Weight loss during chemo?

laurissa Member Posts: 773
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Does chemo side effects take away appetite? Have any of you lost any weight? I'm a stress eater and have been eating non-stop. I start chemo on Monday and wondering if it will put a lid on my appetite.


  • JGrim
    JGrim Member Posts: 36
    Have you talked to your
    Have you talked to your oncologist about what you will receive for pre-meds? A lot of the time people think they'll lose weight with chemo and then receive steroids before each treatment... I've received steroids for the last year and gained over thirty pounds. I wrote a piece about it on my site (CancerVacation.com, the piece is "cancer can make you fat" in the journal section). Luckily steroid-related weight gain isn't permanent, but it is very uncomfortable.

    Everybody reacts to chemo in their own way, but I wanted to make sure that you were aware that you might be getting steroids before each treatment and that steroids can certainly cause weight gain.

    EDIT: I've been using sparkpeople.com to monitor what I eat and switch to healthier snacks, and that has at least slowed my weight gain. You might look into it.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    I will be taking a steroid
    I will be taking a steroid for 3 days around the start of each round. Dexamethason it's called. Darn it! I sure don't need to gain any more. And I was hoping to lose a few (50).
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    laurissa said:

    I will be taking a steroid
    I will be taking a steroid for 3 days around the start of each round. Dexamethason it's called. Darn it! I sure don't need to gain any more. And I was hoping to lose a few (50).

    I'm overweight, and, a month before my diagnosis, had started an aggressive exercise and healthy eating program at the urging of my primary care physician, so was also hoping that I might at least get some weight loss out of chemo.

    That hasn't happened. But, I'm lucky that the steroids haven't caused any weight gain for me, either, though my oncologist warned me they could. I'm also taking Dexamethasone, as you are, for 2 days before each chemo.

    I'm doing Cytoxan/Taxotere, and I do lose my appetite for a couple of days after each chemo, then I'm so wiped out for the next several days that I don't eat much. So I lose about 5-6 pounds in that first week after each chemo, but I gain it right back the next week.

    What I found was the key to my not gaining back *more* than I lose is to resist the urge to let myself eat whatever I want once I get my appetite back. The first round, I felt really sorry for myself, and said, hey, I'm on chemo -- if I want chocolate cake, I should eat chocolate cake!

    Since then, once I get my appetite back, I try to just get back to healthy eating and exercise -- my oncologist has pounded into my head that I have to keep up moderate exercise (he suggested walking) *throughout* chemo to help fight fatigue. And, of course, that helps me with maintaining my weight, too.

    JGrim is totally right that everyone reacts differently. But I would say to try to focus on eating healthy (which will also help your body recover better from the chemo) and exercise.

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    I'm overweight, and, a month before my diagnosis, had started an aggressive exercise and healthy eating program at the urging of my primary care physician, so was also hoping that I might at least get some weight loss out of chemo.

    That hasn't happened. But, I'm lucky that the steroids haven't caused any weight gain for me, either, though my oncologist warned me they could. I'm also taking Dexamethasone, as you are, for 2 days before each chemo.

    I'm doing Cytoxan/Taxotere, and I do lose my appetite for a couple of days after each chemo, then I'm so wiped out for the next several days that I don't eat much. So I lose about 5-6 pounds in that first week after each chemo, but I gain it right back the next week.

    What I found was the key to my not gaining back *more* than I lose is to resist the urge to let myself eat whatever I want once I get my appetite back. The first round, I felt really sorry for myself, and said, hey, I'm on chemo -- if I want chocolate cake, I should eat chocolate cake!

    Since then, once I get my appetite back, I try to just get back to healthy eating and exercise -- my oncologist has pounded into my head that I have to keep up moderate exercise (he suggested walking) *throughout* chemo to help fight fatigue. And, of course, that helps me with maintaining my weight, too.

    JGrim is totally right that everyone reacts differently. But I would say to try to focus on eating healthy (which will also help your body recover better from the chemo) and exercise.


