5 years NED for this stage IV survivor............cancer free/cured?



  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Lisa P. :)
    Mornin' Lisa

    Let me be the next in line to say CONGRATULATIONS on a monumental achievement! You reached out and grabbed the "brass ring" that everybody wants to hold!

    5 years is the timeline we all aspire too and no matter what your doctor told you, I think you know yourself that you have already beaten the odds and whether he says, remission, NED or cured - you know that you already are that...I tip my hat to your accomplishment.

    I've read all about SCOUTY, the Legend. I've heard from the vets on the board about your stories and how well regarded that you are here...and I think it's great that you stay in touch just to shine the light and let everybody know that good things can and do still happen. So, thank you for that.

    Hopefully, we'll touch base on a post or something - it's nice to meet you BTW.

    Have the best of times in FL - sounds like it will be wonderful :)

    Continued health for you!


    That is just great. keep up the good work, take care


  • pluckey
    pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
    Congratualtions Scouty. Your post gives me hope. I too am stage 4, with many mets to liver.


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I'm dancing with you!!!
    I was just asked the other day if I knew of any stage IV survivors that were cured...and I said "Yes, and I count them as friends!!!!"

    Good for you, Lisa! And as far as 'cured'...well, even my stage III self, with no reoccurance, going on 5 years, can't get that precious word to come from my doctor's lips...

    SOOOOO.....out of retirement.....


    Naked happy dance!!!

    Hugs, Kathi

    (give everyone a hug for me at CP7....I miss all of you!)
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Great News
    I am so glad to read this post this morning, as i await my 3 month pet scan. Last year it came back at the 3 month mark so I am a bit scared this time, however I have alot of faith that God will see me through this. You are an inspiration and thanks for sharing, its exactly what I needed to hear this morning.

    God Bless
  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    congrats lisa
    ...on being cancer free on your 5 year mark hugs
  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    Great News Lisa
    Great News! I think about you all the time. You have been and are such a great help me and others. Your story gives all of us hope. Cancer Free is good. Thanks for being here for us.
    You ROCK Lisa! Love and best to you. Paula
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi dear Lisa,this is so
    Hi dear Lisa,this is so cool!I am always extremely happy to hear stories about long term survivors.Congratulations!Enjoy being NED and enjoy everyday!
  • Fb489
    Fb489 Member Posts: 69
    You are one of the lucky ones. My husband is stage four colon cancer that spred to his liver.
    He is reluctant to do chemo. What alternative treatment did you do.
    Would appreciate any advise you have.
  • Hatshepsut
    Hatshepsut Member Posts: 336 Member
    Fb489 said:

    You are one of the lucky ones. My husband is stage four colon cancer that spred to his liver.
    He is reluctant to do chemo. What alternative treatment did you do.
    Would appreciate any advise you have.

    Extra Juice for You!!!


    I am delighted to read your post. Congratulations on such a wonderful outcome. Whatever treatment choices people make in their cancer battles, eating healthful foods and taking extra time to exercise, relax and seek inspiration can complement their healing plans.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Muzzy said:

    Thank you
    Outstanding this is great news!!
    Thank you for sharing a story of hope.
    It gives the rest of us hope.
    Congrads, don't be shy go ahead and do the happy dance!!!

    Just happy to be here!!

    Me shy!!!!
    No way Jeff!!! You can go back and read one of my posts from a few years ago when I actually went out in my front yard (I live in a very secluded house and we had just had a drought for a few years) and did the happy dance butt naked in the pouring rain in broad daylight. I have no idea what posessed me that day and I will never forget the looks on my dog and cats faces as they stared out the glass door at me.

    Ironically the next day I got the first good news ever in my cancer journey so happy dances have become habit for me.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member

    That is just wonderful. I am glad to hear that you are doing so well. You keep up the great spirit as I know that contributes to it.



    Thanks Kim
    I'm with you for your upcoming scans!!!!

    You'll be just fine.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Just for the short time I have spent on here it seems that when I got here you were everywhere in here like a teacher after school kids, giving advice, showing the way for all who lended an ear, countless hours of posts to patients scared to death just to calm them down, and then I scan other threads in here and other cancer places in here and there you are again, giving all types of support for the masses, emotional, medicinal, or just plain ole "hold it and I will cry with you" support. I have yet to see another (although there are many great ones on here) individual with more unselfish support to others than you give, even when it seemed hopeless. You are the top of the mountain in my eyes and cancer patients,caregivers, and families have been blessed for your presence in here and the support that you have bestowed upon them......simple congratulations just doesn't seem enough to someone that has devoted so much to the patients and partners of cancer...Your NEDness is a just reward for such a remarkable individual...........congratulations again, it is certainly well deserved........Bless you, Clift

    Clift that was very touching. Thank you your amazing words.

