3rd chemo tomorrow

xskeetshooter Member Posts: 169
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
i was so scared , when i was going to start. you all were so kind and guided me thru, plus the strength of god. so far its been not bad (touch wood )lost my hair,,thats chalanging to the mind and soul.but it will grow back.on this journey i have met some amazing people , and learned alot mentaly and spiritual too. you hear all the bad everyday on the news , lose your trust in mankind. but there is alot kind, careing, strong ,people out there. i am lucky in alot of ways, i live in canada , so i dont have the worries of money( was shoked on alot of stories on here) i dont have a husband and young children to look after.kids have grown and grandchildren. makes them see nothing is forever on this world. i am so proud how the family pulled together for surpport of each other. i am so blessed....i have 2 more treatments left of the chemo i am on now. then i start taxol mmmm another scary first


  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    You can
    do it Skeets!
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Happy for you
    My first chemo was yesterday and so far, so good. Nurse said I will feel effects on 2nd day most likely rather than the day after. Just my stomach is a little acidy, nothing else. Yes, the hair thing will be a challenge. I'm glad you don't have the worries alot of us have, like me. I don't have a large family. Husband and 2 teen girls, a sister who helps and a few friends say call if I need anything. I think it will work out. Money is a situation, I missed 2 weeks of work, but that will pick up soon. Glad you're doing well and have great support. This site has helped me alot, too!
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    laurissa said:

    Happy for you
    My first chemo was yesterday and so far, so good. Nurse said I will feel effects on 2nd day most likely rather than the day after. Just my stomach is a little acidy, nothing else. Yes, the hair thing will be a challenge. I'm glad you don't have the worries alot of us have, like me. I don't have a large family. Husband and 2 teen girls, a sister who helps and a few friends say call if I need anything. I think it will work out. Money is a situation, I missed 2 weeks of work, but that will pick up soon. Glad you're doing well and have great support. This site has helped me alot, too!

    First chemo
    hi,I am glad your doing ok.I hope it continues.My first day I felt weird feeling.I was a little sleepy.The following week i had a side effect of some kind every day.The bad headache for 2 days was hard.then the muscle pain was tuff.But i have always had reactions to most medicines.two weeks later my arm is broke out in like little hives where they put the chemo IV.do you have a port.I don,t.I will add you to my friends list since we are going through the same steps.take care.I hope you keep feeling ok,and no reactions.(Pat).
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    You can
    do it Skeets!

    I am very happy for you
    I am very happy for you skeets! Your positive attitude is an inspiration!

    ♥ Noel
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    ppurdin said:

    First chemo
    hi,I am glad your doing ok.I hope it continues.My first day I felt weird feeling.I was a little sleepy.The following week i had a side effect of some kind every day.The bad headache for 2 days was hard.then the muscle pain was tuff.But i have always had reactions to most medicines.two weeks later my arm is broke out in like little hives where they put the chemo IV.do you have a port.I don,t.I will add you to my friends list since we are going through the same steps.take care.I hope you keep feeling ok,and no reactions.(Pat).

    Glad that you are doing ok!
    Glad that you are doing ok! I didn't have chemo, and, I admire all of you that go thru it!

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Glad that you are doing ok!
    Glad that you are doing ok! I didn't have chemo, and, I admire all of you that go thru it!


    Happy you got thru it! I
    Happy you got thru it! I hope that the rest of your treatments go well for you also!

  • xskeetshooter
    xskeetshooter Member Posts: 169
    thankyou all
    god bless you all on your journey, what helps me , i think the chemo as knights entering my body to kill the dragons( cancer)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    thankyou all
    god bless you all on your journey, what helps me , i think the chemo as knights entering my body to kill the dragons( cancer)

    xskeetshooter .. good luck with chemo #3 ..
    you will be in my prayers. Love you positive attitude.