    One more suggestion...
    The ACS has a great booklet called "Nutrition for the Person with Cancer During Treatment." You can get a free copy sent to you if you call the ACS, or read it on their website. I've found it really helpful throughout my treatment.

  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Traciln is Right
    Traciln has some great advice. Get the nutrition book. It will help you know what to eat should you experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea during treatment.

    My weight fluctuates. I lose weight after chemo but then I gain it back after the first week or so. After my first round, I lost 15 pounds and the docs and nurses got on my case pretty hard. See, it is not good to lose weight too fast or really at all. It is hard on your body as it tries to replace your red and white cells that drop after chemo. Loss of weight also makes you weaker as you are typically weak after a chemo session.

    Oh, the other thing that took care of my weight loss was going into menopause. The chemo drugs did that. Now my tummy is poochy and rock hard. I kind of got the plumber thing going on. One of my female docs laughed and said welcome to menopause. I laughed too. What are you gonna do?

    Good luck.

  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    Hi Laurissa
    Steroids do increase the appetite unfortunately. For me though, I stayed pretty stable. I was on adriamycin/cytoxin for the first 4 sessions which were done every 2 wks. My appetite was awful for about the first week then it came back for week 2 then we started over again. A/C is not fun. But generally my weight is what it is. I made sure I walked, did yoga, and I was back at work so that seemed to help.

    Hang in there
    Linda T
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Chemo and Appetite
    I started with my chemo treatment( Taxotere, Carboplatin, Hercepin) about ten days ago and noticed my appetite dropped. Certain smells bothered me( coffee, eggs, perfume) and I just didn't feel like eating. That is an usual thing for me because I do enjoy eating. Mind you, I also had an array of symptoms( heartburn, fatigue, soreness, constipation, headaches)

    I lost about 8 pounds after the first session. My mouth/tongue are still tender. The other day a friend and I went out for some Thai food. We each ordered a dish and shared our food. I paid the price several hours later because my mouth was smarting. Had cottage cheese with corn tortillas for dinner after that. It took several days for my mouth to recover. It just showed my that I wasn't ready for certain foods.

    Chemo is temporary. As inconvenient as it is, take heart in knowing that this phase will pass and you will be able to eat with no worries. One of the things I have been doing is walking. I try and walk in the morning to help with the recovery period. It helps with stamina and energy. I feel, at times, like I am training for a marathon with these chemo sessions. I have decided to be proactive and do something good for my body to ensure the recovery period wont be so bad.

    I wish you well on your journey.

    Bella Luna
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    Don't worry about your weight. Just make sure you are eating healthy and often which helps nausia. I'm taking steriods with my Taxol/Hereceptin treatment and I had A/C before that and my weight has stayed the same . Some weeks I'll gain a couple of pounds then the next I'll lose them. Just wait and see how you will feel with the treatment plan you will have. Most of my problem is everything taste awful to me. I have to try and figure out what I feel like eating! Some days it's hard. I make myself eat,so I can beat this the best I know how!! Hugs, Diane
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Laurissa, That's me, front
    Laurissa, That's me, front row second from bottom right at the Women's Celebration Run in Boise a couple of weeks ago. I lost 30 pounds during 6 months of chemo and rads (May-October last year). I just didn't feel like eating.Chemo was dose dense cytoxin/adriamycin, then paclitaxol. I was given a steroid for nausea during chemo. We are all so different. Just try to eat healthy, take vitamins, and exercise the best you can. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    Hi Laurissa,
    I lost weight - I tend to go the other way - when I'm worried, upset, nervous I quit eating. I also had dense-dose A/C (chemo every two weeks) and was really nauseated. My second drug was taxol and I wasn't as nauseated but had no appetite - nothing sounded, looked, smelled good at all. I did force myself to eat and drank those shakes that help you put weight on. I only lost about 10 pounds and it's been almost 6 weeks since my last chemo and I've put it all back on almost. Like you've read, we are all different and thankfully it won't last forever! You'll be ok - maybe it's good you've been eating a little extra if you lose some during chemo. Just try to eat healthy and get some exercise every day if you can - that helps with the feeling so tired! Take care!
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    I was told by the diet. that
    I was told by the diet. that most women gain between 10 -20 pounds while going through chemo and breast cancer treatment. plus the wonderful steroids they give you to prevent a reaction to the chemo make you ravenous... So for now.. just focus on treatment.. worry about your weight when your through this bolder in the road.. put if you can try to make sensible food choices.. While I was getting chemo the only things that tasted good where sweet and salty foods.. now that I am finished with chemo and have my regular appetite back I have been making better food choices and some of those chemo pounds are coming off...

