Does anyone have info about the drug Zometa?

Wiegas Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
This was recommended for my mom who is 78 and recently dx'd w/ stage iv breast cancer. She is afraid of side effects and is stuck with being oxygen dependent because of a pulmonary emboli. The dr. wants to start her on Zometa 1 x per month, infusion to help strengthen her bones and she's afraid. Also, the dr. wants to radiate her spine and hip/femur for lytic lesions. Does anyone have knowledge of what this is going to do? Thank you. Signed, A Very Scared Daughter.


  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    I am sorry about your
    I am sorry about your Mother. I don't know anything about Zometa, but, I am sure someone here does and will reply to you. I wish your Mom and you good luck!
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823

    I am sorry about your
    I am sorry about your Mother. I don't know anything about Zometa, but, I am sure someone here does and will reply to you. I wish your Mom and you good luck!

    My mom, who is a nine year
    My mom, who is a nine year survivor of stage IV bc, takes a monthly infusion of Zometa because the cancer is now in her bones. She's had no adverse side effects, but I think some have had pain because of it.

    Zometa has only helped my mom, not harmed her.

    Pray the same for your mom,

    p.s. I bumped up another discussion on Zometa. Some women have experienced pain, but it got better! Hope it helps!
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    I'm in a study right now that is trying to determine the affects of bone strenghtening meds used along with Tamoxifen. The study is to see if using these drugs will help to prevent breast cancer from returning as bone cancer. I was randomized into the Zometa group. I've had four infusions so far (one month apart), and about the only side effectsI've noticed are some aches and pain, usually right after the infusion. I think your mom should be okay and I would take the doctor's advice.