    Made me cry!!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    mom_2_3 said:


    You are my heroine. As Buzzard said your posts have been very supportive of others on the board. When I was first diagnosed I went back many years reading posts and your story gave me hope then when I needed it so, and continues to give me hope today.

    Congratulations to you!!

    And now
    You are providing that same support to others!!!!

    Thanks Amy
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Shayenne said:

    Your story gives hope to us all, I been feeling so doubtful lately, that I have to turn here and glad to see a veteran of the board, who been here awhile come and still support us. Most have gone it seems, and it's sad not hearing from the others anymore, when we need them too, but life goes on for all, I miss everyone, and hope everyone is ok and happy who used to post here as well, but there old posts still give hope to all, and I just hope to be able to be here to watch my kids grow, thanks so much for the inspiring post!


    Thank you so much Gail and Donna
    Donna, it's great having you back!!

    Gail, we still need to meet up at Short Sugars one Sat.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member

    Lisa - U rock!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us. You are an inspiration! I love your gentle spirit and the way you encourage everyone on this board.


    You're always so sweet too
    Kathleen, you are always so supportive yourself.

    Keep on keeping on!!!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    robinvan said:

    Rock On!

    Congratulations on another milestone! You continue to be an inspiration to those of us on the journey!

    Please bring my greetings to the Colonpalooza crowd. I would love to be there. My folks will be in St. Augustine as of mid-October. It would have been nice to have planned a combined visit. But alas!!

    Be well... Rob; in Van

    Hey Rob
    We would love to have you too but maybe next year!!!

    I will gladly pass on your greetings in person!!!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Lisa I am soooooo proud of you! What you have accomplished is no less than amazing and I look forward to the next five years with you! Even when your doctor tells you you're cured it's hard to receive that anyway......

    I hope you do some awesome celebrating in Key West (wink wink) embracing your NEDness!

    I think of you every time I put cabbage in my juicer (which is every day).


    peace, emily

    What, no beets!!!!
    You wimp!!!

    Just kidding my triathlon hero and mentor!!!!

    We'll talk next week. I'm curious how you are doing lately!!!

    Much love my dear friend.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    AceSFO said:

    What Great News!!!
    Hi, Lisa!

    It makes my hair stand up reading your post! I'm SO happy for you!! We'll be drinking a toast to your continued good health here in California!! Have a great time in Key West!


    Thank you Adrian
    Toasting new friends is so much fun!!!

    We'll do the same right back at cha sir.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member

    so happy for you
    i am so overjoyed for you right now... to have something like this be cured is truly a miracle.. and a blessing congrats.. and enjoy your life every sec is so precious..
    i no i lost my mom in Aug but her favorite place in the whole world was key west.. it was her Lil piece of heaven... take lots of pics and enjoy your self... what the heck if you are brave enough go get body painted... go wild in the key

    i am so happy for you and i don't even know you but this place gives me comfort and i have found a few friends


    I'm sorry to hear about your Mom Heather
    She obviously had good taste loving Key West. It is such a relaxing place.

    I won 2 Halloween contests many years ago after letting a friend paint my body. I remember it took hours and the paint was not made for human skin so I got really hot and couldn't sweat. I don't think I will be doing it again......too durn old and not hat adventuresome or broke anymore!!

    I know what you mean about this place. I have many dear dear friends that I've met here. Some will be with me in Key West too!!!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    taraHK said:

    You rock!

    You rock! I remember 'meeting' you, so many years ago....Thank you for being such an importance presence on my path -- you have been an inspiration, and a great friend.

    I can understand some mixed emotions as you go through this momentous landmark. I hope that, as it soaks in, you will take more and more deep pleasure. Our friends who have passed would certainly be wanting you to.

    Sorry I won't be with you in Key West -- but I will in spirit!


    Hey Sweetie!!!
    I was cleaning up a few weeks ago and found the piece of paper I wrote everyones addresses on when I sent out the Lance bracelets 5 years ago!!! Can you believe it was that long ago!!!

    You are always with me in spirit and hope you know I am with you too!!!

    Much love, Lisa