    Good luck on monday
  • JGrim
    JGrim Member Posts: 36
    e_hope said:

    I was told by the diet. that
    I was told by the diet. that most women gain between 10 -20 pounds while going through chemo and breast cancer treatment. plus the wonderful steroids they give you to prevent a reaction to the chemo make you ravenous... So for now.. just focus on treatment.. worry about your weight when your through this bolder in the road.. put if you can try to make sensible food choices.. While I was getting chemo the only things that tasted good where sweet and salty foods.. now that I am finished with chemo and have my regular appetite back I have been making better food choices and some of those chemo pounds are coming off...

    Good luck on monday

    You know, not only do
    You know, not only do steroids make you ravenous, but frequently steroids will actually change the way your body processes food. Lots of women think that if they merely watch what they eat they can avoid gaining weight on steroids and while that's true for some women and some steroids it's definitely not true for others. I would focus on healthy eating and if you gain or lose while in treatment then that's what happens. Hopefully you'll develop good eating habits that will allow you to reach a healthy weight after treatment is finished.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    JGrim said:

    You know, not only do
    You know, not only do steroids make you ravenous, but frequently steroids will actually change the way your body processes food. Lots of women think that if they merely watch what they eat they can avoid gaining weight on steroids and while that's true for some women and some steroids it's definitely not true for others. I would focus on healthy eating and if you gain or lose while in treatment then that's what happens. Hopefully you'll develop good eating habits that will allow you to reach a healthy weight after treatment is finished.

    I gained weight during
    I gained weight during chemo, I thought that I would have lost weight. I was told it was the steroids, JGrim is right, some women gain weight on steroids even though they are not eating alot.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Oh nuts!
    I sure don't need to gain anymore. I've got to watch it. Bought alot of soups today. Tomorrow is the first chemo day, hope all goes well. I'm a bit nervous.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    laurissa said:

    Oh nuts!
    I sure don't need to gain anymore. I've got to watch it. Bought alot of soups today. Tomorrow is the first chemo day, hope all goes well. I'm a bit nervous.

    Good Luck
    tomorrow! It brings you one step closer! Think positive! It's good that you are preparing for it. There's been alot of good suggestions on the foods to stock up on. Let us know how you're doing.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Cat64 said:

    Good Luck
    tomorrow! It brings you one step closer! Think positive! It's good that you are preparing for it. There's been alot of good suggestions on the foods to stock up on. Let us know how you're doing.

    Hope you bought lots of
    Hope you bought lots of water too. I liked to eat applesauce with cinnamon, cold sandwiches, yogurt, scrambled eggs were awesome. I think you will be suprised that chemo is not as bad as you may think. I was tired, oh yeah, i don't know if you saw some of the other posts but constipation is a problem. I took stool softener, ask your oncologist about this, because that can be a major problem. Well good luck at chemo, there will be other women there going through the same thing.
  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    laurissa said:

    Oh nuts!
    I sure don't need to gain anymore. I've got to watch it. Bought alot of soups today. Tomorrow is the first chemo day, hope all goes well. I'm a bit nervous.

