for us. :) (Sandy)
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    laurissa said:

    feeling poorly
    Not up to it today. Lots of achiness. I did go to the ACS this morning and picked out a real cute Gabor wig, like my own style and color. Had to take some percaset today and been laying down. Thanks for asking.

    Sorry that you feel bad now.
    Sorry that you feel bad now. I hope you feel better.

    Gentle Hugs
  • Reikigemgirl
    Reikigemgirl Member Posts: 278
    Claritin for Neulasta shot
    Some of the girls here on the board posted about Claritin to take for the pain of the Neulasta shot and it has worked for me. Just regular claritin, not claritin D. I read another girls doctor gave her allegra (another antihistimine) and she said it worked too but you can get the claritin over the counter. No idea how it works, just know that it does. I take one a day the day of my shot and for 6 days afterwards and I haven't had any pain yet. Hope this helps you.

    Your wig sounds cute!!

    Love and Light,
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941

    Claritin for Neulasta shot
    Some of the girls here on the board posted about Claritin to take for the pain of the Neulasta shot and it has worked for me. Just regular claritin, not claritin D. I read another girls doctor gave her allegra (another antihistimine) and she said it worked too but you can get the claritin over the counter. No idea how it works, just know that it does. I take one a day the day of my shot and for 6 days afterwards and I haven't had any pain yet. Hope this helps you.

    Your wig sounds cute!!

    Love and Light,

    thank you vicki, I'm going to have hubby pick some up.