    Weight Gain - Ugh!
    I have spent the last 9 months losing 55 pounds and now I may look forward to gaining some of it back. Well, at least the methods I used to lose the weight was a nutrition change and exercise. I am eating alot healthier now which hopefully I can maintain once chemo starts. I am sure my appetite will fluctuate and some foods I love will not be as pleasing. I see the ACS local office tomorrow for some info and will try to get the nutrition book. But if I gain weight and lose the cancer, I figure it's a good trade. I can always lose the weight again. My original goal had been to be under 200 pounds by my 60th BD on 10/27. I'm 14 pounds shy but can live with that right now.
    I like the idea of continuing to exercise. While I'm getting my PT for my arm, I can use the gym facilities. Since walking in Hawaii's heat isn't much fun, I'll do the airconditioned treadmill as long as I am able.
    Good luck and warm hugs for tomorrow. Let me know how chem goes. I will be on T/
    C cocktail with no Herceptin by mid October.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    I know that they do not want you worried about your weight during chemo! I lost weight because chemo did a number on my taste buds and I couldn't taste anything-and what I could taste tasted horrible except for a few things! But my onc told me that most of the time women gained weight from the chemo drugs I had.
  • ruthielaine
    ruthielaine Member Posts: 59
    Weight gain/loss
    I have heard different stories - my friend lost weight even with the steroids but thats because she totally changed her eating habits. I just bought a book called "The Cancer Lifeline Cookbook" by Kimberly Mathai - There's also another good one called "Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Dr. Patrick Quillan. I recommend them both not just to keep your weight in check but more importantly to fight the cancer with healthy food. The Lifeline Cookbook also gives alot of recipes. Coupled with a walking program I feel I'm going to fight the battle of the bulge as best I can plus help my body fight the cancer. don't stress yourself out too much about it though - just try to stay healthy and stay away from the sugar - sugar feeds cancer cells. Love and Prayers to you through your journey.

  • JGrim
    JGrim Member Posts: 36

    Weight gain/loss
    I have heard different stories - my friend lost weight even with the steroids but thats because she totally changed her eating habits. I just bought a book called "The Cancer Lifeline Cookbook" by Kimberly Mathai - There's also another good one called "Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Dr. Patrick Quillan. I recommend them both not just to keep your weight in check but more importantly to fight the cancer with healthy food. The Lifeline Cookbook also gives alot of recipes. Coupled with a walking program I feel I'm going to fight the battle of the bulge as best I can plus help my body fight the cancer. don't stress yourself out too much about it though - just try to stay healthy and stay away from the sugar - sugar feeds cancer cells. Love and Prayers to you through your journey.


    It could also be that your
    It could also be that your friend reacts differently to steroids. I know of two people that gained while on steroids and one was seeing a nutritionist and training for a marathon (she was running thirty miles a week minimum) and the other was barely managing to eat sugar-free popsicles. I'm not saying that people shouldn't try to eat healthier - they totally should and this will help them to maintain a healthy weight after they're done with treatment. I just don't want people to get the idea that when they gain weight on steroids it's just because of what they eat, because some steroids in some people do change the way that you process food enough to cause weight gain no matter what. Because society tells us that our weight gain is our fault no matter what these women are knocking themselves out to lose weight at a time when they really need to be focused on getting enough nutrition and being happy, you know?

    When someone loses their hair to chemo, everyone acknowledges it, says it sucks, and reinforces the knowledge that it's a temporary evil on the path to recovery. Nobody says "you're not bald" and there are even organizations devoted to providing people with wigs and hats to get through this phase of treatment. It is just as inevitable (with some drugs) that women will gain weight, but they don't admit it, their friends don't acknowledge it ("You're not fat! You can't have gained weight!"), and nobody helps you buy new pants to get through until yours fit again. Society has trained us for so long that our weight is something that we can absolutely control that we're afraid to admit to gaining any even though it's just an unpleasant, temporary side effect the same as hair loss. That's why I'm working on that guide on my site on how to make new clothes for free or cheap and that journal piece on weight gain... I want people to realize they can get through this the same way they get through being bald. It sucks, but it's not forever.